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Off Topic Many Worlds Interpretation of the Universe

Discussion in 'Sunderland' started by Flash Gordon, Feb 21, 2020.

  1. Flash Gordon

    Flash Gordon Well-Known Member

    Oct 11, 2019
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    The Many Worlds Interpretation of the universe in layman's terms is the idea that there are an infinite number of parallel universes where every circumstance is happening simultaneously. Every time you make a decision, there is another universe playing out where you made a different decision.

    The idea alone is almost incomprehensible but it leads to so many possibilities, and it happens to be one of my favourite subjects for a novel - the multi-verse, alternative history or dystopian novels are all a version of the same theme. Usually these events are those on a mass scale (what if the Nazis won, what if Kennedy survived etc.) but the possibilities are endless.

    In a different universe, Fletcher scored in the 2014 League cup final and we went on to win. We had a European adventure and Poyet spent the extra funds we had on Virgil Van Dijk.

    Or on a grander scale, what if Al Gore had won the 2000 election? It's certain that the reaction to 9/11 would have been different and perhaps he would have introduced climate change policies which turned America onto a different path. A path that likely didn't have a President Trump, but also never had a President Obama.

    On a personal level I like the idea that essentially everything is possible (and is actually happening), meaning that there is no reason why this world can't be the one where I succeed in all facets of my life.

    If anyone has any book recommendations based on this genre (not on Steven Fletcher), I'd be interested to hear them... Or indeed any wild theories or thoughts on the subject matter itself.

    And before anyone else says it... There are multiple universes where I didn't bore anyone with this thread :emoticon-0102-bigsm
    Robertson, Draig and rooch 3 like this.
  2. Flash Gordon

    Flash Gordon Well-Known Member

    Oct 11, 2019
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    In another universe someone even replied to this thread...
  3. Nacho

    Nacho Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2011
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    It's fascinating to think about but I never feel like I've fully understood infinite space, every time I get close my head hurts. Space has to be infinite and that means there must be a planet where I'm typing this wearing a top hat and one where I'm underwater and one where I've got the legs of an emu but it's so far fetched it's almost impossible to believe. But it has to be the case if space is truly infinite. Which it has to be because it's impossible for there to be an end to it.

    I 100% believe in alien life I think it's beyond arrogant to think we're the only planet in the universe with life on it, hell there might be life or evidence of past life on the planets in our solar system if we could get to them to find out, never mind the countless trillions of other solar systems.
  4. Flash Gordon

    Flash Gordon Well-Known Member

    Oct 11, 2019
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    Is there no part of your mind right now that wants this to be the planet where you wear a top hat whilst typing? :emoticon-0140-rofl:

    I agree with you're saying regarding alien life - it absolutely must exist, it's a statistical impossibility for it not too.

    Beyond that, it's tough to comprehend anything without giving myself a headache, but I do like the theory of a multi-verse
    Nacho likes this.
  5. Ozzymac

    Ozzymac Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2019
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    In an alternative universe i dated supermodel triplets who wanted nothing more than to please me anyway they could.
    Flash Gordon likes this.
  6. safc-noggieland

    safc-noggieland Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    A subject I have long been drawn to. Even have a little twist to it. Now I’m for the first time setting these quite ridiculous thoughts down on paper (as it were).
    OK - an infinitesimal number of parallel worlds is not quite - but an infinitesimal scenarios of consciousness. Consider how many have experienced ‘close calls’ where a wrong foot, bad brake, chance has happened when you think ****!! That could have been curtains.
    Well this numberless worlds/stages whatever we inhabit there is only one conscious world. So perhaps one of these lucky occurences actually led to your demise - but you hop consciosness to the nearest paralell.
    Whallah - we continue in the identical world where we DID NOT die without recall of the previous consciousness.
    This explains whyeveryone else dies early (sometimes) but never us !!
    I know there is a good Sci-fi novel in there somewhere
    Please feel free any budding novelists out to nick this.
    Right - time to open another bottle.
    Flash Gordon likes this.
  7. Flash Gordon

    Flash Gordon Well-Known Member

    Oct 11, 2019
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    Does that mean there is a world out there full of decrepit old people who can't die or is it only accidents that we "hop" from?
  8. Flash Gordon

    Flash Gordon Well-Known Member

    Oct 11, 2019
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    And in 3rd universe, they all had penises. :emoticon-0140-rofl:
  9. Ozzymac

    Ozzymac Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2019
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    Yeah, but i had big chebs and was a slut :emoticon-0105-wink:
    Draig, Bank of England 2 and rooch 3 like this.
  10. safc-noggieland

    safc-noggieland Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    No of vourse we die eventually - a natural death at the end of our lives. But we all inhabit ‘our own’ conscious arena. Joe Bloggs my neighbour died yesterday in a skiing accident - BUT only in my personal world. He continues in his paralell world which was identical in every way until the ‘accident’.
    Simple really :emoticon-0110-tongu
    Robertson likes this.

  11. Nacho

    Nacho Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2011
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    What about the planet where Sunderland have won the quintuple for the past 50 years and every one of their supporters is rich and married to the fittest women imaginable, must exist right? Lucky bastards. I'd settle for one where Allardyce didn't get offered the England job and we bought M'Vila instead of Ndong.
  12. Letalent

    Letalent Member

    Jan 31, 2011
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    Contrary to the multiverse is the universe in which space and time are infinite and interdimensional, so all things come to pass and one single consciousness lives infinite different lives without knowledge of the others (apart from the odd past life memory) and so everyone else in that moment is a dummy just waiting its turn to receive the consciousness to self-experience itself.

    Therefore you have been each of the 3 supermodels, and yourself, and the fly on the wall, and me, and we are all one in turn.
    Flash Gordon likes this.
  13. Nathan Brazil

    Nathan Brazil Well-Known Member

    Jul 20, 2015
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    Alternaties by Michael Kube McDowell (memory) was canny, only dealt with a few alternatives rather than squillions.
    Haven't read it for yonks mind.
    Flash Gordon likes this.
  14. The Norton Cat

    The Norton Cat Well-Known Member

    Oct 8, 2015
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  15. gelders pie

    gelders pie Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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    If we're alone ---- that's scary
    If we're not alone--- that's scary.
    Not my words, can't remember who said it
  16. Nacho

    Nacho Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2011
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    I think there's zero chance we're alone but there seems to be almost no chance that life from another planet would spend thousands (millions?) of years travelling to us. We're just so far apart that I can't see it ever happening if it's not possible to travel at the speed of light.

    If the little green men ever did show up I doubt it'd be to say hi given the journey they'd have gone through.
  17. gelders pie

    gelders pie Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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    If they have the intelligence to know of earth, and to be able to travel, it'll be because our planet has something they want. We wouldn't walk to Australia to meet up with a few house flies
  18. Bizarreknives

    Bizarreknives Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Worm holes. There must be a race out there that has the technology to get to us in seconds if they wanted to.
  19. safc-noggieland

    safc-noggieland Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    Great minds :emoticon-0110-tongu<cheers>
  20. Haggisbag

    Haggisbag Active Member

    Jan 28, 2011
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    Can you imagine an infinite number of possibilities at every almost infinite number of moments in time? Only a microscopically tiny number of those could be physically viable and all the others would be doomed to crash and burn. I think the concept of a multiverse applies to the founding physical principles in any given universe at the moment of its creation (Big Bang or whatever). It may well be possible that there is another universe where, for instance, the speed of light is slightly different or universal constants are different. This would lead to a whole universe that would be inconceivable to us. Most other possible universes simply would not hang together in any physical way.
    The idea of microscopically tiny differences between an almost infinite number of universes is beyond ludicrous - in my opinion.
    Incidentally, I don't believe in the concept of infinity or absolute zero as one requires the acceptance of the other to define it.
    Robertson likes this.

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