Relatively new to this board, but it's clear you're a good guy-, based on the preceding comments. All the best for the op mate. It'll give you a new lease of life. My new knees did. Come back soon la.
Same mate. He's a good bloke and his girls rely on him. I think everybody on here is wishing the best for him.
Yeah same, he didn’t say when his Op was but I’m guessing he may well have had it by now. Hope everything went well and he’s on the road to recovery.
There is no 'This is your Life' thread today with it being the 19th. Thoughts of Burley and hoping all is well with Joe. We all come in different sizes, shape and colours, thus we are human beings please log in to view this image
BH was purley 4th from left. He'd cuss at the others. 9 years next week i've been on this forum.Seen so many come and go. BH was part of the original mental Sunderland board. Same as Joe and Billy etc. Far to many have left us, and as for Joe. He's the strongest fighter i've known online. That man is a true warrior. See you up there one day BH, but hopefully not to soon. please log in to view this image
Hey All..Yeah.. its been a year.,, Can't explain it at all... all I want is my Burly back!! In truth, how I feel?? Its ****ty!! There I said it! But have we been doing? Well that I can tell you guys.. My BH and I talked about giving back to the teams that cared and supported him through treatment, recovery and care. We came up with 2 charities close to our hearts, one targeting cancer research, patient support and raising awareness (not the big usually ones but small charity run by volunteers including me). The other, a local hospice for both recovery and palliative care (and they cared for my BH and me so well). With my grown-up kids in tow, I tough mudded (WTF was I thinking??? ... ****ing mud and bruises I couldn't tell the difference!! ) in October 2019... and last June we climbed a mountain in western Ireland (felt like bloody 3 mountains - and my daughter like her dad left me and her husband for ****ing dust!!!) Loss is ****ty... in the last year I lost my BH, my best mate in Ireland lost her husband 40 days after BH to ****ing cancer too... and then last week I lost my only and fave uncle to lung cancer... There are also a few close friends who are under treatment (thinking of you bruv JoE) and some in palliative care. But then there are some good news stories of recovery and remission too. Our best wishes and thoughts go to them all. How the hell am I still functioning... who the **** knows... BH would say "Get the **** up woman!! Life is full of ****!! Just get on with it!! Am here with you!!" So I am... and my message to you all ... wherever you may be in the world, please take a minute and all join together to remember all our loved ones who we have lost due to illness or tragedy, friends and family who are under treatment, in recovery and for those being cared for in their final days. This weekend, we were at the MK Dons vs Sunderland... BH went with me of course... 17 of us went (MK Dons Customer services we really cool and treated us to the club facilities)... they read out a dedication at half time (if you guys were there, you may have heard it) and we won!! ****ing awesome! Later, we had a gathering at our local, with food, DJ and loadsa booze... and cake... am attaching the photo... I spoke to a mate who makes cakes for a famous dept store in London... told him BH's story and I drew out the concept I wanted and he came up with this awesome cake... The tree, represents our 250 year old oak tree, there were 60 red/white memory ribbons representing BH's mackem roots and SAFC in essence.. and the black panther/cat with BH's blue eyes ... the cake filling was choc chai(tea) 2 of his fave things...
Great post Mrs H. Thanks for popping in with your update it’s always nice to read your posts. The cake is great, nice touch with the ribbons. He’d have been in the doghouse long before the cake was sliced mind, he had a special corner of this world where he would spend most of his Saturday nights after he got home to a bollocking for drinking those extra few pints and coming home to a cold Biryani. I’d like to think he’s still got some sort of doghouse, wherever he may be. RIP big man, even though you told us all you were early 50’s we’ll let that one slide. X
Thanks Tel, I reckon he would be also putting his head in his hands say "I've created a ****ing monster out of the wife!! She ****ing goes to pub more than I did!! WTF?? The lads have even given her own ****ing stool under 'Bullshit Corner' too!!?!? And she downs a Guinness!!! What's the world coming too?!?You give them the ****ing vote... " I miss the banter... Aah those cold biryanis and the days he used to end up in a boggy field talking to a horses arse!! The time I made him walk behind the car (his car) after a night of getting happy drunk and getting stuck in mud (don't know how he did that)! Those were the fun days ... I wish I had a doghouse for him... his ****ing goofy smile and blue eyes always won me over... He was always 29 and 3/4s in our house bw Mrs BH