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Our fans are disgusting

Discussion in 'Sunderland' started by marcusblackcat, Nov 26, 2019.

  1. clockstander

    clockstander Well-Known Member

    Nov 6, 2013
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    Deservedly so imo he is not the only one of course, but he is the worst by far, pity you cant see it.
  2. LAMackem

    LAMackem Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2011
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    That's your opinion mate and like all other posts on here I respect it. I would assume you would include Big Sam in the sergeant major mob too? Would also take him back in a heart beat as well. If I remember correctly the last six months of Keano was when our good friend Ellis took over. I think in hindsight that was going to be like my first two marriages...it was never going to work. Keane for a 'rookie' manager took us from second bottom of the Championship into the Premier League in his first season. Not a bad achievement I think. To me it takes years to learn that trade so I think he would look back on his time with us as a great learning curve. He has no doubt charisma and in many eyes very inspirational. His biggest quality to me is that he didn't suffer fools......that is where he would be a big plus for us now.
    rooch 3 likes this.
  3. Nordic

    Nordic Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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    good shout that Tees. McGlovin is shocking
    clockstander and billybuspass like this.
  4. Bank of England 2

    Bank of England 2 Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2019
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    Spot on mate. It was the manner in which we conceded the 2nd goal that pissed the fans off. They practically walked the ball into the net. Our midfield was non-existent, McLaughlin didn't put his foot in, and Hume was dawdling behind their scorer.

    If the opposition score a well worked goal then fair play to them, but we offered no resistance at all. Not acceptable.
    Sunderpitt likes this.
  5. Bank of England 2

    Bank of England 2 Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2019
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    If 09 is an average L1 Player, then the rest of the ****ers must be average L2 players. Lynch, for example, was f*ckin dogshit.
  6. Jack TheLad

    Jack TheLad Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Don't disagree.

    There are a multitude of reasons we are where we are.
  7. billybuspass

    billybuspass Member

    Sep 25, 2019
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    Dunno if it’s been mentioned but has anyone watched pps post match interview he looked totally shell shocked coming out with cliches while all the time not being able to look the interviewer or the cameras straight on ............. sorry like he’s just not up to it is he.
  8. Zig81

    Zig81 Well-Known Member

    Sep 29, 2019
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    OP has had a bit of a mare here like.

    Fancy labelling our fans disgusting, worra ****in knacka.
  9. MrRAWhite

    MrRAWhite Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    I have said it for years now.. Our ultra negative support at home games is a major part of our decline..
  10. Bigmackem

    Bigmackem Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2019
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    How many sets of fans would try and get behind a very poor side where half the players think they are better than they are and appear to not care whether they are here or not , I agree patience is in short supply but is it any wonder . The basics of being able to pass the ball a short distance , even experienced players are not taking responsibility , in front of the East Stand Grant Leadbitter passed a terrible ball to Denver Hume and bawled and shouted at him when he misplaced his pass , sorry Grant you were to blame not Denver . That is the case throughout the team I would love to know what drills they do on the training pitches . The fans got behind the team in the second half but when Burton scored the team got worse and worse and needless to say the fans turned on them and in this case the team performance was disgusting not the fans .
    Bank of England 2 likes this.

  11. E.T. Fairfax

    E.T. Fairfax Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2012
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    Not surprised really, they are sick of watching ****e. What does surprise me is the fact that they still pay good money to watch it, to sit in nervous silence, and to boo when things inevitably go tits up.
  12. The Berk

    The Berk Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2019
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    Are the fans negative when we’re winning or just when we’re ****e week after week, month after month, year after year.
    smithy in nl likes this.
  13. marcusblackcat

    marcusblackcat SAFC Sheriff
    Forum Moderator

    Jan 25, 2011
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    If you read all of my posts on here, the fans were behind the team until the goal. Had they remained behind the team who knows what might have happened. They turned and the performance turned. Not the other way around I can tell you.

    I’ve coached and watched u10s to u15s (where my son plays) and one mistake by a kid which gets parents negativity spreads through the entire team. Imagine that multiplied by 10000. The boos were loud from the second they scored.

    I’m not saying we would’ve won, just that we’d have had more chance had the fans stayed with the players fir even another 5-10 minutes
    clockstander likes this.
  14. Roker Mackem

    Roker Mackem Active Member

    Sep 25, 2019
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    You're talking utter rubbish though arent you?
  15. rooch 3

    rooch 3 Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Highly unlikely mate it’s a known fact it’s the borrowers
  16. Class of 73

    Class of 73 Well-Known Member

    Nov 11, 2012
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    By you logic Marcus we are doomed then? A massive stadium only half full on Tuesday, maybe less than half on Saturday, etc etc. if this carries on, it may be akin to when we play in a cup game with only a few thousand at a home game. A typical League 1 side but with all the fund draining costs of the stadium.

    There, to me, is part of the issue, as a spread out support creates echoes in the ground. This would I imagine, start to unnerve some footballers
    Equally, strong attacking and disciplined football side with a strong leader on the pitch, appeals to the fans and that leads to success. I would applaud at the end of a game if our team were beaten by a better side and would look forward to their next challenge; in that situation i would expect a lot more wins than losses.

    ATM I live in despair about the sorry choices that have been made by this club over the last few years, with the only bright light in that time being the ‘6-in-a-row’. The passion that lives within our supporters has been repeatedly battered, but 27000 still turned up on Tuesday. Parkinson, the players and the hierarchy need to grasp that positive and start to look at what could be with some better tactics, discipline and effort and show the fans that they also believe.

    Without that? We will all turn into alcoholics with the pain... but KTF
  17. marcusblackcat

    marcusblackcat SAFC Sheriff
    Forum Moderator

    Jan 25, 2011
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    I didn't clap them off as they didn't deserve it - what I tried to do on 70 minutes was get some people around me to get behind them again - I felt intimidated by our fans - because I dared to try to arouse some support (I think my wording of this was on the back of being pissed off about that - probably a bit too strong)

    End of a game they can do what they want, but, for those who boo during a game, I'd like to know what they expect to gain from it? Do they expect these players (a lot of whom are youngsters) to improve performance? The only ones I saw it "not affect" in our ranks were McGeady and Leadbitter - but they're old heads and have seen it before. (Although Leadbitter was simply just as bad after as he was before!)

    I am an eternal optimist but even I can;t see a way out of our current predicament. Wonder how those shouting for Ross to be sacked are feeling right now. "Too many draws" - well at least that doesn't happen anymore!!
    rooch 3 and cumbrianmackem like this.
  18. The Berk

    The Berk Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2019
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    The fans are frustrated because of the team not just this season but the previous years. I can’t ever believe we contributed to the defeat on Tuesday or at any other time, we’ve been more than patient over the years. . We’ll just have to disagree and leave it there.
  19. The Berk

    The Berk Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2019
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    For what it’s worth I don’t ever boo and similar to yourself I try to cheer no matter what garbage I watch. I’m also a head in the sand red n white glasses as staunch as they come happy clapper type. We just disagree on the fans being to blame for the defeat.
    marcusblackcat likes this.
  20. marcusblackcat

    marcusblackcat SAFC Sheriff
    Forum Moderator

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Fair enough - but, as I said in my later post, what positive effect can booing during a game at players who are low on confidence have?

    I didn't blame the fans for defeat - I simply blamed them for the performance over the last 20 minutes and I will stand by that
    Nig and The Berk like this.

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