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The #LUFC Breakfast Debate (Fri 25th October)

Discussion in 'Leeds United' started by ellandback, Oct 25, 2019.

  1. ellandback

    ellandback Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    Mar 30, 2011
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    Good Morning. It's Friday 25th October, and here are the Leeds Utd headlines

    Bielsa target available half price

    According to a report from Algerian outlet Competition, Algerian International Baghdad Bounedjah could be available for around half his £13 million asking price.

    Bounedjah has one of the most impressive strike-rates in world football. The 27-year-old has scored seven goals in four league appearances this season, a feat that could only be beaten by Eddie Nketiah if you collate the number of minutes he has played.

    He bagged 39 goals in 22 games last term, attracting the interest of Marseille and Lille who are also monitoring the situation.

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    Bielsa - Bamford will not be dropped

    In a lengthy explanation at his pre match press conference, Bielsa explained his reasoning why Bamford is ahead of Nketiah in the pecking order.

    “We cannot talk about Bamford when it’s necessary to talk in comparison with Nketiah. I know that it’s not your intention.

    “But what I say about Bamford is going to be compared with what I say about Nketiah. So to talk about Patrick is more useful to describe Nketiah.

    “Nketiah has developed at one club, Arsenal, and has to play at Leeds. I am not comparing the level of both. But you can see clearly the performance in one team or the other team. We don’t have the players who win the match themselves.

    “Big teams, like Arsenal, they have a lot of players that can win one match with one play. This is natural Nketiah has developed in this school.

    “And he has all the resources, skills, to resolve the needs of scoring one goal. But we need to build the chance at goal. And we cannot build the chances if we don’t have a structure within all the players to create the chances.

    I think what the Argentine is trying to say that Nketiah does not contribute enough to build up play but surely when you have a prolific goal scorer who has a 100% scoring record for the England U21's (8 in 8) surely the more important aspect is to have your best striker on the end of these chances?

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    Monk - Leeds players were scared to play at Elland Road because it was such a demanding ground

    Garry Monk has been speaking ahead of the Yorkshire Derby and reveals the difference between the two clubs.

    “In terms of the size of the club and the backing and the history and things like that, of course there are similarities.

    “But I think this club is in a totally different situation. When I walked into Leeds, there was a lot of disharmony and fractiousness between the players and the fans and the off-field stuff there with the owner at the time.

    “It was a big thing at the time, the players were scared to play at Elland Road because it was such a demanding ground.

    “But we connected all that together, there is no denying that. That was not just me; that was everyone. I think we gave that spirit back to the club. That is what I am proud of most probably in that period, being able to do that at such a big club.

    “Here there is not that (initial) problem with the crowd, they are already behind the team.”

    Both clubs have been out of the Premier League for a number of seasons now but (saying) that does not change that.

    “We might play it down, but there is no getting away from it, that is what we are here for, you take that challenge on. I took that challenge on there.

    “I am proud of the work we did there. I see the same here; an expectation, but one we want to meet the challenge for and try to take it forward.

    “In terms of wanting to be back in the Premier League, like a lot of big clubs, they (Leeds) will feel the same.”

    “The expectation is that they will be back where they feel they belong, which is the Premier League.

    “But this game is not about that. It is about Sheffield Wednesday, it’s about a big, historic club like this and us putting it back in the place that we want to go to,” he said.

    “It will take a lot of work, it is a big job and there is a lot of work to go to be able to do that, but we are taking small steps early in my reign and we need to continue to do that.”

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  2. ristac

    ristac Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    Jun 23, 2011
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    Morning all, let’s hope Monks words inspire the team
  3. Old Git

    Old Git Well-Known Member

    Oct 26, 2012
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    we are taking small steps early in my reign

    Thinks he's the King ?
    Whitejock likes this.
  4. Gessa

    Gessa Well-Known Member

    Apr 24, 2018
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    Monk did the double over us last season, playing some of the most dire football I've had the misfortune to witness, that coupled with his players going down at ease, and staying down continuing to fool the refs, so expect more of the same tomorrow.

    Bielsa is probably making the most controversial decision he's made here by playing Bamford tomorrow, some moans and groans about him over the last few weeks, some questioning is tenure, defeat tomorrow and another poor Bamford display and that discontent will grow....unfortunately
    OLOF, davy, Whitejock and 2 others like this.
  5. leeds60

    leeds60 Well-Known Member

    Jun 3, 2011
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    Totally agree with gesa and good morning to Matt Doc WJ and Rik from a dull Bardsey
    I think we have to put the Monk myth to bed he left because he had no money to spend with his mate the agent and so he spent £50m at Boro on rubbish I think that there is only Asambalonga left so I think we can put his excuses to bed
    He did not get us in the top6 yet a year later with more or less the same squad we finished 3 say no more
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2019
  6. ellandback

    ellandback Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    Mar 30, 2011
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    Old Git, where have you been?

    We've been worried about you!!! <yikes>
  7. Doc

    Doc Well-Known Member

    Feb 1, 2011
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    Sad times when we get fans wanting rid of the best manager this club has had since Wilkinson and maybe DoL. sitting 2nd in the league, playing the best football we can remember, having rebuilt the academy thats now producing again. Why do they want shut of Bielsa? Because now his club record is crap and he prefers Bamford over Eddy, oh and maybe because Radz hasnt got the money to buy top end players. Makes no difference that our players love the man, makes no difference that top managers love the man, makes no difference that some of the best players in the world call him a genius.........nobody more frustrated and angry as me this season when we've thrown away points because we could and should have been miles clear at the top. But the common denominator in why we are so good is Bielsa.
    gombawn, blonogasoven, davy and 7 others like this.
  8. Eireleeds1

    Eireleeds1 Well-Known Member

    May 14, 2011
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    Morning all. See nothing wrong with Monks statement. Don't like him but that seems accurate. Don't see too many wanting Bielsa out but I see loads unhappy with aspects of his management. Nothing wrong with that as to date he hasn't achieved with us what he was brought in for ie promotion. He's had his say on signings, who and how many to be brought in and who he wanted out, Saiz and Jansson. Therefore he will be rightly judged in May on results and position in table, not on pretty passing football around the middle of the park. If he fails to go up again, hell likely leave anyway regardless of what any fans say and well move on as usual hopefully to a setup like Wolves and Leicester now enjoy
    Nickwhite68 likes this.
  9. lifecheshirewhite

    Feb 5, 2011
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    All true but also plain to see, without more up front we aren't good enough to go up. We need more in attack everyone can see it but Bielsa, what's wrong with him.
    OLOF and Eireleeds1 like this.
  10. Normanbitmyleg70

    Normanbitmyleg70 Well-Known Member

    Aug 8, 2011
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    I don't want Bielsa gone but I do want him to address the problem of non-scoring particularly as there is an option available. I don't subscribe to the view that the players can't adapt to a different striker. As Bielsa is so highly thought of as a coach surely he can get them playing to a different style.

  11. Eireleeds1

    Eireleeds1 Well-Known Member

    May 14, 2011
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    Maybe as good a coach as he is, he has limitations. Unwillingness to adapt may be one. Who knows yet but well have a fair idea by May
  12. Doc

    Doc Well-Known Member

    Feb 1, 2011
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    I guess some if what Bielsa says gets lost in translation. He wants Eddie to work for the team and score rather than just work for Eddie. He wants his main striker to be the first defender which is the norm these days. Coaches like Bielsa have changed how football is played which now makes the Warnocks, Big Sam, Big Mick obsolete. Goalkeepers now need to be able to play football and actually be the last defender as well as the guy who can set up play. The main striker needs to be the first defender, he needs to create space and drag defenders around, he needs to be able to chase back and tackle even on the half way line as well as hold the ball nd wait for a pass. These are the ethics Bielsa demands as gone are the days when a striker will do nothing much except hope to poach a goal or get his head on a cross. Today's Shearer, Lineker or Ferguson robably wouldnt be in the game unless they were capable of being able to do that. Remember when Lineker went to Barcelona and he was forced to play out wide, he was crap, really crap and he moaned and complained and the fans had no sympathy. I believe Bielsa wants Eddie to be a better player by not being a one trick pony as he believes he is capable of doing both jobs and still being a top marksmen
  13. milkyboy

    milkyboy Well-Known Member

    Jul 4, 2011
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    He talks in riddles which is why so much gets lost in translation - and we all know his strengths and weaknesses. He’s not changing for anyone, so it’s barely worth discussing.

    Of course he knows that not taking chances is an issue. He flagged it all last year and he’s flagging it again this year. He just has a different take on it than most people - he believes that if you keep dominating the game, denying the opponent meaningful possession, you will create chances and take enough to win games. Our league position says we do that - but it also says if we were more efficient we’d be well clear already. He believes that with Eddie playing, on his own or with bamford, the team dynamic will alter and we will create fewer chances and most likely cough up more chances to the opposition.

    We can talk up our defence but how much defending to they do? Hardly any - they press high and clean up, rinse and repeat. They are generally picked as ball players not defenders. Our defensive record is a reflection of our style of play, not how good the defence is. The decision for bielsa is not just stick a goal scorer on.... its, we could play Eddie, he scores and we lose 2-1 because we had less ball and coughed up more chances to the opposition.

    I’m not saying that would happen. I’m not saying bielsa is right, because he’s stubborn as a mule... I’m saying that’s the concern he has. What we need in this formation is a guy who can hold the ball up AND score. Bamford scored 1 in 2 last year. This year his confidence is shot. Seeing repeated chances going begging annoys the crap out of me like it does most. It could change on Saturday. It might not. But that’s what bielsa is juggling with.

    And for the record, I would be giving Eddie a run
  14. Eric Le Merde

    Eric Le Merde Well-Known Member

    Jul 3, 2014
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    So far I'm loving watching leeds play, but I want a Yeboah in the team
    Doc likes this.
  15. leeds60

    leeds60 Well-Known Member

    Jun 3, 2011
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    so do most teams!
    Eric Le Merde likes this.
  16. leeds60

    leeds60 Well-Known Member

    Jun 3, 2011
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    I think he is much better than Wilko
    Doc likes this.
  17. Irishshako

    Irishshako Well-Known Member

    Jul 1, 2011
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    I appreciate we've all opinions, but how many of us have coached, never mind at the level that Bielsa has. But saying that I'm getting as frustrated as the rest of you regarding Bamfords continuous inclusion in the team. If Bielsa starts getting abuse from certain quarters though he may then just feck off, its not like he needs the money. Then we may have something really to moan about. <ok>
    Gessa, NostradEmus, davy and 4 others like this.
  18. Irishshako

    Irishshako Well-Known Member

    Jul 1, 2011
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    As a world manager he may be better than Wilko, but as a Leeds Utd manager IMO Wilko is better. Just because he got us out of the 2nd division and also won the first division title...<ok>
    OLOF, Gessa, NostradEmus and 2 others like this.
  19. Normanbitmyleg70

    Normanbitmyleg70 Well-Known Member

    Aug 8, 2011
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    You are indeed right. We are a bunch of fickle individuals who think we know best but all want our team to succeed. If Bielsa gets pissed off and does a bunk it won't help. Let's just hope we score at least 2 goals on Saturday and at least one more than shuffield and that jaffa boy gets a goal. If not then feck knows what will happen.
    Irishshako likes this.
  20. Whitejock

    Whitejock Well-Known Member

    Aug 13, 2011
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    You need to think this one through a bit more Chesh.

    A chance is a goal-scoring opportunity, which means that someone must be in a goal-scoring position, with the ball in close proximity. Presumably by this very definition, the player with the chance is in an attacking position. (Most unusual to have an effort from a defensive position). So that says very clearly to me that we have sufficient players in attack mode, with loads of opportunity. We really aren't lacking in players in forward positions.

    Where we are lacking, and it's universally acknowledged, is that we're simply not converting these chances. Having more players in attack is not going to cure this particular problem. Utilising a different player or players might help, but if it was that easy ...

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