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The #LUFC Breakfast Debate (Thur 17TH October)

Discussion in 'Leeds United' started by ellandback, Oct 17, 2019.

  1. ellandback

    ellandback Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    Mar 30, 2011
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    Good Morning. It's Thursday 17th October, and here are the Leeds Utd headlines

    Too much spin from Chairman does not go unnoticed

    Awarding winning Soccer fanzine 'TheSquareBall' has hit out at Leeds Chairman Andrea Radrizzani over his tweet belittling a Leeds fan and trying to nullify Eddie Nketiah's comments to Sky Sports on Tuesday night about his unhappiness about not getting first team action.

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    Noel Whelan - Radrizzani too generous with long term contracts

    Soccer pundit Noel Whelan has taken a swipe at Andrea Radrizzani regarding his Interview with the Times and the mistakes Leeds had made regarding our transfer dealings and the contracts that players had been handed.

    “He’s basically talking about the players not in the side. You’re looking at Vurnon Anita, Eunan O’Kane, Laurens De Bock, Jay-Roy Grot, Pawel Cibicki, Ouasim Bouy, Yosuke Ideguchi, Felix Wiedwald. They were all handed long-term contracts, and in some cases, Leeds spent major transfer fees.

    Pierre-Michel Lasogga was also on big money when he was with us. There were a lot of deals that didn’t work out. That happens at every club, but I definitely think Radrizzani was too generous with long-term contracts for players who hadn’t proven themselves. He knows that as well. Plenty of them are still at Leeds, or out on loan, because we can’t get rid of them, or find someone willing to pay the same money. That’s embarrassing.”

    Meanwhile, according to the Daily Mirror, Leeds are in contract talks with Berardi over a new two year deal!


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    How important is 3 points on Saturday?

    Leeds have won just twice in the last seven games which has seen the Whites drop down to 5th place. Another loss could potentially see Bielsa's men drop down to mid table.

    How important is Saturdays game?

    Does Bielsa have it in him to change tactics, and even swap the team about?

    Would he rather fall on his sword rather than change?

    With the squad we have, are we better equipped for promotion than we were last season?

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  2. Eireleeds1

    Eireleeds1 Well-Known Member

    May 14, 2011
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    Morning all. I just wish Rads would keep his gob shut and wallet open. And were not better equipped, table doesn't lie. Everyone knows how to handle our one system of playing now
    Last edited: Oct 17, 2019
  3. southernwhite

    southernwhite Well-Known Member

    May 11, 2014
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    Definitely yes, in my mind a bit of tactical tweaking here & their to adapt ourselves to different games could in my mind see our points tally increase, of course that's the big question (adapt) do we also put on a striker who atm is on a rich vein of form, given the 90min could possibly score for fun, or stick with the tried and tested formula which includes Bamford up front & Harris out wide, and settle to be the most entertaining mid table team in the championship,because atm that's exactly what we are.
    I admit Bielsa has turned the current team around, from being cr** to an entertaining exciting team at times, but you know what it's still not good enough, Almost is though, we are tantalising close to a team that could tear up this league, if given that extra tweaking.BUT WILL HE :emoticon-0112-wonde
  4. Norwayleedsforever

    Norwayleedsforever Well-Known Member

    Jun 6, 2011
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    Is it still morning? If so, good morning every one :emoticon-0100-smile

    So how are we doing this year compared to other teams. Well we have more shots than any other team with 183 shots. But if you look at how many of those shots we have are on target, we are 12th in the league with 30,6%. Here Charlton is on top with 39%. Our conversion rate is terrible, here we are 19th whit only 26,8% of shot on target get into the back of the nett. That is the same as Stoke who is dead last in the league. Preston has the highest conversion rate 53,5%.

    Possession wise we are 2nd behind Fulham with an average just above 65% (Fulham 68%). What are we doing with all this possession. Well we have a shot every 3,73 minute (about 3 min 44 sec.) and that is 12th in the league, Cardiff tops with 2,77. We are 10th when it comes to shot on target, every 12,18 minutes (about 12 min 11 sec). Cardiff tops with 9,29. And we are 17th when it comes to goals with every 45.48 minutes (about 45 min 29 sec.), Preston tops with 23,38.

    What can we say about this? Well it is clear that we do not attack the oppositions goal enough when we have the ball. The reason for this is:

    1. We are not quick enough up the pitch allowing the opposition to get their defence organised.

    2. When we play against an organised defence we are not able to open the defence up.

    3. And when we can, we don’t try to shot at goal enough.

    Well since Christmas last year we have played the same way as we do now. We have a very slow build-up play where we **** around with the ball at the back four for ever before we get forward and letting the opposition to get organised. We don’t utilise the main quality of our players we now have in the squad. Players like Costa, Nketiah, Clarke, Harrison, Alioski, Shackleton etc. they need the ball to move quickly up the field. Even Pablo is better when we move quickly up the pitch. Before Christmas last year we were much more fluent and much quicker up the field and score goals for fun. Yes, we do have the ball a little bit more now, but we don’t know what to do with it in the final third. We look absolutely clueless around the box. I believe if we were quicker up the pitch and did not let the opposing team to organise their defence so easily we would score a hell of a lot more goals as we did before Christmas last year.
    davy, ristac, 2 pennth and 5 others like this.
  5. Mr Wolves-White

    Mr Wolves-White Well-Known Member

    Dec 30, 2012
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    Morning all

    Radz needs to learn when he should run his mouth and when not to. Keep on like this and he gonna start pissing off large sections of the fan base. I get he's done a lot for the club but if people start getting pissed then we could see another Bates esq protests outside the club. He needs to keep us on side on it will be hellish for him in times to come.

    If think there's more than 3 points at stake this weekend. We need the points yes but we need to win this game as it's the Centenary game so it's all to do with pride on Saturday.
    wakeybreakyheart likes this.
  6. ellandback

    ellandback Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    Mar 30, 2011
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    Morning Norway.

    Its 11.28am here in the UK.

    Many thanks for posting up all those stats.

    We are on top of all disliplines apart from finding the back of the net!!!

    Its almost like we have an extra man advantage. What Bielsa needs to do, is to sacrifice that extra man, so we have two forwards.
    wakeybreakyheart likes this.
  7. Irishshako

    Irishshako Well-Known Member

    Jul 1, 2011
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    We are two points from top after eleven games ffs. Are we one of the most fickle supporters or just over demanding. I know we've problems scoring but the amount of bollocks being spouted is cringe worthy. I can't be arsed discussing this anymore. :(
    davy, gombawn, xbpod and 4 others like this.
  8. Morbid_White

    Morbid_White Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2018
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    To be honest I don't see much wrong with what Radz has said there. Eddie stated that he is never happy being on the bench, and this is an answer I would expect 99% of professional footballers to give ( and Id be more worried if a player said he was happy being on the bench). However the press build it up to make it look like there are issues, and being Leeds fans we all expect the worst to happen and thus wind ourselves and each other up.

    If a member of the media asked if you would prefer to pay £10 for a match ticket and of course you would reply yes, the press headline would be "Leeds fans unhappy with ticket prices" at which points Radz would say its time the media reported the correct words and not translate into a sensationalised headline.

    Would I prefer if we scored more goals and won more games of course. Would I like to see Eddie given a chance, as an outsider looking in to the club then yes, but am also pragmatic enough to understand that there are plenty of reasons that we don't see as to why this is not happening. Would I prefer that we get rid of Bielsa's passing style of football and pin our hopes on someone like Tony Pulis, so that instead the forum will be full of "damn our football style is crap but hey at least we won 1-0 due to Daniel Ayala's header being our only chance on target" then probably not, as I would find that even more frustrating.

    And thus we come to what it means to be a Leeds fan, unless we are winning every game 5-0 playing scintillating football, we will find a way to be critical about some part of how the club is run :emoticon-0102-bigsm
    davy, ristac, xbpod and 3 others like this.
  9. wakeybreakyheart

    wakeybreakyheart Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2011
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    Hi elland but will he though. As norway says we are too slow and with one up who holds the ball up lovely but has no one to give it to so whats the point. We need to run at them and the only one willing to do so is Alioski.
    ellandback likes this.
  10. Whitejock

    Whitejock Well-Known Member

    Aug 13, 2011
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    Spot on, Shako.
    Irishshako likes this.

  11. ellandback

    ellandback Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    Mar 30, 2011
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    If 12th place Birmingham beat us on Saturday, they'll be one point behind us.

    Is your pint half full or half empty?
  12. Whitejock

    Whitejock Well-Known Member

    Aug 13, 2011
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    Thanks for that. You nailed it. <applause>

    I've always said that if we won the Champions League 10 times in a row, there would still be a load of fans moaning about a penalty we missed in the final 7 years ago .... a match we won 10-0! And the press would make a song & dance of the 'fans' views' it the day after our 10th win! <doh><grr>
    Morbid_White likes this.
  13. ellandback

    ellandback Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    Mar 30, 2011
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    In fact, Nketiah's first line was:-

    You know, I'm really dissa.......

    Then he thought better of it and toned it right down.

  14. Doc

    Doc Well-Known Member

    Feb 1, 2011
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    Amazing that every International break we get bored and a few then start kicking off about the club, Radz, no money, crap players etc. i aint joining in except to agree with Shaks and WJ and a couple more.

    on those stats we did the same chat the last time they were published and thing we agreed that we don't have David Sylva opening up defences but we also established that our strikers were getting more shots off but were hampered by more defenders than other clubs come up against. Some passes are getting classed as shots, some crosses classed as shots which skews those stats. We do however need to start to convert more chances to goals.
    Whitejock and Morbid_White like this.
  15. Eireleeds1

    Eireleeds1 Well-Known Member

    May 14, 2011
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    Equally as amazing as no matter how many games we lose in a calendar, there will be some still believing were the best in the division or trying to convince themselves <whistle>
    Leedsoflondon and LeedsinYork like this.
  16. Doc

    Doc Well-Known Member

    Feb 1, 2011
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    Something to cheer some up maybe:

    Angus Kinnear has just announced plans to extend ER to a 50,000 stadium. Obviously someone will be paying for that and that will also have a huge impact on the club valuation :emoticon-0148-yes:
    southernwhite likes this.
  17. Morbid_White

    Morbid_White Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2018
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    Don't disagree with you there either Eire, as I have said previously I've supported this club too long to personally expect nothing but disappointment, thus I will tend to enjoy those times when I can be proud of the club I support, even if they do and will no doubt continue to frustrate me until I die
  18. Irishshako

    Irishshako Well-Known Member

    Jul 1, 2011
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    It's never empty, well only for a short while, but the pessimism on here has reached new lows. Even if we lose on Sat(I don't think we will) it's not the end of the season. Nobody is running away with the League and our luck has to changed soon.<ok>
    davy, Doc, FORZA LEEDS and 2 others like this.
  19. wakeybreakyheart

    wakeybreakyheart Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2011
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    Ive got a can how do i see to judge it.
  20. wakeybreakyheart

    wakeybreakyheart Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2011
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    To be fair all are just asking for more goals per game ratio. I think that is a fair comment to make. Time to unleash fast Eddie.

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