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Giilingham FC - not606 team

Discussion in 'Gillingham' started by brb, Sep 14, 2011.

  1. brb

    brb Guest

    Ok, I've been thinking about this and we need to give Hessy a few more options.

    We haven't won for four games now, the message boards where ever you go are littered with suggestions on what needs to be done to put it right.

    So I thought to lighten the mood and bring a bit of happiness back to the board, we would offer Hessy a bit of support.

    We get together a not606 team for Hessy to replace the current first team, as another option for our next home game, only if we don't pick any points up at Hereford (get out clause - lol). If we pick up at least one point, we will all be saved, if we pick up none then we volunteer to take to the Priestfield turf.

    So this is the rules to help us establish a team.

    1. What player position will you play and why?


    2. Nominate ONLY one other person from not606 for the Gillingham FC - not606 team, stating what position you select them for and why? (you can make people change, regardless of their own selected player position)

    So here goes for my selection:

    1* brb - I begs for Frampton's position, I can't do much running these days and need to save the old legs, so defence is probably ideal for me, also I can then be Captain, boss everyone else about and do even less myself! (this is purely my own reasons and in absolutely no way a reflection on Frampton).

    My other member selection:

    2* Kentish Man - purely because anyone that can take on the Toon board, I want standing along side me in defence, then when any one comes near me, Kentish Man can take their legs away.

    (Oh, I also thought about a change to half time refreshments, mines a pint of ale, what about yours?)

    Over to you lot, humorous posts only (no insults) and at the end I'll see if we have got a complete team formation...
  2. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Can I be Tommy Trewblu - no need for a smaller shirt.
  3. brb

    brb Guest

    Yes - anything that forms part of the days activities is up for grabs <ok><laugh>

    Obviously someone could de-select you for that position.
  4. GeminiSwiftgfc

    GeminiSwiftgfc Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    Jan 29, 2011
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    Flitney for me. I have the main ingredient for a goalie.


    And my son can replace Oli. Ok he's only 4 but can't be any worse.

    As for half time drinks could we possibly slip some laxative into our opponents drinks?
  5. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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    I don't think so - I've already got a face like a horse and usually full of sh1t <laugh>
  6. brb

    brb Guest

  7. brb

    brb Guest

    So far we have, with their reasons:

    GeminiSwift for Flitney (He's nuts)
    brb for Frampton (Old legs and bossy)
    Gemini's son for Oli (He's 4, so a strong candidate)

    alwaysright for Tommy Trewblu (Face like a horse)

    Obviously you can argue your case to take any of these places, all references are to ourselves and not the actual players...

    Half time refreshments currently consist of a pint of ale and laxatives!
  8. grumpygit

    grumpygit les misérable

    Feb 13, 2011
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    I'm too old to run, too fragile to dive, know nothing about tactics.

    Guess that makes me the manager.:emoticon-0106-cryin
  9. brb

    brb Guest

    grumpy - I guess your get a say in the final team selection then <ok>

    The only catch is, it will be all your fault when it goes wrong, I can hear the Rainham End calling your name now <laugh>
  10. brb

    brb Guest

    All references are to ourselves and not the actual manager or players...

    Grumpy in for Hessy (To old to run and to fragile to dive) - MANAGER

    GeminiSwift in for Flitney (He's nuts) - Goalkeeper

    brb in for Frampton (Old legs and bossy) - Defender & Captain

    Gemini's son in for Oli (He's 4, so a strong candidate) - Striker

    alwaysright in for Tommy Trewblu (Face like a horse) - Mascot

    Obviously you can argue your case to take any of these places.


    HOADIE_BOI Well-Known Member

    Mar 13, 2011
    Likes Received:
    I would be a striker. Used to play that position a while ago.
  12. brb

    brb Guest

    So who's position you replacing Hoadie, you can't have Oli, because we've already got Gemini's 4 yr old son covering that.
    What are you a Rooney or a Kedwell? <laugh>
  13. MikeGills32

    MikeGills32 Member

    Apr 15, 2011
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    I'll take Montrose. Always have a bright start then people start to doubt me!
  14. GFC-Matt

    GFC-Matt Member

    Aug 6, 2011
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    I'll take right midfield as played there not so long ago and have a deadly delivery.
  15. brb

    brb Guest

    The following poster descriptions, are purely descriptions of themselves...

    Gillingham FC - not606 team

    TEAM MANAGER: grumpygit - (to old to run and to fragile to dive) - Hessy

    Team mascot: alwaysright (face like a horse) - Tommy Trewblu

    GeminiSwift (purely because he is nuts) - Flitney's position

    brb (his legs will not carry him any further than the back line) Captain (because he's bossy and no body else has argued for it) - Frampton
    Kentish Man (nominated by brb, for taking on the Toons, so ideal as brb's body guard) - Lawrence

    MikeGills32 (because he always starts brightly, then people start to doubt him) - Montrose
    GFC-Matt (right of midfield has a deadly delivery) - ?

    Gemini's Son (only 4, so ideal for the job) - Oli
    Hoadie (used to play in this position) - ?

    Half Time refreshments, currently consist of:
    Home Team - Pint of real ale
    Opposition - Laxatives

    Many more places up for grabs, or even argue the one's that have been taken <ok>
  16. BSG

    BSG Well-Known Member

    May 25, 2011
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    I think Hodie should be Rooney - spilts opinion :)
  17. harryheadbutt

    harryheadbutt Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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    I'd like to replace lawrence please....6ft 4, not as much hair perhaps but 5 years younger and i also have a degree like him..
  18. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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    GRUMPY - Is this YOUR team ? Well you've got that wrong already ! You've got ONE too many strikers ! & why question GFC-Matt - his delivery is deadly - he's a postman.
  19. brb

    brb Guest

    grumpy will have to decide the formation, so if we have to many strikers, then they will have to sit it out as a sub or move to grumpy's preferred position.

    Anyway we have had some more suggestions, so a further team update...

    Gillingham FC - not606 team v Burton Albion (possibly!)

    TEAM MANAGER: grumpygit - (to old to run and to fragile to dive) - Hessy

    Team mascot: alwaysright (face like a horse) - Tommy Trewblu

    GeminiSwift (purely because he is nuts) - Flitney's position

    brb (his legs will not carry him any further than the back line) Captain (because he's bossy and no body else has argued for it) - Frampton
    harryheadbutt (6ft 4, not as much hair perhaps but 5 years younger and also has a degree like him) - Lawrence
    Kentish Man (nominated by brb, for taking on the Toons, so ideal as brb's body guard) - Fuller

    MikeGills32 (because he always starts brightly, then people start to doubt him) - Montrose
    GFC-Matt (right of midfield has a deadly delivery - 'just like the postman', according to 'alwaysright') - ?

    Gemini's Son (only 4, so ideal for the job) - Oli
    Hoadie (used to play in this position - 'splits opinion' according to BSG) - Rooney

    Half Time refreshments, currently consist of:
    Home Team - Pint of real ale
    Opposition - Laxatives
  20. Carras_Prodigy

    Feb 3, 2011
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    ill take rooneys position, i dont do anything for 80 minutes either but then manage to pull off something spectacular and make everyone think i have huge potential! or of course you put me in defence, as i am Carraghers protegeé...

    id like to recommend Manchester Gill for Stefan Paynes role, because they both have shocking hair

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