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Off Topic Politics Thread

Discussion in 'Southampton' started by ChilcoSaint, Feb 23, 2016.

  1. benditlikeabanana

    benditlikeabanana Well-Known Member

    Feb 26, 2011
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    You can call someone wishing that someone else would bleed out and die purely because of his race sensationalist rubbish, but for me its a bit more serious than that. You reverse anyone of the factors of this story and the so called press would would have reported on it differently.
    Lets say a white right wing nut job shot at black congressmen while they were playing basketball
    Lets say a right wing college prof then showed anger at medics managing to save the lives of all wounded victims
    can you honestly say that the likes of CNN would be quiet about it? do you think that it would not be used like Charlottesville? do you think that this prof would still be working at that college?
    All I am saying is that the people on the left like putting folks in little boxes, and it will go bad as one group may not get on with another group and the left will splinter trying to embrace these different groups. For example the muslims rejecting gay teachings to their children- who do you support? You can not have inclusion for all as some peoples do not like other peoples
    Chris Pratt was labelled a right winger because he was wearing a t shirt of a flag from 1775, it has been used by some on the right, it is also used by the mens USA football team, but they will probably have to drop it. 5 years ago you would have worn a t shirt of the Union Jack without much thought (apart from thinking that you looked daft in that t shirt) but now you would not feel safe walking down the street wearing that t shirt as someone would take a pot shot or call you a racist. times change, maybe I see it abit more because I only go back to England once a year and have been away from England for15 years, but it looks like people are walking on egg shells trying not to offend. Sorry but my way of being and the people I worked with in London would tell you what they thought and not give a toss for your feelings, obviously without the use of name calling (although I was called a breeder by one guy, that threw me off my stride) and in a restaurant with 25 service staff, I was one of 2 straight white men, it always worked better to have a frank talk to clear the air.
    Rant over, I am just saying to take people as they are and not try to put labels on them.
    I hope in 5 years you can find this post, tell me nothing came to pass and that I can stick it up my arse, but I think not
    ImpSaint likes this.
  2. shoot_spiderman

    shoot_spiderman Power to the People

    May 14, 2011
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    Is that the people in the littel box labelled 'the left'?

    Speaking on behalf of the left I can state quite plainly that I reject prejudice on the basis of race, creed, colour, sex and sexuality and therefore may be against any muslims (or non-muslims) because of their rejection of 'gay teachings' and not because they are muslim. I have no problem accepting people who are gay and people who are muslim, but would disagree with gay people who are islamaphobic or muslims who are homophobic.
  3. ChilcoSaint

    ChilcoSaint What a disgrace
    Forum Moderator

    Feb 8, 2011
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    Well said. The problem with putting people in boxes, as @benditlikeabanana has done, is that the vast majority of us belong in quite a few different categories, or to put it another way, we are all individuals, even those of us on the left.
    shoot_spiderman likes this.
  4. SaintinSerbia

    SaintinSerbia Annoying Twat

    Aug 4, 2011
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    any straight not quite white men?
  5. SaintinSerbia

    SaintinSerbia Annoying Twat

    Aug 4, 2011
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  6. SaintinSerbia

    SaintinSerbia Annoying Twat

    Aug 4, 2011
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    Scotland and Germany sign joint letter telling Donald Trump not to go back where he came from!
  7. The Ides of March

    The Ides of March Well-Known Member

    Oct 21, 2011
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    I had no idea what a breeder is other than someone who breeds animals for commercial purposes, but having just googled the term I do now. Shocking to let your children run riot in a restaurant.
  8. SaintinSerbia

    SaintinSerbia Annoying Twat

    Aug 4, 2011
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    I can only assume it's gay slang for a straight person (although banana may have misheard it)
  9. The Ides of March

    The Ides of March Well-Known Member

    Oct 21, 2011
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    It is for people who are straight and who look as if they have produced children. It must be the whiff or something that people give off.
  10. ----HistoryRepeating----

    ----HistoryRepeating---- Well-Known Member

    Feb 24, 2011
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    One of those woman on CH5 with millions of kids..............that's what it is!

  11. SaintinSerbia

    SaintinSerbia Annoying Twat

    Aug 4, 2011
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    ah haggard!
  12. ChilcoSaint

    ChilcoSaint What a disgrace
    Forum Moderator

    Feb 8, 2011
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    Those who saw Panorama last week might like to comment on this:
  13. SaintinSerbia

    SaintinSerbia Annoying Twat

    Aug 4, 2011
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    They didn't mention that in 1953, Jeremy aged 3, realised that the only way he could fulfill his ambition to become the new Fuhrer was to join the Labour Party and hide in plain sight. He never thought that 60 odd years later his defence of the oppressed would lead to his outing! Shame on him!
    The Ides of March likes this.
  14. San Tejón

    San Tejón Well-Known Member

    Feb 6, 2014
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    I had read about this previously, but wasn’t sure if it was a valid and accurate article.

    This brings me back to an earlier comment where I said that the BBC are a big part of the problem, regarding Corbyn and anti semitism, as indicated by the amount of air time they give anything Labour/anti semitism, to portray Labour/Corbyn in a bad light.
    It’s also worth remembering that the person that used to recruit/still recruits audiences for Question Time is/was a member of Britain First, hence the often high number of extreme right punters that were allowed to question the panel.
    They have history.
    ChilcoSaint likes this.
  15. I Sorry I Ruined The Party

    I Sorry I Ruined The Party Well-Known Member

    Jul 22, 2012
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    Naw. It's time we got rid of this myth. The vast majority of people would probably self-classify as center-left or right, but that doesn't mean they are. Almost no one says "Yeah, I'm actually a racist."

    Trump has 40% support in the US, and 90% support amongst Republicans. I agree with them on almost nothing. In my mind, I don't even live in the same country or world that they do. I don't think of them as Americans, I have less affinity for them than I do many people from other places. In fact, it would fantastic if every Trump supporter could somehow **** right off.

    Unlike Trump, I recognize their right to be in the US so I tolerate them. It's not like I'm going to start any violence or treat anyone with disrespect. I'm polite, but in my mind, these people are the immigrants living in MY America. I consider them to be the real "invaders."

    I used to feel a little bad for them, because the world moved on and it's hard to shake the values you grew up with as you get older. But that went away once they started demanding the rest of the world try and move back in time and when they completely lost touch with reality. They don't care about the disastrous consequences of trying to run the country like it's 1950 in 2020. By the time the US falls apart, they'll be dead and they can go to their graves feeling like they "won." I honestly can't wait for these selfish old ****ers to die. My parents are among them, so I mean it's not like I'll be jumping for joy. More like a sigh of relief that we can finally move forward again.

    In the meantime, I just hope we can keep the country together and I have zero interest in any sort of compromising with anyone still in the GOP. If someone were to give me a platform and I could send a message to the US, I'd be more interested in addressing the younger and more extreme left to tell them to stay united with the rest of us and come back to the center. The right wing will disappear soon if we all just stick together and stop them from abusing the constitution, and then when they do you will find that maybe there is no need for radical left policy.
  16. San Tejón

    San Tejón Well-Known Member

    Feb 6, 2014
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    Oops. It would appear that in their haste to offload responsibility for free tv licences for the over 75s, in order to save £745 million (?), the government may have to pay out £1.5 billion.
    Many pensioners who were not previously claiming Pension Credits, are now starting the process to claim them, and if all who are eligible DO claim, it will cost the government/tax payer double what they are looking to save.
    The Conservatives, the fiscal party. <laugh>
  17. San Tejón

    San Tejón Well-Known Member

    Feb 6, 2014
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  18. The Ides of March

    The Ides of March Well-Known Member

    Oct 21, 2011
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    I was listening to a discussion programme on TRE (Talk Radio Europe) last year about media balance. The interviewee was of the opinión that the BBC is very pro-Israeli. So perhaps there is quite a bit of truth in your assessment of the programme.

    Thanks for posting.
  19. TheSecondStain

    TheSecondStain Needs an early night

    Jul 23, 2011
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    If all that is true then the BBC Panorama programme needs to investigate itself and root out the bias. That's terrible.
  20. The Ides of March

    The Ides of March Well-Known Member

    Oct 21, 2011
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    In an attempt to lose weight, fat Bunter Boris has enrolled into a gymnastics class, which is just as well, because after making his morning announcements, by lunchtiime we shall see him balancing on his head, and in the afternoon, he will have pirouetted in another direction entirely.
    Archers Road likes this.

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