"Real Madrid Man Yoo Man City Barcelona and Chelsea"........List of who you support..say's it all doesn't it..And as i've said before if you take EVERTHING non English out of the premiership you would'nt have an effing league..no go back to your ward you crayon eating self harming persistant masturbating T**T
Typical response from a visitor to our league.. shame really, you should be glad we let you in it. Still you will provide us all with a good laugh when you go straight back down. Probably the worst team to ever be in our league.
At least everyone on this board supports one team only and that applies to the other boards as well ..now go away you plastic tosser ..your boring everyone
.....and the prize for today's poster with the lowest IQ goes to.... Are your parents twins by any chance?
Papa Shango... show me some proof of ownership on this league you apparently own and we'll leave. Until then, shut up.
...and the "No **** Sherlock" Award for efforts in the field of saying what everyone already knew goes to Papa Shango! I await with interest your next venomous illiterate rambling.
Can you guys help me out. I'm trying to work out where Papa_Shango fits into this table. Any idea? IQ Range Classification 140 and over Genius or near genius 120-140 Very superior intelligence 110-120 Superior intelligence 90-110 Normal or average intelligence 80-90 Dullness 70-80 Borderline deficiency Below 70 Definite feeble-mindedness
How can we go back to something we weren't in to begin with ? And who gives a toss about your opinion to begin with? Certainly not us!
Spot on. Thought the same thing earlier. Same grammatical errors. No equivalent posting on the Cardiff board as to how they're in the 'English Championship'. Yes, spot on.
Ferk me if its not bad enough having one of them contaminating this board,now we have to put up with the alter ego lol