Interesting comments from one of the UK's top specialists in chemical weapons. He said the Nerve agent was identified and traced to a place in Russia where it was produced. It is a secretive site and he cant see that Russia would ever allow it to be stolen and use by others. To say a rogue state or criminal element can get hold of it is 'implausible' He went on to say that the OPCW will be able to make a connection if allowed into Russia to check. If Russia refuses he said that is the 'nail in the coffin for them'. He also highlighted the chemical weapons being used in Syria ( I wonder where they came from...Lidl)? By the way he is a scientist and has no agenda's.
I think you aught to research facts before writing. Almost 20 years ago the US department of defence was involved in dismantling a chemical research institute in the former Soviet republic of Uzbekistan, in Nukus, where the Novichok nerve agent was tested. Uzbekistan became independent in 1991 shortly after the collapse of the USSR. Since then the government of Uzbekistan has worked closely with American defence officials, granting them access to sites which were off limits to their Russian counterparts. The Americans would have had access to this at a later stage than the Russians - it was confirmed by US defence officials that Russia had destroyed its entire Russian stock by this time. Balance one thing against the other - you can silence a few people through fear, on the one hand, but at the same time you send a message to the World which says 'We are still stockpiling hidden illegal chemical weapons, which were outlawed 20 years ago' - it just doesn't make sense.
Sorry I would rather listen to the specialist I heard on Sky today, than you. No offence fella but every time you contradict what I have said reminds me of a line from the film Die Hard "He could be a barman for all I know".
Here is an article from the same guy which basically says the same. You and Seagull can have a read.
I have nothing of any note or relevance to say (what’s new?) other than to say that I’m amused by the name Nukus. Is there a prize?
Our esteemed Defence Secretary, Gavin Williamson, has said “frankly, Russia should go away and shut up”. That'll larn 'em Gavin - did you write that line for him, Ellers? This is the same idiot that has been banging on about Russia from the day he took up his post - in January he told us that they wanted to kill thousands of Britons by disrupting our power supplies. Why would he have wanted to ramp-up tensions between us and the Russians? Now Rees-Mogg is saying we should send more troops to Estonia, in some kind of pathetic sabre-rattling gesture. These people are dangerous fools.
Once again I find myself agreeing with Hitchens P when he said that we really ought to be sure of what outcome we are actually seeking before looking to escalate tensions between the UK and Russia.
One people I would never of picking a fight with would be the Russians Afterall I seem to remember they won the last world war although we have been brainwashed to believe it was all us and the U.S
I agree that the name Nukus is faintly amusing. However, we need to face up to the fact that although this poison was first developed in the USSR. others had access to it. It is naive to believe that a weapon can exist for 40+ years, yet only one country, or organization, has had access to it for that entire period. I am not trying to whitewash Putin, but just saying that in this he is innocent until proven guilty - and is not required to 'prove' his innocence. Russia has offered to cooperate if they are sent samples of this poison - what is the problem with that ?
You are right of course despite the deaths of thousand of American and British sailors on the ships that were sunk in the Baltic that carried supply's to them Russians and the thousands of American troops that died invading Europe taking all those German soldiers away from the Eastern front. I think the only person who has been brainwashed is you and your Brain is still at the cleaners.
Sadly I didn't get to hear Gavin's speech but I have heard from the news what he said. I think he comes across as inexperienced. The bit I caught he was stuttering and sounded like he didn't know what he was talking about. As for the Moog, you can't knock him as he is a strong speaker and hopefully one day our PM. I see your mate Corbyn's ratings have plummeted. People don't trust him or believe he would make a good PM. Whereas my girl May's have gone the other way. The iron lady II