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This is Cross Channel Stuff, Cardiff & Connected Banter Thread.

Discussion in 'Bristol City' started by Oldsparkey, Aug 5, 2017.

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  1. Shinycitylad7

    Shinycitylad7 Looking at the stars mate

    Jan 24, 2011
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    Of course you do, when you’re not ****ing in your mums Umbro ankle socks.
  2. Oldsparkey

    Oldsparkey Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    Jan 27, 2011
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    <laugh>.......that's m'boy Basil - welcome back.

    Mind you, be careful - that's a bit strong for afternoon tea at the vicarage. <ok>
    Shinycitylad7 likes this.
  3. Oldsparkey

    Oldsparkey Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    Jan 27, 2011
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    Anyway, enough of this vulgarity. Anybody watch us in the box last night? Some great "hoofball" on show from us and apparently Brentford were the only side that passed the ball.

    To be fair they started ever so well so it's such a shame the game lasts for 90+ minutes.

    Bamba's opener was just luck - Hoilett robbing their player and sublime pass to Paterson to smash home the second was just a flash in the pan, and that nasty Zohore bullied his way past Meppen for the 3rd - it just shouldn't be allowed.

    Ah well, we'll just take the points and try to be better in the future. <ok>
  4. Red Robin

    Red Robin Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    That Bamba i do like him,great player,where did you get him from.
  5. Oldsparkey

    Oldsparkey Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    Jan 27, 2011
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    On a freebee from Leeds. He was out of contract and they didn't want him.

    Warnock who new him previously told him to wait until he found a club to manage and he'd make him his frst signing. He did and he was. <ok>
  6. oneforthebristolcity

    oneforthebristolcity Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    Listening to Talksport, they were commenting on the possession or shall we say lack of possession you've had in your last two games.....
    It obviously works for you and will get you to where we want to be, but not sure that's the style that I want us to play week in week out..But that's Warnocks way and you know what you're getting with him in charge..Good luck to you guys in the prem, maybe it it will last a bit longer than your last visit!!
  7. ccfcremotesupport

    ccfcremotesupport Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2011
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    It's all about perspective. You can play around in your own half without hurting teams or you can get it into the final third and play the game there. That stat they don't show is where the possssion was had. We've had the second most attempts on goal this season.
    In the highlights some of the passing in the final third was crisp and precise, especially from hoilett. And zahore prefers the ball to feet than in the air.
    10 passes in the opposition half is worth 30 in your own.
  8. banksyisourhero

    banksyisourhero Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    The only thing nauseating on here is your vulgar big headed snobbery pal..

    " I have loads of money.. I have loads of businesses to sell.. look at me.. look at me.. look at my car)

    Piece of ****.
  9. RedorDead

    RedorDead Well-Known Member

    Apr 18, 2011
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    Second most attempts on goal? Is it because that long ball you play sometimes goes to far and trickles into the goalies hands?

    @Oldsparkey out of interest what was your business?
    ccfcremotesupport likes this.
  10. ccfcremotesupport

    ccfcremotesupport Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2011
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    Indeed. Etheridge has the highest number of attempts but the lowest success rate. He also has the highest number of assists.
    (Would insert some laughing emojis but for some reason they don' work off my phone).
    BrizzleBluebird and RedorDead like this.

  11. banksyisourhero

    banksyisourhero Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    His' businesses' plural you mean..

    He was a one man band outside Cardiff train station dressed as a clown and he sold the accordion and cymbals separately, thus businesses! he still wears the outfit to football though. (I cant remember who he supports as he never mentions them and quite frankly why would I give a **** on Bristol City forum anyway)
  12. banksyisourhero

    banksyisourhero Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Morning POS, (thats short for piece of ****, so you don't forget what you are!)

    Other names that have been suggested are Jellyfish because you are spineless, (which I quite like)

    Also. The scream, as you always go screaming off to the mods when its comes on top.

    And, Snake for when you slither off to your mates telling them you 'saw me off'

    All ok, but POS fits you so well.


    Where will your boney, little, liver spotted hands be taking you round the internet today?

    Bet your browsing history is dark, very dark. wouldn't want to look through that in too much depth.
    (more lamb than sheep maybe?)

    I'm off to earn an honest living for a while so no slithering off to your mates just yet..

    ("Tom... Tom he's doing it again.. help me please")
  13. Oldsparkey

    Oldsparkey Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    Jan 27, 2011
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    @RedorDead ..I'll answer your question to me in another post but I see someone else's went tits up so he's brought it here........<laugh>

  14. Oldsparkey

    Oldsparkey Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    Jan 27, 2011
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    Hi ROD - originally EE. Started on the heavy side up in Stafford where I got my DipTech with electrical rotating machines both power generation and utilisation. Soon realised that sector was dominated by the big boys. There was no way an individual could break into that market so I tried power distribution but that was as bad.

    The only way an indvidual could build anything personally in my trade was to switch to the light side of the game, so that's what I did. Travelled the country on sub contract installation work through the 80's and especially had a great couple of years up in Hull. Came back home and started my own business, mainly industrial and commercial, but then got involved with new build housing - great for a while but it was always an accident waiting to happen and it did in 2008.

    Got out by the skin of my teeth before it all went petong but had started a retail business on the back of the contracting and I carried on with that for a few years. By the time I was 55 I'd had enough and sold up everything. I'd better not go into events the 5 years since then as it may cause offence to some.....<laugh>
  15. RedorDead

    RedorDead Well-Known Member

    Apr 18, 2011
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    Excuse me for being thick but when you say EE you mean electrical engineering?
  16. BrizzleBluebird

    BrizzleBluebird Well-Known Member

    Aug 16, 2011
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    I really admire the way both Brentford ando Fulham play (some of the stuff this Ashton Gate lot play isn't too bad occasionally, though they tend to forget they quite often like to play rough and direct too at times), BUT I was watching Brentford with one passage of play in their own half and it took them about 4 passes to gate about a yard closer to the halfway line!

    I know it's all about trying to move the opposition about but it can be bloody dull too at times.
    And our 2nd goal is a great indication of why ALWAYS playing out from the back is daft as well!

    Onwards and upwards though with luck...

    Oh and let's not forget, Leicester won the bloody Premier League playing similarly to us so who knows what could happen if we get there!!
  17. Oldsparkey

    Oldsparkey Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    Jan 27, 2011
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    Yup. Preferred to go through the industry route rather than the pure academic one. Got a student apprenticeship with English Electric/GEC in Stafford when I was barely 17.

    Was moved around during those 5 years doing 6 month industry/6 month college sandwich course. Actually spent some time in SW3 as part of it and caught the last year of Peter Osgood at SB - fantastic player.

    Met Dennis Waterman with his mates loads of time in The Shed when he was filming the first series of The Sweeney before it was broadcast. He was actually cast as a Fulham fan in the programme and he fcking hated them...<laugh>
    RedorDead likes this.
  18. Oldsparkey

    Oldsparkey Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    Jan 27, 2011
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    Good 3 points yesterday guys. Doesn't matter how you got 'em - you got 'em, that's what it's all about.

    Sorry we couldn't do you a favour today because of the weather - we'll save it up for later. :emoticon-0105-wink:
  19. NickH

    NickH Well-Known Member

    Dec 13, 2011
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    Looking more and more likely your lot are going up. Fair play. :emoticon-0148-yes:
    Oldsparkey likes this.
  20. Oldsparkey

    Oldsparkey Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    Jan 27, 2011
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    Cheers Nick - long way to go yet but the Fulham and Villa results yesterday were just what we wanted. Pity our game today was called off - a win for us would have put the icing on the cake.

    All we can say at the moment is that we're sure to be in the playoffs and there's no reason why you can't be there at the expense of Derby. In fact after Derby's blatent postponment of our game today for their own purposes, I sincerely hope you do it. <ok>
    NickH likes this.
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