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John James site

Discussion in 'Celtic' started by DevAdvocate, Sep 6, 2017.

  1. DevAdvocate

    DevAdvocate Gigging bassist

    Jan 21, 2010
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    Does anyone still read this blog?

    When it started it was quite interesting, he seemed to have some decent insights, however in the last year or so he has become a bit of a nutjob. Anyone who does not agree with some of his wild conspiracy theories is castigated, anyone who does not make a monthly donation will not get a comment published, it's pretty mental.

    What is worst though is his rehashing of stories already in the public domain (some of them fanciful in the extreme) and claiming to have insider knowledge, (a bit like David Leggat's old blog) then literally begging for donations to fund his lifestyle wherever it is he claims to be living due to the fact that Loyalist death gangs have put a price on his head. (He has a letter from Police Scotland to prove it).

    I also get the feeling that a lot of the responses which have been added to his page were written by him, they have a similar style, either that or the morons who comment just like massaging his ego, which is clearly the size of a small country. He suggests slyly that he has a legal background, people who do that are usually liars in my experience.
  2. Thomas The Cat

    Thomas The Cat Well-Known Member

    Jan 21, 2010
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    He wrong about everything, except the McCann's.
  3. The Cunnilungus Connoisseur

    The Cunnilungus Connoisseur Official POTY 2011, 2014, 2015, 2018 & 2023

    Jun 8, 2011
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    Seem to recall a certain Not606 user used to whack Cyril cool about this blog and its merits.

    What is funny is that we have umpteen Celtic minded bloggers who are being paid by Celtic fans (by way of donations) to continue to and feed them with anti-Rangers propaganda and these deranged ****tards lap it up.
  4. DevAdvocate

    DevAdvocate Gigging bassist

    Jan 21, 2010
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    You recall wrongly.

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