Bring back standing I say. The red division need a platform! Im done with all seating, it's crap, uncomfortable and I keep getting stuck next to the worlds loudest clapper, even with gloves on this idiot can burst an ear drum. Let me stand.
Me, I'm with the Hillsborough support group who recognise that this can be dangerous. Old enough to remember being in crowds that moved and swayed and both enjoying it but occasionally being frit for me life. The good days can be very good but the bad days - unpleasant. However, I am not against the Northupper being allowed to stand in the seated area or for anyone else being allowed to stand, just the old days of crash and crush may be fond in retrospect, not so pleasant in practice
Other countries manage to have safe, modern standing sections. A return to standing sections doesn't have to be a return to the stands of old.
Bring back standing in the PL and Championship. Allow clubs to choose, and allow fans to choose. Stop putting pressure on clubs to convert to all-seater grounds. Allow clubs to revert from all-seater to part-terraced. Stop producing garbage statistical reports 'proving' utter nonsense.
I already stand in the North Upper and love it. Genuinely hate sitting down at football, and only ever do so during Cup games at home (which I don't take very seriously and see as a time to just sit and have a chat whilst watching a game of football in the background). All arguments for safety are ridiculous, the 'german model' terrace spaces are incredibly safe and I can't imagine any situation in which an accident could occur....other than someone behind you dropping a hot-dog and getting ketchup on your shoes. ...speaking of which, LOOK WHO'S BACK!!!!!!!! Comment 737.
I thought I read somewhere that standing in the bundasliga cost on average 10 euros and they include free train travel. It's got to be the way forward.
He has escaped!!! Lock up your shopping trolleys, dust off your dictionaries, warn the fireman of England, surely the bbc can't quote him....
Anyone who can' be bothered looking here is what the Voice of reason wrote; There loss wrong with it cos choice undermines ealth n safety. Fleetwood gets small crahds PL get bigger crahds as do the Championship. Bringin back any form of standin will be the death knell of football
There seem's to be a real lack of common sense with the authorities in football. In response to the Hillsborough disaster (not wishing to undermine how truly tragic it was!), all-seater stadiums were brought in. One tragedy comes about partially as a by-product of standing terraces, and standing terraces must go. If a bridge collapses under a train, do the authorities then make it so trains can no longer go over bridges? Two fans in the past year run onto the pitch to confront a player, all of a sudden the PFA are suggesting putting moats and netting up around pitches to protect players. Last year I was punched in the face when walking down the street minding my own business...nobody then decided that all human beings should walk around in zorb's...
I was never around for seating so can't say whether it should be brought back, but I do stand for most of a match (we're the last row on the lower north so not spoiling anyone's helps avoid the bloody ****ting pigeon!)
This is almost exactly the same line as given in the 'official' safety statistics report/arguments. Actually, their nonsense goes a bit further. RE: WWOCB's post, the Valley Parade disaster was caused in part by having wooden stands. I can't say I noticed when at Brisbane Road, but some people mentioned last season that the away stand there was primarily made of wood. I do think zorbs should be allowed dahn our grahnd. I don't want to stand next to an oolifan
Yes I miss him too. I think if/when he comes back a lot of fans on ere will give him a Pat on the back.