Will there be any issue as he's an ex-hun player? PS Good guess by me that he'd be next manager!
Not from me, Pudrocelli, but then Iâm not terminally enspasticated or infected by west coast jobby-brain *****ism. No, the only issue that will arise is the fact that nothing much will change, long-term. He may eventually be loathed for being ****e, true, but the (deep-rooted) problems will hardly be of his making. I was happy enough with Craig Brown, in any event, and all this chopping and changing of managers is dismayingly crass. You guessed this? I missed that. Hmm. You will shoulder a significant part of the blame, then, when this all goes tits up. Youâre a marked man, buddy, so watch your ****ing step.
Every other team in the SPL must be pyoor ****tin themselves at the appointment of a manager with such a class CV as Derek Mcinniss, took StJohnstone up to the SPL in his first season in charge and saved Bristol city from relegation so he did. On a more serious note, regardless of who he played for i dont think it really matters a jot, Calderwood was brought up in Glasgow & a Hun supporter, Alex Ferguson was a Hun. With a crumbling stadium and a chairman that is unwilling to invest in the playing squad the job is a poisin chalace to any manager comming in so i dont really envy the job in front of him. I feel sorry for the younger supporters of this once great club, as being a youthful 40 something i have had the honour of seeing the greatest days of Aberdeen FC and i don't see it comming back any time soon. Any manager taken us above 9th place is going to be a hero.
No issues at all. Our greatest ever manager played for Rangers. Always liked Macinness as a player. Wish him all the best but he's ****ed before he starts.
I, of course, accept that I will be solely to blame for McInnes failing (should he fail). However, I expect kudos from all Aberdeen fans should he be a massive success at Aberdeen ... i.e a top split finish next season.
How bizarre. I've already responded to this comment and you've already responded to my response.....and yet both of our efforts appear to have disappeared/been deleted. What on earth's going on? Are you any the wiser, Noam Pudsky? My response was brilliant, as well, and I'm not sure I can reproduce such sparkling repartee just like that. Poor me, what a waste of my talent.
Don't be starting on me, mister, my grasp of reality is fragile at the best of times and I certainly don't need you messing with my head.
The site's been infected with some malware and Mick's having problems getting rid of it so he's used a back up of not606 which is from three days ago. So everything that's been posted, PMs, repped etc. in the last 72 hours has disappeared. Don't worry about your computer getting infected. Unless it already is, of course. <dodgypornsites>
Right so, thank **** for that. I haven't been able to access the site for a few days, but I had no idea that Mick would resort to such drastic measures. All those words from all those people.....lost. It's a bit sad, really. I'm sure there must be an opening here for people to sue him. (Here's hoping.) Don't forget to make your attendance prediction this week, please. I've been very disappointed with you lately.