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- Home Page:
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xe3Ou9xBAlI
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- Home Page:
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xe3Ou9xBAlI
- Location:
- The Netherlands
Tomorrow, from broadsheets to **** rags, I want pages one, two and three to be a profile of Tom looking like a f**king political colossus. Y'know: Tom meeting the Pope, Tom in an NHS hospital chatting to little, baldie kiddies. I want pages four and five to be a timeline of British politics with me at the center looking f**king indispensable and f**king benign. And I want page six to be... f**king Israel or some bulls**t. Not a f**king DoSAC dips**t legacy-distracting Cockup!