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- Last Activity:
- Feb 11, 2013
- Joined:
- Jan 20, 2010
- Messages:
- 3,498
- Likes Received:
- 12
- Trophy Points:
- 38
- Location:
- Way down deep in the middle of the Congo
- Occupation:
- Cave Painter
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Active Member, from Way down deep in the middle of the Congo
- BolloBollo was last seen:
- Feb 11, 2013
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- Location:
- Way down deep in the middle of the Congo
- Occupation:
- Cave Painter
From West Somalia I was born and raised,
In the diamond mines where a spent most a'my days,
Working like **** my pickaxe was my only tool,
Use to watch the guards shooting thievin fools,
When a couple of guys they were up to no good,
Took me round the back and stripped me down nude.
I got in one multi man rape and my mom got scared.*
She said get tae Glasgow and get yersel beard!Interact
I'm sure we all agree that Dougie is a massive c.u.n.t!