33000 gun deaths = 11000 gun related homicides and 22000 gun related suicides. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_firearm-related_death_rate
Who are you voting for fella? (If you're voting at all). Any ideas what you think the outcome will be?
There were 372 mass gun shootings in 2015 (a mass shooting is 4 or more people injured or killed), 475 killed, 1870 injured. The next is extraordinary, from a European's perspective..... There were 64 school shootings! And finally, so many people die from gun shootings annually in the US, that the death toll from guns from 1968 to 2011, eclipses all the wars ever fought by the USA. There should be no place in any civilised society for guns. The fact that they are still so prevalent in so many societies across the globe just goes to show how far we have to go before we can call ourselves civilised.
I have been following a series over here called "The Race for the White House" and the amount of interference in some of them is staggering. Abraham Lincoln was beaten to Congress in his own state but was asked to stand at the Convention by Republicans who had vested interest in abolition. They printed 500 counterfeit Convention tickets and got their supporters to flood the hall out early and Lincoln got the nomination. He was of course at home in Illinois but he had warned his backers to do "nothing underhand in his name", so he was clean. Bit like the FBI today.
If that were the case, then please explain why gun deaths are so comparatively low in countries such as the UK that has far stricter controls?
Trump is virtually unelectable. Women overwhelmingly oppose him. Men modestly prefer Trump. The nation wide popular vote may be close, but Clinton will win easily. The popular vote is tallied state by state, the winner takes all of the electoral college votes for that state. Clinton will win all the big states with the possible exception of Texas. http://www.foxnews.com/politics/elections/2016/election-prediction#map_s=1
The FBI rogue letter came at a crucial time for Trump otherwise it would be possibly all over. What do you think of Guilliani's comments about a massive boost for Trump just before it came out?
we are an island guns are hard to get but the criminals still find ways like drugs its just us joe bloggs that cant get them
But most of Europe also has stricter gun laws and they too have very few deaths from guns and that includes from criminals..
Netherlands is 16 mill, but has higher gun crime than uk, which you confirmed earlier , work that out as a percentage its getting close to the US just per head of population alone
Higher per capita, but absolutely nowhere near the USA per capita or any other way you read it.. The stats show that 0.5 for every 100,000 die on the Netherlands and 10 for every 100,000 in the USA (going by memory here, but I think this is about right)..That puts the USA as been 20 times worse..
but guns here are unobtainable by the population as a whole only the police army and criminals have them, so bang goes unarmed civilians to my memory there are no deaths by joe public with guns, all the deaths are criminally related
What I find puzzling is that gun control and licensing varies from state to state. In some a license is only needed to carry a gun openly on display. Otherwise just buy it and keep it in your pocket or handbag. Not what the founding fathers had in mind I reckon.
But the facts speak for themselves mate..Gun controls means less deaths which ever way you look at it, and that includes shootings from the criminals and the police..
Just been announced that there is no criminality in the e-mails that the FBI confiscated. Trump on the back foot now and maybe the FBI Director looking for a new job in January.
Just a case in point about guns, some guy at a Trump rally pulls out a sign saying "Republicans Against Trump", someone nearby shouts "gun" and the guy is attacked. Says it all really about freedom of speech - you can have it, so long as you have a gun to back it up.
Neither of these two idiots will remotely change the figures related to deaths involving guns. If anything suicide will increase, because their economy is taking a battering, which is why they are smashing the Middle East to smithereens, wars make a lot of money.
Just beat me to it mate. It was reported just after he came out with his statement earlier this week that there would be no way he could possibly declare either way before the election if there was an actionable offence because it would take weeks if not months to verify the contents of the emails, and yet here we are, less than 2 days before the election and he's found nothing illegal. This will set the FBI back years in terms of public confidence and will only reinforce the far rights argument of federal involvement in matters beyond their remit. Politics in the US is one big unholy mess right now. No one, no side of the political spectrum, or any arm of the federal state will come out of this with any sense of goodwill or righteousness.