And that's wrong too. Oh dear, what are you going to argue next? Imagine trying to justify the action of a bunch of Irish travellers threatening to petrol bomb people by citing another example of people bombing others. What a ****ing stupid argument. As for your ridiculous claims that I hate Muslims and blacks I wont even dignify that with a response other than to say stop being a ****ing WUM.
WARNING OP is a ******. Maybe we should set up camp in the OPs Garden, see how he likes it. We dont need the Pikies in this country
I was replying to your claim that Irish people are fond of bombing. You said Irish people not Irish travellers. Stop trying to worm it around. Let me get this straight. You think it is OK to hate on Travellers but not blacks or Muslims? What an out and out hypocrite you are Stereo. You are a racist.
Your attempts at labeling me a racist might work Cieran if it wasn't for the fact that most posters on here actually have a go at me for NOT being a racist.
Who defines racism? You? You hate travellers. You hate them for being travellers. No different from hating blacks for being black or Muslims for being Muslims no matter what way tou try and dress it up. You are a racist.
I'm not fishing. You have displayed on this thread that you hate travellers. To me there is zero difference in hating travellers and hating people due to their skin colour. I actually think that the law sees things in the same light. You have a go constantly about Huth being a racist while directing racism towards members of the traveling community. You are a hypocrite and a racist. I don't think you are moderator material.
Stereo, you have given abuse on this thread towards travellers. Scroungers and other things. The other day you actually said they are the only kind of people you hate. I wont look for the post as you know you typed it. You are always on about travellers. I seen this article and thought I would post it and unmask your hypocricy regarding racism. You constantly pull people up on race issues whilst showing anti traveller racism on a regular basis.
No I never. I have many family members and friends who are British. Stereo agreed with me on that post and he is British. What does that make him?
Blah, blah, blah. Poor wee Ciaran making a fanny of himself. I'm just going to take the piss out of you from now on because you don't deserve anything better. What a mopey ****
i dont think its a crime to dislike those that dont pay their way in life and expect others to pick up the tab. i think you might be on a loser on this one bud.
This guy can see you are anti traveller Stereo. At least he is honest about it. Fair play to you Bollocks