What a load of rubbish, Mackem is an insult, why don't people realise it ? I think this guy that's responsible for the Mackem dictionary is behind this, the first one was a pile of ****e, I was born and bred in Sunderland and I've never heard of half of the expressions in there.
Think this may be linked in with the City of Culture bid. BC - another thread discusses issues re insult or not - simply not in my opinion but you disagree
In your fantasmagorIcal delusional world where reality does'nt visit - perhaps reality is a just bit of a problem for you
So is ****** but the blackies call each other that in the comedy clubs & have a reet hoot about it yer daft twat. You just don't get it do you?
Somb takes his hat off and heads off to the cupboard under the stairs.. To have a think about it all..
He can look closer to the town his team are based in. Geordie was a derogatory term coined by the scottish. But the people of Newcastle adore the term.
Right, I'll try to explain it as I would to a simple child who go's to a special needs school. Now are you sitting comfortably? Right, I shall begin. MOST SUNDERLAND FANS DO NOT SEE THE TERM MACKEM AS DEROGATORY OR OFFENSIVE. Is that any clearer?
I could give a toss. You ask any older person who was young in the 70's when the term widely began, it's an offensive phrase.
Fascinating argument this.. Got it all, language, stupidity, one liners, even two by those who can write them.. Brilliance.. I am just waiting for someone to call Somb a microwave Geordie, cooked quick but his patters still ****e.. Sorry mate, seemed apt and all that..