The hard working (still) old lady is somebodies granny and you should have more respect. She has dedicated her life to the service to the great country I am lucky enough to call home. #godsaveyourgraciousqueen
She also pays taxes herself, she pays the staffs wages too. The Royal family do a lot of work, work that is already mapped out for them, their life for most part is not their own; plus charities benefit from their work too. I'm a royalist, I hold no malice towards those that don't like the Royal family, but I always ask if they could, and would like to do their job day in and day out.....
Its actually a tribute to James Mc Clean who is a hard grafter and doesnt mind giving 110% all of the time for his country. What you lot are babbling about is a complete mystery
I am not a royalist, but I will be fecked if I am having some would be "turd" world terrorist with weight issues picking apart our glorious institutions whilst bigging up that poppy avoiding cnut.
Must admit I never had much time for fishing but Im either getting better at it or the fish are getting more stupid
Queenie has done more good in the last six months than that coffin dodger president you have has in an entire lifetime.
Paid a thousand times the amount the Queen gets to bail your country out,stop you going bust,when the banks collapsed she's welcome to it wish we had saved the other though.