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Off Topic European Debate Thread

Discussion in 'Bristol City' started by bcfcredandwhite, May 6, 2016.


In, out, or undecided?

  1. In

    12 vote(s)
  2. Out

    27 vote(s)
  3. Undecided

    5 vote(s)
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  1. banksyisourhero

    banksyisourhero Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Then you need to get your head out of the sand, wake up and have a look around you.!

    Respond to post 1154?
  2. Redprintt

    Redprintt Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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    I run my own business because, basically, I don't like being told what to do.
    Not a surprise for many on here.

    It's the same feeling I have for E U - and the unelected bureaucrats in Brussels.
    I can vote to be rid of any UK Government but can't have any effect on Brussels, just do as we're told.
    WhoTF are they to tell me we have to take uncontrolled immigration, f*ck up our housing, school, roads and NHS.

    The remain and ditherers have no confidence in Great Britain and scared of standing on their own 2 feet.
    And R&W, should we vote out, WW 3 starts the weekend.
    Hope you'll sleep ok, poor lamb.
  3. banksyisourhero

    banksyisourhero Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Thats won him over! <laugh>
  4. Mind the gap!

    Mind the gap! Well-Known Member

    Dec 25, 2013
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    The way I see it is that the Eu is a wider democracy, just because your vote has less weighting doesn't mean that it's a dictatorship force.
  5. RedorDead

    RedorDead Well-Known Member

    Apr 18, 2011
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    Hope not, I'm 50 the following Saturday and the Mrs ain't given me my present yet <yikes>
    banksyisourhero likes this.
  6. Mind the gap!

    Mind the gap! Well-Known Member

    Dec 25, 2013
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  7. banksyisourhero

    banksyisourhero Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    The contradictions in this single comment are unbelievable. PLUS YOU DONT GET A VOTE. (have you taken anything at all from these 59 pages of debate?)
  8. Mind the gap!

    Mind the gap! Well-Known Member

    Dec 25, 2013
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    But we elect MEP s
  9. banksyisourhero

    banksyisourhero Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    As has been explained to you numerous occasions they don't actually get to pass any laws etc, plus we have been outvoted on 70 plus occasions when the UK have disagreed with proposals.

    You seem quite bright in a lot of ways so I must assume you are deliberately avoiding basic facts that have been passed to you in order to suit your agenda of repeating hearsay and scaremongering.

    Last edited: Jun 21, 2016
  10. banksyisourhero

    banksyisourhero Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    I will continue to post this until Thurs night every time a remainer spouts more scaremongering!

    Captain Jack Sparrow likes this.

  11. Premiershiporbust IV

    Premiershiporbust IV Active Member

    Aug 19, 2015
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    See this is the huge issue with the Leave campaign's position, I am not even sure that their leaders understand the implications of Brexit because this statement is arse backwards and plain wrong, wrong, WRONG....

    Currently, our membership of the single market means that if we can sell our goods in one EU member country, we can sell them in all with no issues regarding regulation in terms of compliance with components, kite marks, guarantees etc. This is the massive advantage of the single market in that THERE IS NO RED TAPE

    If we leave the EU, the amnesty from having to comply with the individual requirements of each member is gone which means that we will then have to comply with the separate and different regulatory requirements of each and every one of the 27 remaining countries.

    Now I don't know about you, but I was selling a physical product into the EU at the moment and had to have a different version to comply with every single EU member traded with, I would be absolutely crapping myself about a Brexit.

    Far from being a great idea, it will, at best, seriously hamper if not sink some businesses but, it would appear that they don't get it OR, it hasn't been made clear to them.

    As a matter of interest, anyone on here own a business that exports to one or more EU countries...?

    I would be very interested to hear your views...
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2016
  12. banksyisourhero

    banksyisourhero Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    What amnesty? Isn't the whole point of the EU to have singular regulations regarding cross border trade within the EU so why would a different version be required for each member country when requirements are supposed to be standardised?

    Heres the opinion of the Tate & Lyle about staying in the EU..one of the biggest exporting companies in the UK.

    Britain’s last remaining cane sugar refiner has said it would be better off outside the European Union unless David Cameron secures major reforms before the referendum in 2017.

    Tate & Lyle Sugars said its production has fallen from 1.1m tonnes of sugar to about 600,000 since 2009.

    The company said the slump began when the EU began scaling back its market regulation of beet sugar rather than the cane sugar that the firm imports.

    “If we carry on down this route it puts our business and the jobs here under real threat,” said Gerald Mason, head of T&L Sugars in the UK. “We see the Government’s renegotiation as the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, the last chance if you like, to keep what’s left.”

    He said EU regulations are the “single biggest impact on our business”. The EU is unleashing Europe’s beet farmers in 2017 by removing a production cap, in a move that is expected to push down prices 15pc by 2020. Farmers will be subsidised to counteract this drop, while cane sugar imports continue to face tariffs of up to €339 (£246) per tonne.
  13. banksyisourhero

    banksyisourhero Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    I needed to clarify this scare mongering as well, it would seem the Uk employment laws provide much more protection then any EU working directives anyway.. You would lose nothing.

    So more scare mongering rubbish.

    United Kingdom labour law regulates the relations between workers, employers and trade unions.[2] People at work in the UK benefit from a minimum charter of employment rights,[3]which are found in various Acts, Regulations, common law and equity. This includes the right to a minimum wage of £7.20 for over 25-year-olds under the National Minimum Wage Act 1998.[4] The Working Time Regulations 1998give the right to 28 paid holidays, breaks from work, and attempts to limit excessively long working hours. The Employment Rights Act 1996 gives the right to leave for child care, and the right to request flexible working patterns. The Pensions Act 2008 gives the right to be automatically enrolled in a basic occupational pension, whose funds must be protected according to the Pensions Act 1995.
    Captain Jack Sparrow likes this.
  14. Premiershiporbust IV

    Premiershiporbust IV Active Member

    Aug 19, 2015
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    You may recall that I have previously mentioned (one many occasions over time), the Visegard Group. This comprises 4 countries in the form of Hungary, Poland, Slovakia and The Czech Republic.

    All of these countries have similar views on reforming the EU and also immigration, Hungary in particular having told the EU to do one on many occasions. Now there has been so much on here about how to veto stuff so I many have remembered it wrong but I think that I recall that 4 (or maybe even 3) countries was enough to form an effective veto in the parliament.

    You may have noticed that Hungary's prime minister issued a plea to the UK to stay in and fight from within and there is now a sufficient number of countries who could start the revolution to derail Merkel's federal Europe and there are undoubtedly more on the sidelines who will join in.

    Trust me, Orban HATES the EU's dictatorial approach but knows what is best for the country he leads. The difference is that he DOES stand up to them. When threatened with withdrawal of EU funding, he said get stuffed, we will borrow at market rates (9% at the time). The EU eventually backed down

    The sole focus of my commentary on here about this issue has been in respect of the economy, nothing else really matters as if you have your freedom but a broken economy, you are ****ed.

    Things like immigration CAN be sorted as the pressure on the EU grows, Merkel will have no option but to bend
  15. banksyisourhero

    banksyisourhero Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    It can't,She won't and it won't be and most people can see that now.

    Off Cameron went to demand concessions and "we will leave if I don't get what I want".. Did you get what you wanted Dave are we leaving? "No, but they gave me these magic beans so we are staying."

    "I promise to reduce immigration to the tens of thousands annually within the life time of the next parliament" said Cameron as it was rising to 330 000 per year..

    "How do we out an upper limit on immigration Mr Corbyn?" " We can't do that if we want a free movement economy" (at least he doesn't lie.. actually scrub that, he said he wanted out less than 2 years ago!)

    You say one thing but FACTS say differently.
  16. Premiershiporbust IV

    Premiershiporbust IV Active Member

    Aug 19, 2015
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    Seems like there is a pretty simple solution to me, along the lines of "if you can't beet them" - use beet sugar and become competitive again. This is how the market works, you adapt rather than bleat...

    Back to regulation - it is incredibly simple.

    In the free market = no need to worry about using a left handed flux capacitor in France and a right handed one in Germany
    Out of the free market = requirement to comply with the individual regulations of 27 countries, all of which do things differently

    In the free market
    = amnesty as the regulatory requirements are considered uniform over all 28 member states
    Out of the free market = comply with individual country's regulation = nightmare
    Mind the gap! likes this.
  17. Premiershiporbust IV

    Premiershiporbust IV Active Member

    Aug 19, 2015
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    Cameron was a lone voice then, pressure WILL grow as more nations come to the same conclusion and speak out...
  18. Captain Jack Sparrow

    Forum Moderator

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Its this sort of red tape that im on about..... http://en.euabc.com/word/2067

    How stupid is this.... So much food (not just strawberries) get wasted due to pathetic EU rules. Farms and businesses lose a lot of money due to these rules.


    The size of strawberries for sale in shops is decided by the European Commission in a regulation”binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member states”.

    According to an EU-regulation (EC No 843/2002 May 21 2002) it is illegal to sell strawberries measuring less than 18 mm in diameter. The detailed EU-rules applies to strawberries sold in shops and in local markets. It is possible to sell strawberries with a smaller diameter for industrial production of jam.

    Strawberries in "Extra" class must be at least 25 mm in diameter. Classes I and II 18 mm. There is no minimum size for wild strawberries.

    The EU has different rules on the size and quality of most fruit. It is now permitted to sell cucumbers not respecting the EU rules on their curvature. The reform of the market for fruit and vegetables in 2009 has not yet changed the rules for the sale of all fruits.
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2016
  19. banksyisourhero

    banksyisourhero Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    In the free market = no need to worry about using a left handed flux capacitor in France and a right handed one in Germany
    Out of the free market = requirement to comply with the individual regulations of 27 countries, all of which do things differently.

    So to use your example.. BMW don't send right hand drive vehicles to Britain and left hand drive to Spain then?

    So I'll ask again, What amnesty , last time I looked in most Electrical goods bought in the EU have to comply to that countries point of sale electrical requirements. or supply various plugs etc. So what different regulations are there for the 27 countries that we would have to comply with.

    So not incredibly simple then?
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2016
  20. banksyisourhero

    banksyisourhero Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Cameron is a liar..
    Captain Jack Sparrow likes this.
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