I get the feeling Vardy is biding his time. If he has a good Euro 16 then he might be hoping for an even bigger offer from elsewhere. If he doesn't shine then he can come back and sign his new Leicester contract. He's in a pretty good situation at the moment, fair play to him. Just hope he stays!
Lol... I wish I was able to get my point across as eloquent as you BF On the subject of players remuneration where do you get your info from..... Just curious ?
I read these values in multiple places - there were quite a few articles stating that Inler was our top earner and Gray was our lowest last season.. The Express recently "revealed" our wages this season that stated Schlupp was on 80k but other sources that I trust more state that was a typo and should have said 30K http://www.express.co.uk/sport/football/667374/Revealed-Leicester-City-stars-wages-top-earner In all seriousness - apologies Fosse for the way I wrote that as ultimately we don't know for sure and I am basically saying my guessing is better then yours.
No problem buddy .... my information came from one of my cousins ... and his from inside the club (can't say too much on that as I do know the source - one of his nbest mates) ... would certainly have been prior to Inler joining us and just after Cambiasso leaving ... and, if you recall, at the very start of the season the one player being linked with interest from 'poachers' was Schlupp ... on the back of his time at Man United ...
Schlupp and Mahrez both signed new deals last summer. Before then Cambiasso aside no on was on more then £30K a week cap which was set by Nigel Pearson
Well this is interesting if true: Arsenal may pull-out of Vardy deal after buyout clause rose to £30m http://www.arsenalstation.com/2016/...-vardy-deal-after-buyout-clause-rose-to-30m/?
https://www.google.co.uk/amp/s/www....l-Leicester-Premier-League-summer-gossip/amp# Top thinks he will reject Arsenal. Would he say this without more information that us as fans.....
Good for the lad if true - has to get used to being a substitute left winger for England though as Hodgson only cares about the big 4 clubs.
Nice to see, think Wenger has said something like its looking unlikely now, but until Vardy signs a new contract or Arsenal sign a different striker, theres still no confirmation.
... I could of course be wrong ... but i've seen nothing anywhere that would suggest that Kante has anything to make his mind up about on the transfer front... he has not expressed any wish to leave and there are no reports of any actual bids having been made ... only spurious press reports and fanzine articles ranging from jealous wishful thinking to bitter sniping at our audacity in thinking that we can maybe keep our best players because we have somehow fluked the league title ..... by a 10 point margin ... and are planning for a Champions League campaign as such title winners usually do ...not by dismantling our team but by actually strengthening our squad ... how very dare we ... upstarts
I've seen many comments from Arsenal fans but the best one is one saying he hopes Vardy and Leicester fail spectacularly next season to teach us both a lesson!! Yeah we need teaching how wrong it is to offer one of our star players a new contract to keep hold of him. How dare we dent Arsenal and Wengers ego!! Some of their fans are unbelievable!
... as I've mentioned before ... I sat in with them during the 2-1 loss at the Emirates ... some of the comments, screams and general hysteria were mind boggling ... Mahrez should be sent off when he goes over after an obvious late challenge ... Simpson 'deserved' to be sent off whilst under their noses Giroud lis leaning back into him grabbing a handful of Simpson's shirt behind him at every opportunity ... but the best one was Coquelin racing across half of the pitch to shove Mahrez in the back so forcefully and without warning coz Mahrez was walking off too slowly when subbed ... Coquelin was already on a yellow ... officials bottled it ... but the consensus from the deluded all around me was that Mahrez 'derserved that'
Wenger possibly playing diuble bluff ... hoping that Vards might start to get worried that they no longer want him etc ... all Vardy has said is that he will decide after the Euros ... anything until then is just speculation ... hope he stays of course ... but we were doing OK when he wasn't the main forward (during the great escape) and there is no reason to think we won't continue to thrive in this division ... despite what the many 'bitters' 'begrudgers' and 'resentfuls' would like to happen to us
Nothing will happen either way until after the Euros - don't know why the media keep wasting their time with it everyday.