I've got Foxtel. BeIn sports transferred my account to them but they only do the European Leagues. I am trying to negotiate with Foxtel but they are being pretty vague at this stage saying that there will be SOME Premier League games available but they cannot tell me how many and which teams. SBS will be broadcasting ONE game per week.
I hope it wasn't a solicitor from one of those funny emails, nice to see you back, don't take things to heart mate
I hope it wasn't my post TigerRoo. Nobody could possibly take it seriously. Your combination of jobs has always amused me.
SBS get one game per week. Foxtel will show Arsenal, Chelsea, Man United, and Liverpool games on a 13 hour delay. Everything else is purely on Optus. Don't get conned by Foxtel if they suggest they can offer anything better than that.
It was and it's been deleted, though really just to shut him up, I think it was ridiculous to report it.
The problem is that we have the top cover costing 150 bucks a month (I have an extra outlet in my bedroom) and when I told them that I might as well cancel the sports channel they said "Well, that will cost you more"! Apparently there conditions make this possible. The mind boggles.
Reckon it's worth keeping mate - League Cup, Champions League, Europa League, Championship - should be decent viewing.
I find that hard to believe! Especially since they tweeted Adam Peacock (Newcastle supporter who presents for Fox Sports) confirming they had it!
I can't decide which part is ****tiest. The whining like a spoilt brat who's had his toys taken off him or when he refers to the Scummers as "we". Either way he's shown he's not a supporters arsehole, maybe just a grade "A" arsehole.
Well, I'm still negotiating with them but the 13 hour delay is no good to me when you know the result although I would have to be honest and say that I would watch City's match - especially if I have no option but to pay for it.
I can't 'support' any Club Ben, I'm 12,500 miles away. When I lived in England I 'supported' two teams and I had season passes for both. Here in Oz I still 'Follow' those two teams and my greatest moment up to Hull City making the Premier League for the first time was Sunderland beating the odds-on favourites Leeds United in the FA Cup Final in the early 70's. I am not the only one who follows 2 teams nor am I the only one who frequents other Football Club Message Boards there are many on these boards who use the Multiview System.
No mate, I was ALL Optus when they came out but they weren't here when I moved to the 'sticks' so I had to change. All Telstra now.
I think you should change your name to "TurncoatTwoFacedChildLikeMackamBlackCatHawayDon'tUnderstandSupportNotASupporter'sArseholeMarraRoo" One man, one team. You'll always be one of them to me & I think they're all ****s.