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Off Topic DC Theme Mafia Sign up & Ideas Thread - 11th April

Discussion in 'Liverpool' started by InBiscanWeTrust, Apr 1, 2016.


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  1. moreinjuredthanowen

    Jun 9, 2011
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    just look at the final sign up numbers and make sure your total mafia is not too hit. if you get 20 then 5 bad guys would be right so you have to look and see if having 6 mafia AND 2 serial killers as well is rather a lot.

    see what you think.
  2. What about giving them the choice? They can choose to kill, recruit or hack each night but only up to four actions in total. Obviously, they could only recruit or hack once but they could choose to kill four times instead.
  3. InBiscanWeTrust

    InBiscanWeTrust Rome, London, Paris, Rome, Istanbul, Madrid
    Forum Moderator

    May 22, 2011
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    Thats why didn't do 2 Mafia teams initially.

    I I think it's important to have a lot of VT's as I always find as Mafia you get to the end and everyone has a role and it's impossible to hide. You need VT's to enable the final couple of days to actually be undecided.
  4. I don't see that as a lot since they're not on the same team. For example, The Town and Mafia A both want Mafia B dead so they are effectively working together to achieve that. I don't an issue with half the players being bad guys so long as there aren't too many in one team making them too powerful.
  5. moreinjuredthanowen

    Jun 9, 2011
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    what mafia have no kills at all?

    theres really no point being mafia without kills as you have to thin the ranks. if its a case of detectives just investigating and there's no deterrent to revealing yourself then that would be game over.

    If you want a 5 day game with 20 players then the first 4 nights need to see minimum of 2/3 kills each night.. you need to be at 5/6 players left on friday to have an end game. (or 14 dead over 4 days = 3.5 deaths)

    If theres two serial killers and one lynch ok but the moment one goes then you've a hole to fill and there is always a likely hood the two killers go for the same target.
  6. There were plenty of VT's left in the last game but nowhere to hide. It's harder to hide the longer the game goes on.
  7. Do you even bother reading my comments any more <laugh>

    (assuming that was aimed at me)

    "What about giving them the choice? They can choose to kill, recruit or hack each night but only up to four actions in total. Obviously, they could only recruit or hack once but they could choose to kill four times instead."

    that bit was the bit you missed mate ;)
  8. moreinjuredthanowen

    Jun 9, 2011
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    I totally agree. vanilla is a role all of its own and astro proved you can play it and be most effective. You need vanilla's to have that uncertainty in what you think people are or it'd be too easy.

    The game doesn't actually need many roles at all, it is at its heart a large group v a small group and figuring out who is who and who is lying and bullshitting before its too late. The kills are there to make it possible for mafia to win and the town roles are there to balance their abilities.

    I have found that its best to design the mafia first then balance then than to design the town first then fit the mafia to it.
  9. moreinjuredthanowen

    Jun 9, 2011
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    True. The early reveals didn't help that. The inactive players don't help it. any specialist things you can be caught out on don't help either.

    at the start for at least first 2/3 days every role should be hiding in vanilla pool. if you've 20 players all 20 should be saying i'm vanilla.. the only reason for a town role to reveal is to give info on a guilty party and the amount of guilty left in game should be what determines their decision to go.

    Out of the 8 last time.. 3 were largely inactive. 2 were for me largely known innocent due to revealing shards and not being contested to that left 3. once a couple die then the room to hide vanished quick.

    I'd have got it wrong in last game as i'd have saved kill and gone for recruit first. getting anything is good, a vanilla = a place to hide, a role is a bonus. Then save kills for getting roles. last game flipped that as the town just got stronger and stronger and mafia could not at same speed.
  10. InBiscanWeTrust

    InBiscanWeTrust Rome, London, Paris, Rome, Istanbul, Madrid
    Forum Moderator

    May 22, 2011
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    Remember town won't know who voted who so althoigh will be less Mafia, they will have advantage that bar town mayor who gets a couple of bits of info a night, town can't try link votes so are hugely dependant on investigation and using their own logic (and VT's getting the location right/wrong will be a big influence)
    Super G Ted'inho likes this.

  11. moreinjuredthanowen

    Jun 9, 2011
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    rarely cos you never read ours....

    I think your quote there is something that makes sense.

    The hack for me is bascially rarely of use. a late game suicide bomber is of more use. I loved that one. if you are in lynch or get to end game you had a great power.

    Recruit is for me most underused power for mafia. the block of 4 votes is more important than just killing.. for me... by end game a good recruit can win you game.

    Kills are vital though... anyway.. a mafia team with 2 kills one recruit = standard fare. the number of kills goes up as number of players goes down.
  12. moreinjuredthanowen

    Jun 9, 2011
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    This will indeed be very interesting. Nobody will know who voted to lynch x or y so as town a strong candidate for lynch has to merge all can get behind in private or the mafia will just select one guy and all vote on him. the role that sees the votes i saw will then be vital. this is a nice balance but a delicate one.

    Town needs a very convincing case to get at least 3/4 votes on someone to get them lynched. otherwise they leave it open to mafia to use lynch as a kill

    and a mafia recruit then becomes hugely valuable as it means 5 town would be needed to swing it.
  13. I was just thinking real life Mafia usually don't play by the rules so why not let the in game Mafia do as they please within reason?

    The game Biscan, Magic and I dominated so like this. We could do one action of our choice per night but we could only hack once and we could only recruit if one of us were to die.
  14. Are people going be allowed to clearly say "I'v voted for X" or will that be forbidden too?

    Might be a bit more work but what about having a new thread for each day? You could use the poll for the lynch then.

    EDIT: no you couldn't, it's limited to ten or twelve options.
  15. InBiscanWeTrust

    InBiscanWeTrust Rome, London, Paris, Rome, Istanbul, Madrid
    Forum Moderator

    May 22, 2011
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    They can say what ever they want on the thread... Whether it's the truth or not is a different question.
  16. InBiscanWeTrust

    InBiscanWeTrust Rome, London, Paris, Rome, Istanbul, Madrid
    Forum Moderator

    May 22, 2011
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    No point having the poll, that doesn't keep the votes secret
  17. Sir Tennisball

    Sir Tennisball Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2012
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    @InBiscanWeTrust what I find really helps is to track the actions (kills, lockups, investigations) in the order that they occur, so there's less chance of making mistakes.

    It's so easy to get the order of events wrong and then you're stuffed, especially if guys make last minute changes to their actions. So as you go down the list of actions the early actions impact the ones below them, especially lockups or when guys get killed.

    I tracked mine in excel but you can do it however you want, it makes it a lot easier. See example below, especially the Astro lockup night 1 and Mito's protection both nights.

    Super G Ted'inho likes this.
  18. I know that but thought you were only going the secret route because you couldn't be arsed to go through loads of comments counting votes
    InBiscanWeTrust likes this.
  19. InBiscanWeTrust

    InBiscanWeTrust Rome, London, Paris, Rome, Istanbul, Madrid
    Forum Moderator

    May 22, 2011
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    Yeah I did run one last year so ran it all in excell and did similar thing. Had my night actions order and did each one individually going down the list <ok>
    Sir Tennisball likes this.
  20. InBiscanWeTrust

    InBiscanWeTrust Rome, London, Paris, Rome, Istanbul, Madrid
    Forum Moderator

    May 22, 2011
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    You vote via PM so no one can see you're vote... However what you say on the thread is up to you.

    I think it's nice twist as town can be honest and say afterwards who they voted for, but if you're town and you voted for and lynched a good guy, would you admit it? If you lie and the mayor knows you lied then makes you look very guilty... Similarly Mafia could lie and say who they voted for but if mayor sees their vote looks dodgy.
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