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Discussion in 'Charlton' started by TC (Lovely Geezer), Mar 31, 2016.

  1. TC (Lovely Geezer)

    TC (Lovely Geezer) Well-Known Member

    Jan 24, 2011
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  2. deleted.....

    deleted..... Well-Known Member

    May 2, 2011
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    Me, I can't see any negatives to this TC .... football will have 2 years to make appropriate arrangements <ok>

    You pro EU then TC?
  3. TC (Lovely Geezer)

    TC (Lovely Geezer) Well-Known Member

    Jan 24, 2011
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    If it means we can control our own borders and deport the millions of Romanians,Polish etc draining our social services then i am out <ok>
  4. charltonted

    charltonted Active Member

    May 9, 2011
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    Sticking to football, I would be delighted if foreigners were barred from playing in England. I suspect however that just as in the real world, this would not happen & "controlling our own borders" would make no difference. We can't control the borders if we've sacked boarder force staff as this government has done.
  5. User deleted as requested

    User deleted as requested Well-Known Member

    Aug 13, 2013
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    I am delivering "Out" leaflets every weekend in the four weeks before 23rd June.

    The population of the UK is projected to reach 92m by 2050 due to EU immigration - complete madness.

    Not only that, Turkey with about 1 billion Muslims, want to join by 2020.

    No thanks.
  6. Sat In Greenwich

    Sat In Greenwich Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2011
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    13 of our players will have to leave. what's the bad news?

    if clubs were to be run off the backbone of the academies they have then i think we'll actually move up the leagues (from league one)
  7. Bitter & Malicious

    Bitter & Malicious Well-Known Member

    May 16, 2011
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    You guys are deluded. Leaving the EU means that there will be no restrictions on English clubs signing players from where they can get best value for money, namely Africa and Latin America.

    Clubs in many Continental countries already do this, as their regulations are slacker. English clubs then sign the best of them at high fees, whereas the Continental clubs have signed them for tens of thousands of euros (not millions of pounds) and at relatively low wages, which are still a fortune in the countries they came from.

    I would also expect to see a flood of US, Australian, etc., players as they will settle quicker, but these will be generally of medicocre quality and will play in the lower leagues.

    I posted this on Sunday: Watched the England u21s draw 1-1 with Switzerland. I noticed the Swiss team did not contain one player with a "Swiss" surname (that is, German, French, or Italian). They were all of African, Spanish/Portuguese, or East European descent (although some of them may have been Swiss-born of immigrant fathers). And only one (Frey) among the seven substitutes. And Switzerland is not a member of the European Union.

    That is what will happen here if we leave the EU.

    What you should have learned by now is that football clubs, increasingly owned by non-British owners, are not the slightest bit interested in what is best for England, or the longer-term development of the game here, but in making a profit.

    That is why basically good ideas like Fair Play have been emasculated. That is the one area I have some sympathy for RD. His plan to balance the books has no chance when competing clubs are allowed to run up huge deficits. He did not anticipate the relaxation when he bought us.
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2016
  8. Sat In Greenwich

    Sat In Greenwich Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2011
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    if it's going to cost RD (hopefully he'll be gone by the time this is a issue) more to buy the same players i cant see him doing it at all. why would he buy crap from australia or africa when he's just upgraded the youth team and wants a return on his investment/loan.

    anyway, this mediocre quality player will be apt for us. we are in the lower leagues, we have no ambition but to sell our youngsters so roland can make a profit.
  9. Oooopeakeyrocket

    Dec 22, 2015
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    The problem with the Brexit side is they are unable to put a clear vision together as to how they will actually deal with the four core principles of the EU being dismantled - free movement of people being one of them. Do you really just turn off the tap to Europeans - especially skilled Europeans - from countries of comparable economic size to us? I just can't see it. And the problem with the remain side is they make an assumption that Brexit would lead to vindictive acts of retribution by the EU that would bite the hand that feeds them. That just wouldn't make sense. I rather suspect in the case of Brexit not much will change - lots of uncertainty, it will be a complete bugger's muddle and at the end of it all (probably about 5 years) lots of caveats and exceptions will be laid down and things like free movement of footballers will not be affected. But who knows - and that, unfortunately is the problem!
    Ken Shabby and ForestHillBilly like this.
  10. User deleted as requested

    User deleted as requested Well-Known Member

    Aug 13, 2013
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    We have got a full two years to negotiate our exit once Article 50 is invoked. The EU elite will be piqued that the proletariat of the UK have spoken out against their pet project - remember how they reacted to previous referendums in Ireland and Portugal. Then hard headed reality will kick in - German business and financiers will tell Merkel that they still need the good old Brits and our 5th largest economy in the world, rather more than they need the import markets of Latvia and Estonia.

    The problem with the 'free movement' of labour ideal was that in reality ir quickly became the 'free movement of jobseekers/scroungers/foreign criminals' - quite another matter altogether, and inherently dangerous to the UK.

    On the question of 'skilled EU workers' - PMSL <laugh>

    They either undercut skilled British workers in the building trades - how may Poles have CORGI licenses for instance?
    Or they take entry level service sector jobs that traditionally got our British kids into the world of work - why do we need to let Latvians cross 6 borders to make us Lattes and make the beds in our hotels?

    Better off Out
    TC (Lovely Geezer) likes this.

  11. lardiman

    lardiman 1905 - 2024
    Forum Moderator

    Mar 6, 2016
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    Why will the European Union disintegrate once Britain has left?

    Simple economics.

    The EU as it exists now needs the money we pour into it. Britain contributes vastly more than it gets back every year.
    When that money stops, there is no amount of tinkering or fiddling the books that will cover the huge black hole in their finances.
    Without us and our money their Union will be bankrupt and they know it.
    Even the Federalist-minded and extremely tolerant Germans are now deciding they have had enough of supporting the entire continent for the benefit of a tiny elite of benelux freeloaders, who have enjoyed the most lavish gravy train ride in history and become so drunk on unelected power that they think they really are the Masters of a Superstate.

    None of the swathe of new countries which joined the EU recently are net contributors. Every one of them takes more than it gives, and most of them have hundreds of thousands of workers moving into other EU countries, lowering wages for unskilled jobs and sending that money back to their folks at home.
    Scotland would be no different if it left the UK and joined the EU. All the money it currently gets from England would have to come from Brussels instead.

    Britain, France and Germany are the only 3 countries out of 28 EU nations who actually pay for the running of the European Union. Everybody else feeds off it.
    All this rubbish being talked at the moment about transitional periods and a Brexit Bill and continuing to meet our obligations - in the Referendum there was no mention of any of that.
    Do we leave or do we remain. And we voted to leave.

    Despite the remainer campaign to muddy the waters, that decision was clear and simple.
    We didn't vote to stay in the free trade zone or the free movement of citizens zone or any other EU contrived zone. We didn't vote for decades of tinkering and dithering in order to satisfy the demands of fools who never planned for the consequences of a Leave majority. That kind of political cowardice is what will wreck our economy in the long term - uncounted years of uncertainty rather than a clean break and a new start. And that is exactly what the Eurocrats in Brussels want.
    They want Britain to suffer, in order to scare all the other rebellious little countries back into line.

    When the two year period specified in article 50 expires, we are OUT.
    Britain will not owe the EU one penny.
    Unless of course our spineless politicians betray the British people and reverse their democratic decision.
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2017
  12. User deleted as requested

    User deleted as requested Well-Known Member

    Aug 13, 2013
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    The sickening events in Catalonia - women having their limbs broken by Spanish police just for voting - proves again why the the Brexit vote was right.

    Put simply- we have nothing in common with these people.

    Spain has had democracy for barely 40 years. And yet their vast swathe of MEPs and EU supplicants voted in the Strasbourg Parliament this week to condemn our democratic Brexit vote.

    These people wouldn’t recognise democracy if it slapped them in the face with a plate of paella.
    lardiman likes this.
  13. deleted.....

    deleted..... Well-Known Member

    May 2, 2011
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    Lardi will not be aware of this, but last year the Brexit discussions almost ended the forum.... perhaps it is best if Brexit discussions are moved to PM's <ok>

    I will not close this thread but can we move on for now

  14. lardiman

    lardiman 1905 - 2024
    Forum Moderator

    Mar 6, 2016
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    Message understood AHLL.
    You're right, I was not aware that Brexit had caused such serious problems here and I don't wish to cause trouble.
    If you do feel it's better to lock this thread then please do so - I would not have resurrected it had I known of past difficulties.

    My Apologies to all fellow not606 members of all political opinions.
    ForestHillBilly likes this.
  15. ForestHillBilly

    ForestHillBilly Well-Known Member

    May 12, 2011
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    Politics seems to find ways to creep back on to thjs forum. As my Dad told me over 50 years ago, people don't like honest politicians, otherwise they would elect them into power. Twas ever thus.
    DonCorleone likes this.
  16. User deleted as requested

    User deleted as requested Well-Known Member

    Aug 13, 2013
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    I despise the EU, absolutely hate it - but recognise it has no place on this forum <peacedove>
    Ponders Revisited likes this.
  17. ForestHillBilly

    ForestHillBilly Well-Known Member

    May 12, 2011
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    Perfect example of an oxymoron.
  18. Ken Shabby

    Ken Shabby Well-Known Member

    Mar 18, 2011
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    Fairly foolish post in my opinión, and using it as some sort of justification for Brexit is bizarre.

    To cover all the ground you've dragged up would take ages - I've been covering this subject on CL but didn't bother here as this fórum is dedicated to football and Elfs. But to cover tje basics - that wasn't a simple vte. It was declared ilegal, and the Spaish government advised they would shut it down,The image of people waving their arms in the air pacifically is a good one, but they were hell bent on obstruction. To be blunt, would you welcome a break down in law and order in London? The vote, as was amply advised beforehand, would be used to proclaim a Catalan secession. They only achieved a 42% turn out, and the manner of voting would not be out of place in Venezuela, but despite there was a boycott from the no voters, the result has been claimed as definitive by the Catalan leader, who plans to announce Independence within days. Again Royston, would you see as aceptable the breaking up of England. It's dificult to draw a line between this event and others, as every country is different, but I cannot imagine any country in Europe that would sit back and allow itself to be dismembered by a vocal minority in one región. Finally, the Independence leaders denounced pólice brutality, in the Catalan courts. They had it thrown back in their faces yesterday. They were told that the referéndum was ilegal, and the injuries occasioned were the responsibility of the leaders who encouraged people to block entrances and occupy public buildings, and prevent the work of the pólice. It went on to say that the entire court demand was no more tan an attempt to cover up an ilegal referéndum with a smokescreen of injureis. An I'll add that quite a lot of the ones that appeared on TV are turning out to be false.
    Not a single country has come out to say the Catalans have any sort of right of Independence after that. A lot of people in the EU have condemned the violence, and rightly so (Corbyn was one - Theresa May hung back) but no one wants to get involved in the mess the Catalan leaders are creating. This morning, the Catalan PM, Puigdenmon, announced we will get an Independence announcement within days, and advised Madrid not to get involved as it will go badly. I'm sure it will. The 42% who want Independence will no doubt come out and peacefully block buildings and public services if Madrid sends pólice or, god forbid, soldiers. So what's the answer? Sit back and let Puigdemont defy the will of more tan half of the voters on the back of a vote only idiots like Alex Salmond and Hristo Stoichkov support? Again, when people break the law in the UK, would you deem it aceptable to sit back and let them get on with it if they had enough bodies to make prevention an issue. Suppose a peacefull Islamic group declared Sharia law in east London? You telling me you'd say okay? Ha ha, Don't make me laugh.
    It's a real knife edge situation here, and is sliding into anarchy. Sorry for being long winded, but democracy has nothing to do with what Puigdemont is creating in Catalunya.
  19. User deleted as requested

    User deleted as requested Well-Known Member

    Aug 13, 2013
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    @ken shabby

    I disagree with just about every word of that sadly. My main point was that it took Nigel Farage to stand up in the “EU Parliament”
    to ask where the condemnation was of Spanish police in riot gear snapping the fingers of Catalan women voters.

    I can assure you that the collective reaction of the EU panjandrums including Drunker & the unelected commission was to see the Catalan issue as a threat not to Spanish unity but to EU Super-state unity. For them the trinkets and the salaries and the gravy train will always come first.

    To see that thick playboy “King Felipe” lecturing the Spanish on TV about democracy in a country that was ruled by a fascist barely 40 years ago, was beyond satire.
  20. Ken Shabby

    Ken Shabby Well-Known Member

    Mar 18, 2011
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    So after 40 years of democracy, everyone should shut up because there was a fascist in charge before?

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