I like the interface, very nice. SuperRepo seems to be the way to go Saves faffing around and you get just about everything by the looks of it. I've not tried watching anything but the footy streams are all in one place, so that's easy.
https://seo-michael.co.uk/tutorial-how-to-install-operation-robocop-video-add-on-kodi/ https://seo-michael.co.uk/how-to-install-exodus-for-kodi/
Operation Robocop Ultimate comes with SuperRepo but an older version it seems. I'd already installed the newer version before I came across SR anyway. Didn't know about Exodus though
Exodus is down at the moment but should be back soon.It's the old Genesis which has finished.Try this one also..... https://seo-michael.co.uk/tutorial-how-to-install-uk-turks-playlists-kodi-xbmc/
Was just about to post that they seemed identical and neither working too well. I have discovered SALTS though, which is fantastic.
Just curious... but aren't any of you bothered about the legalities... I had my Steam Link and it's brilliant btw.