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Next chelsea manager: who do you want?

Discussion in 'Chelsea' started by george the blue, Dec 14, 2015.


Which manager should take chelsea into 2016 and beyond?

  1. Jose mourinho

    4 vote(s)
  2. Antonio conte

    1 vote(s)
  3. Carlo ancelloti

    1 vote(s)
  4. Pep guardiola

    1 vote(s)
  5. Alan pardew

    4 vote(s)
  6. Diego simeone

    4 vote(s)
  7. Other

    5 vote(s)
  8. Steve holland

    1 vote(s)
  1. george the blue

    george the blue Active Member

    Dec 2, 2012
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    How long will this be acceptable?

    I for one am bored by it all now. Its terribly predictible, and thats not a good sign. Jose has shown hes incapable of change and is being held to ransom by under performing players.

    If he wont make the steps to change I dont want him in charge for 4 plus years at cfc

    What about you lot, if you want change who do you want? If you want more of the same you know who to pick.
    Bristol Blue and Liquidator like this.
  2. Tobes

    Tobes Warden
    Forum Moderator

    Oct 23, 2012
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    You should be aiming your anger at bell ends like Hazard and Fabregas who are a pair of **** houses and are tanking deliberately as their fragile egos have been offended by a manager telling them a few home truths.
    Blueman and Bodinki like this.
  3. Part of me wants Mad Dog to keep Mourhino on regardless of how bad the team does, and then to give Mourhino all the money he needs to replace those players who are under-performing.

    Then again, I did warn you Chelsea boys that it's never a good thing to go back across those burnt bridges. You were all rubbing your little todgers when Mourhino came back to the club, and the rest of us had to put up with the smugness and arrogance.

    I think Mourhino's entire reputation was built on luck. Now that his luck has run out, he's nothing more than a pantomime of himself, and I cannot see that any good is going to come of keeping him on.
  4. Lovearsenalcock

    Lovearsenalcock Homeboy
    Forum Moderator

    Jun 3, 2011
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    It is Christmas there is every reason to keep him on.
  5. Bodinki

    Bodinki You're welcome
    Forum Moderator

    Dec 14, 2011
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    Look, we know the problem isn't Jose.
    He has won multiple trophies everywhere he has been, including the PL title with us last year. So unless Jose has fundamentally changed something in his management style or some other huge thing, it can't be him or maybe it is.....**** knows.
    The problem seems to be the players. Like Tobes said, Hazard, Fabregas and Costa (ie our best players from last season) have all just failed to turn up this year, whether thats complacency, or they want to leave, whatever, but they are not performing.
    JT is another year older, and we still have a CB at RB and a RB at LB :)

    I really don't know whether or not I want Mourinho to go to be honest. There doesn't seem to be anything going wrong tactically, or poor substitutions anything like that.
  6. armchairblue

    armchairblue Well-Known Member

    Dec 8, 2015
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    couldn't agree more....add costa to that
  7. chelsea - over 100 years of history

    Mar 8, 2011
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    Exactly this. Don't think Jose has helped things this year with the Eva situation etc. but ultimately, these are the same players playing the same way as last year when we were champions. I think some players have started to believe their own press and need to take a hard look at themselves.

    However we do know that sometimes a change in manager can have a dramatic effect on players (albeit sometimes just in the short - mid term) and it may be easier to change manager than half a squad of players.

    Very tricky and hard to exactly pin point the issues. Take United and Liverpool fans with Brendan and LVG, they can point out exactly what their manager is/was doing they don't agree with. I'm struggling to do that with Jose. It's a little predictable yes, but with the players we have we simply shouldn't be anywhere near the bottom of the league.

    A couple of weeks ago I was starting to accept this would have to be a transitional year, but now I'm genuinely worried about get dragged into a relegation fight. We're below Newcastle and Bournemouth FFS!!

    I really think the board want to give Jose as long as they can but another 2-3 games could be it.
    Blueman and Bodinki like this.
  8. chelsea - over 100 years of history

    Mar 8, 2011
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    Adding further, it doesn't matter how good you are if the players aren't playing for you and not buying into the philosophy.

    One of Jose's biggest strengths in the past was that the players would 'die' for him on the pitch. Just not seeing that now.

    As I've said before, it's unfortunately a lot easier to change managers in this kind of situation. Problem being, most of the guys we'd want wont be available till the summer best case scenario.
  9. Bodinki

    Bodinki You're welcome
    Forum Moderator

    Dec 14, 2011
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    Yup, was funny when we were 14th, and 10 games in, 12 points from the top.
    Now we are approaching January and we are 1 point from the relegation zone.
    52% of teams on 15 points after 16 games have been relegated historically, and there is just no reason for this to be happening.
    Apart from saying weird **** to the media, and the way he handled the Eva thing, I cannot really see anything, managerially, Jose is doing wrong.
    Ask a United fan and they will tell you why they want LvG gone, ask a Pool fan why they wanted Brenda gone and they could tell you.
    This has just baffled me.......
    Personally I would get rid of Costa, Fab, Hazard, Mikel and JT in the summer.
    Make JT defensive coach or something.
    We would get the best part of £100m for Costa, Fab, Hazard and Mikel (Hazard £45m, Fab £20m, Costa £25m, Mikel £10m).
    Then buy a new striker, a new CB and a couple of midfielders, not AM's or attacking wingers, but proper midfielders!!
    The net spend would be minimal.
  10. Bodinki

    Bodinki You're welcome
    Forum Moderator

    Dec 14, 2011
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    Like you say though, its easier just to ditch the manager than the big names in the squad! So Jose will probably go instead.
    But seriously, which big name manager HASNT managed us?
    There is only Pep, and I don't see that happening. Maybe Poach Ranieiri back from Leicester, they seem to be doing alright <laugh>

  11. Lovearsenalcock

    Lovearsenalcock Homeboy
    Forum Moderator

    Jun 3, 2011
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    The big problem about being in a relegation battle is that your surrounded by teams that are prepared for a dogfight...your not.

    Next match Sunderland.....Big Sam can't wait I bet.
  12. Bodinki

    Bodinki You're welcome
    Forum Moderator

    Dec 14, 2011
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    Maybe he will "out-tactic" Mourinho again <laugh>
  13. Lovearsenalcock

    Lovearsenalcock Homeboy
    Forum Moderator

    Jun 3, 2011
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  14. Stan

    Stan Stalker

    Aug 7, 2014
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    I think Jose will go as it will be cheaper to get rid of him than replace all the players he's fallen out with. That said its obvious Hazard and Costa will leave next summer. There will be others that don't want to play for a club that's not in the CL.

    The problem will be attracting good replacement players when you don't have CL football. I know this was something a lot of non-United fans gave a lot of thought to after we finished 7th.

  15. I accept all of what you say, Bodi.

    So, are you going to change the manager, or keep him on and change the players who are causing him a problem?

    The latter will, undoubtedly, be the more expensive option for your owner, and (unfortunately, with the money men) money usually shouts loudest.
  16. Stan, I wrote my post before I read yours!

    We agree on something!
  17. Bodinki

    Bodinki You're welcome
    Forum Moderator

    Dec 14, 2011
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    You are both probably right.
    Losing the manager is easier, safer and probably cheaper than a squad overhaul.
    So there it is....Jose is pretty much ****ed! <laugh>
    Bristol Blue and Hoddle is a god like this.
  18. BobbyD

    BobbyD President

    Oct 25, 2013
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    I would prefer to keep Jose and again give him a chance.

    I just wish Jose grew some balls, dropped ivanovic and let dave play rb, baba lb and give more time to RLC and Kennedy.

    Maybe even drop Costa, but definitely drop hazard and Fab as they don't give two ****s and playing dogshit anyway. Have some consistency in that lineup.
    Bristol Blue likes this.
  19. The time to have played youth was at the start of the season; it's too great a risk, now.

    Having said that, I doubt that any player on your books can play as badly as Hazard and Fabregas... and I'm including your ladies in that statement!
  20. Bristol Blue

    Bristol Blue Well-Known Member

    Nov 18, 2014
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    Jose Mourinho put too much faith in the wayward Diego Costa and the out of form Radamel Falcao. In my opinion, this has been his downfall so far this season. A more astute manager would not have made this mistake.

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