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Off Topic The Waterboy Thread

Discussion in 'Queens Park Rangers' started by Stroller, Oct 22, 2015.

  1. sb_73

    sb_73 Well-Known Member

    Aug 18, 2012
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    I love NY, but this is somehow both exciting and manageable. Third time for me, all holiday, though the first time was nearly 30 years ago and I was cash deprived. Wife and daughter urging me to find a job here, which is not beyond the bounds of possibility, but would involve a degree of effort that I probably no longer possess.......

    We haven't only been eating, my phone tells me that we walked 8 miles yesterday, without really noticing. The Chicage Art Institute is also one of the finest galleries I have ever been to - not only great exhibits but superb layout and lighting.

    This is why we live.
    fusari805 likes this.
  2. aqualung

    aqualung Well-Known Member

    Sep 29, 2014
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    Of course you know my name, I'm kind of famous by default really. I came across yours by accident really, bit like you really....an accident. Did you not see me on The One Show back in April this year? Not to mention other TV stuff over the years. Anyway, as this this is an appropriate thread to say this on as I know I won't be hijacking anything, and was going to leave it until this response, but if you want this in public, fine by me. Reckon the mods have your back anyway, well at least one does that's for sure, but what the hell.
    You are obviously lacking backbone and are a poor excuse for a man as you won't apologise for your over the top insults aimed at me on that thread. It was a joke comment, and anyone with half a sense of humour would realise this, but no not you. Mr Dull has to kick off as if it was a serious comment. I can take any flack if it is deserved, I am a man in that sense, but your reaction was like a person possessed. I wanted it all done by pm as its boring for everyone here to see. But you're afraid to communicate with me one to one, without the back up of your cyber mates on here. Just shows you have no backbone whatsoever.
    I will now take your lack of apology and refusal to sort this out privately as a clear indication of what a sad, lilly livered, dull, humourless specimen of a human being you really are.
    For your information I have been a QPR fan long before you were twitch in your old mans sack...and that twitch would have been better off being deposited in an old sock....one less dullard in the world.
    I look forward to your public response!!!!
    I can only apologise to everyone on here and the mods too for airing all this in public, but as you are all aware it's not my choice. I wanted this done privately.
  3. qprbeth

    qprbeth Wicked Witch of West12
    Forum Moderator

    Jun 13, 2011
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    You are seriously warned Aqua... That post is offensive in the highest order.

    You have been extremely offensive to another poster
  4. aqualung

    aqualung Well-Known Member

    Sep 29, 2014
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    Have you read his post on here to me and the one on the poppies thread? Just as offensive.I know you are mates, but you are also a mod, so try to be impartial. Also I wanted this done private, but no, he wanted it out here.Thanks.
  5. qprbeth

    qprbeth Wicked Witch of West12
    Forum Moderator

    Jun 13, 2011
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    Yes I have....I find your post about poppies repugant too and no...... do not say "it was in a joke"...it was a joke in very bad taste, and that is why we let than one go. But you do not get many bites of the cherry using that excuse

    Your constant goading and bullying of Stan to privately PM, was wrong.
    It was if you weren't man enough to say what you had to say in public and let us all judge which of you was acting as an adult, who has a salient arguement and who is acting like a school boy bully.

    By keeping it visible I think we can all see what is the truth
    I am going to ask for a ban Aqua, I will leave it upto 999s and Tramore to decide how long it will be for.

    And do not go along the "Stan is a friend of mine" path, we have looked after you long enough (remember when you were so upset, because some one had revealed your real name, the shoe is obviously on the other foot today).....You were just plain offensive to him, that is why you were banned.
    Last edited: Oct 23, 2015
  6. aqualung

    aqualung Well-Known Member

    Sep 29, 2014
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    Oh for gods sake beth, have you no soh either. it was a just a joke ffs. whats so bad taste about it? Jesus! lighten up women. what is it with everyone on here. go on give me a ban if you so wish but I will report you to those higher up for not being impartial and favouring your mates. That is not what a good moderator does, and hopefully you will be removed as a mod, because you are not a very good one imo.
  7. Sooperhoop

    Sooperhoop Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    How to win friends and influence people...<laugh>
  8. qprbeth

    qprbeth Wicked Witch of West12
    Forum Moderator

    Jun 13, 2011
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    You are not banned because of the joke...read my post, we let that pass.
    You are banned because of your goading, bullying and offenssive remarks

    Please report me to those higher up (who ever they may be), I am very happy to defend my decisions...in public...I like Stan will not go into the private PM war you so want
  9. qprbeth

    qprbeth Wicked Witch of West12
    Forum Moderator

    Jun 13, 2011
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    So to save you the trouble Aqua
    I have edited my request to the supermods ( I appreciate you cannot see that thread) so this what it now says

    EDIT...Also he would like to report me to you...He hasn't the ability to come onto this board...so I would like to report myself
    Here is what he has written

    "Oh for gods sake beth, have you no soh either. it was a just a joke ffs. whats so bad taste about it? Jesus! lighten up women. what is it with everyone on here. go on give me a ban if you so wish but I will report you to those higher up for not being impartial and favouring your mates. That is not what a good moderator does, and hopefully you will be removed as a mod, because you are not a very good one imo."
    Do as you see fit supermods
  10. aqualung

    aqualung Well-Known Member

    Sep 29, 2014
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    ...and was your mate stan not goading and bullying me then? he started it on that poppy thread. C'mon open your eyes, he's just as bad as me. I have already reported you on the not 606 homepage to the supermods. hope they see sense and demote you. You will be hearing from them in due course.

  11. qprbeth

    qprbeth Wicked Witch of West12
    Forum Moderator

    Jun 13, 2011
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    I quake!
  12. aqualung

    aqualung Well-Known Member

    Sep 29, 2014
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    you know you are being unfair and favouring your mates but you wont admit it. a really poor moderator.
  13. Busy Being Headhunted

    Busy Being Headhunted Well-Known Member

    Jul 17, 2012
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    Beth is a really good poster but not a great mod.
    It is just a fact of life that women make great cleaners but poor supervisors.
    aqualung likes this.
  14. sb_73

    sb_73 Well-Known Member

    Aug 18, 2012
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    Oh dear, "famous by default", "I've been on TV!" ....for a kids game my Dad invented 70 years ago......sad, sad, sad. I rest my case.

    Thick, self centred and sober is no way to grow old sir. Get yourself some dignity.
  15. qprbeth

    qprbeth Wicked Witch of West12
    Forum Moderator

    Jun 13, 2011
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    Cheers BBH (very clear and precise generalisation there and not a bit misogynistic )...whenever you want your house cleaned I will be happy to come around.
    danishqp likes this.
  16. qprbeth

    qprbeth Wicked Witch of West12
    Forum Moderator

    Jun 13, 2011
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    Stan, please can you walk away from this now.
    The spat is over
  17. sb_73

    sb_73 Well-Known Member

    Aug 18, 2012
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    Done. Just wanted the last word, like the grown up I am.....looks like he may be having some kind of breakdown judging by later posts.
    Last edited: Oct 23, 2015
  18. aqualung

    aqualung Well-Known Member

    Sep 29, 2014
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    I've come across that attitude so often. The green eyed monster is in the house. 70 years ago, yes and still it is iconic. It made him and myself very very rich. How about you, still slaving over a wage as a sales rep for drugs !!!!!!!!!!<laugh>
  19. aqualung

    aqualung Well-Known Member

    Sep 29, 2014
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    and a dullard. don't forget that one. I do love jealous people, they are hilarious.<laugh>
  20. Busy Being Headhunted

    Busy Being Headhunted Well-Known Member

    Jul 17, 2012
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    you can send your daughter if you like :emoticon-0142-happy

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