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Lukaku wants to leave?

Discussion in 'Chelsea' started by Bodinki, Jun 7, 2014.

  1. Bodinki

    Bodinki You're welcome
    Forum Moderator

    Dec 14, 2011
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    Not a completely credible source but:


    Only a matter of time really.
    Like I said on the Spurs board, we cant expect him to accept being loaned out to midtable clubs every year while we dither over what to do with the guy.
    Shame, because he is a real talent.

    We will have no shortage of suitors. Hope he doesnt stay in the PL though, cant see us selling to anyone here.
  2. Drogs

    Drogs Well-Known Member

    Aug 3, 2011
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    If we end up keeping Torres and Ba but selling Lukaku then I despair.
  3. JCC87

    JCC87 Member

    Jun 14, 2011
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    I think the notion of don't cross the boss is evident at Chelsea.

    De Bruyne/Mata/Cole/Lukaku.

    Hopefully Roman refuses to sell him, although Lukaku needs to knuckle down and earn his spot in the team and stop giving silly interviews slamming the club.
  4. StanDMan

    StanDMan Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    Jun 1, 2011
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    TBH, Lukaku is better than our three musketeers.. having said that - he is not top quality yet.

    he needs to dominate to qualify and wear the blue!

    Jose doesn't need to nurture when he can buy readymade stars.

    Also comparing Jose to red nose is an insult to Jose.
    Red nose was a good manager - Jose has already over taken him in most aspects.

    Also Jose will not get the time Red nose had initially - 5 or 6 years without winning anything inspite of having THE biggest establisment in the country.
  5. bluemoon2

    bluemoon2 Well-Known Member

    Jul 8, 2011
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    I think that is spot on! The only problem is , would Lukaku come here to play second fiddle to Diego Costa?
  6. chelsea - over 100 years of history

    Mar 8, 2011
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    There in lies the problem. Lad wants to be playing every week but the club reluctant to make him first choice.

    I think he needs to come back for a year and see how it goes. He's going to get plenty of games still and time off the bench at the very least. Costa wont play 90 mins every game. Only take a injury and Lukaku may get an extended run to. He needs to back himself and stop moaning in the press.
  7. Robby202

    Robby202 Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Rather have Dzeko than the carthorse
  8. Bodinki

    Bodinki You're welcome
    Forum Moderator

    Dec 14, 2011
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    Agreed, he has yet to even score a league goal for Chelsea. Admittedly he hasnt had a chance, but he should be happy to have a FULL season with us, and be given a chance to proof himself in a Chelsea shirt, at least then he can say "See, I can do this, give me a chance".
    Even if he isnt first choice, he should stake a claim. Then if Jose still marginalises him, atleast he can say he tried. Because right now he hasnt shown me **** for Chelsea. Just that he can score a few goals for midtable teams, well guess what....so can Danny Welbeck...
  9. King Shergar

    King Shergar Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2011
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    I think Lukaku is to good to be sitting on the bench, he needs to be playing every week, to help him reach his true potential. He won't get a look in now you have Diego Costa, so he's best off moving elsewhere. I think a permanent move to Everton would be a good move for him. As he'll be guaranteed to play every week. Wether Everton could raise the funds is another question, but I think if they can, they should pay the money :biggrin:
  10. Bodinki

    Bodinki You're welcome
    Forum Moderator

    Dec 14, 2011
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    What a shocker that you would think that <laugh>

  11. chelsea - over 100 years of history

    Mar 8, 2011
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    To merely say he'll be sitting on the bench is a little short sighted. Yes Costa is likely to be first choice but we normally play around 55+ games a year so he'll get plenty of game time if he is 2nd in line. Plus he gives a different option off the bench.

    Ideally for him would be being a first choice somewhere but he's done as much as he is going to at a club like Everton. He now needs to prove he can do it at a higher level such as C.L or a P.L title race where the pressure really ramps up. He's still young and I think coming back to us is the next step in his development (assuming he still gets plenty of games).

    I don't see going to Everton permanently is really development for him. He'll probably get more games but at a club unlikely to be challenging for anything. If he wants to make it to the top he has to back himself not take an easy option. Everton couldn't afford him anyway unless a swap deal with Barkley is in the offing.
  12. King Shergar

    King Shergar Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2011
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    I think sometimes taking a step back can help you make 2 steps forward. I'm not saying he should spend his whole career at Everton, I'm saying he should go there and prove himself further, so that a top 4 club then looks at him and thinks, he could be our main man. At the moment he isn't proven enough for a top 4 club to trust him as the number 1 Striker, so his best bet is to go somewhere where he plays every game, and can show everyone what he can do.

    Yes he might well get the odd bit of game time here or there at Chelsea, but Mourinho stuck him out on loan, in favour of Eto'o, Ba and Torres, so what makes you think he'll even get a look in as the back up striker. Even then playing 20 mins at end of each league game, and carling cup games is not going to aid his development in the same way playing 90 mins every week is.

    I think the best way to improve as a player, is by getting as much game time as you can. So if he's not considered good enough to be the main man for Chelsea, then he should go to a club that will play him every game :biggrin:
  13. chelsea - over 100 years of history

    Mar 8, 2011
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    I think Jose wanted to keep him last year, instead of Ba, but Lukaku asked for the loan. I think he's already proven himself at that level (West Brom/Everton) and another good season at Everton won't really change that. In the alternative he could go and have an average season at a Everton and start to fall off the radar a bit.

    I think ultimately he will go. He'd fetch around 25 million and he looks like he wants the move / not prepared to fight. A shame.
  14. GazFormidable

    GazFormidable Active Member

    Jul 14, 2012
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    Genuinely don't think he's that good. His first touch is like a pass. I mean i'd have him in our squad purely because of what he offers, a very good plan B option but he's nowhere near good enough to lead the line for us.

    He's done well on loan twice now but he's still very inconsistent. He'll score 5 in 5 but then go another 5 games without scoring and IMO we can't afford to have somebody like that.
  15. Jimmy Floyd

    Jimmy Floyd Member

    Nov 28, 2013
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    Im tired of his attitude if im honest, if you look at the calibre of strikers we've had there's no reason why he should have been dead cert as a starter, even with our rubbish strikeforce this year. he's only 21 for cryring out loud, but doesnt seem to understand the concept of waiting for your time to shine. Look at the players we've had and shipped out-none of them have had this public airing of opinions in the press not even KDB who left precisley for the same reason (good riddance too).

    Lukaku needs to stop listening to people hyping him up and realise who and where he is: a young player at chelsea with a great opportunity. One he's about to fluff up it seems.

    Also whats wrong about being the CL semi finalist, and PL competitors 2nd striker? what the f**k does he want? Where is better than CFC for him and his career?
    Young players wind me up because even the smartest ones often have a pile of **** for brains..
  16. chelsea - over 100 years of history

    Mar 8, 2011
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    I do agree but I guess from his point of view, we spent 18 odd million on him before he'd done anything of note, he's had 2 fine seasons in the P.L since, now an established international for Belgium and a good pre season with us last year yet looks destined for another loan or season playing behind Costa. He's probably wondering how he's ever going to get a chance with us.

    As I said above, I think he needs to shut up, come back for a year and see what happens. Let his football do the talking and take his chances when he inevitably gets a chance. If it still doesn't work out there will be plenty of suitors in a year's time.
  17. King Shergar

    King Shergar Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2011
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    Chelsea rarely give the young players a chance though, look at Daniel Sturridge for example. The last young player to break into your first team from your academy was Terry :biggrin:
  18. chelsea - over 100 years of history

    Mar 8, 2011
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    Neither Lukaku or Sturridge are Chelsea academy players so how is that at all relevant?

    Oscar, Hazard, Azpilcueta are all young players who have played plenty of games for us.
  19. CFC: Champs £launderx17

    Jan 2, 2012
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    We bought Sturridge from City. He did not come through our academy
  20. Jimmy Floyd

    Jimmy Floyd Member

    Nov 28, 2013
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    lol shergar has an agenda, and facts or logic obviously dont need to be applied to it...

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