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F1 2015 Season: Lineup's - Rumours - News

Discussion in 'Formula 1' started by EternalMSC, Jan 24, 2014.

  1. di Fredsta!

    di Fredsta! Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    I agree, he'll be too bored of beating Raikkonen by then ;)
  2. ice-powered-slickman

    Feb 16, 2014
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    Yes, Alonso may resort to beating the ICEMAN off the track, because he won't beat him on it.
  3. DHCanary

    DHCanary Very Well-Known Member
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    Jan 24, 2011
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    Cosworth have produced an engine, although nobody's using it. No idea of power, but it might well be more reliable than the Renault!
  4. allsaintchris.

    allsaintchris. Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2011
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    Would RB take a punt with them unless they signed up so early they could basically produce the engine themsevles?

    Coswroth would do well not to homologate their engine just yet in any case as they can keep developing it through the year if they had a customer in 2015, and one that would bankroll them in 2014........
  5. BrightLampShade

    BrightLampShade Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    Feb 14, 2011
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    Isn't the cosworth engine a flat 4 turbo built to the original turbo specs? Basically need to start again :s
  6. allsaintchris.

    allsaintchris. Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2011
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    Dear Cosworth, 1985 called, they want their engine back..........
  7. DHCanary

    DHCanary Very Well-Known Member
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    Jan 24, 2011
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    Sounds like they've built both. The flat 4 was continued for an unknown road car project, and the V6 project is ongoing, but the article doesn't seem to know how complete it is. Maybe they're targeting the new 2015 entrants?
  8. allsaintchris.

    allsaintchris. Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2011
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    Could the 4 cyl find itself as part of a hybrid-train Deltawing type car?
  9. cosicave

    cosicave Well-Known Member

    Mar 12, 2011
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    Pretty good assessment, I'd say. – Perhaps that course is beginning to pay off for you! ;)
  10. allsaintchris.

    allsaintchris. Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2011
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    Two issues with that. Vettel is happy if he knows he has the outright no.1 spot in the team. We've seen him throw the toys out if that is not the case.

    Secondly, he is mentally complete at the moment as he is winning at a canter. We'll see if there is a bit more fragility this year if the RBR performs as badly in the races as it has done in testing (to date). The glove throwing strops from the past may come back if the car retires. He needs to show that he can take losing as well as he does winning.

  11. 51LV3R8RR04

    51LV3R8RR04 Well-Known Member

    May 28, 2013
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    *Just to note I'm a student, not a Dr of psychology and in which most of this can be explained better by somebody with much more experience than me so don't take everything I type below 100% fact*

    Of course nobody can escape from a bad situation forever, eventually they will have to face fear, stress and anxiety once again and get past that at their desired rate.

    The difference between Vettel and Lewis is this, Vettel's parents didn't split when he was a child so he grew up with a Mother and Father which he suspected 'loved' him very much and this reflected with his F1 career as being just 'fun' more than anything serious. F1 was a single enjoyment rather than it being connected to anything to his family emotionally, he looked at the as two separate things. So ever since I've known Vettel (subjectively) he hasn't changed that much from 2008-2014 apart from his English getting better and that he has been pretty stable in his lifestyle and F1 career and dusted himself off pretty quickly with any problem. People may not like them but it's obvious there are 2 people who Vettel should thank for his mental stability and success in F1, Michael Schumacher and Helmut Marko. Michael was the role model which Lewis didn't have and so didn't have that 'desired persona' to work towards like Vettel did. Helmut seemed more of a counsellor for Vettel's performances and would know which buttons to press to make him go faster, or to quietly reflect about what he did, in other words a moral compass or third parent/teacher.

    Lewis on the other hand didn't have the same luxury and his story is not that happy, his parents split when he was a child which would very likely result into trust issues as he grew up and with fears they will leave him, hence the constant get together and splitting with Nicole. He would very likely blame himself for being the problem for the divorce and this would always be on the mind of the child into adulthood. Lewis seemed to enjoy karting because he connected and interacted with his father and used it as a form of escapisim on his daily life, which at the time during the 90's very likely had to endure forms of racism as well. So for me Lewis spent all those years expecting that the higher and better he did in motorsport the more his father would 'love him' and he would finally become the ideal person his father wished. Lewis for me never saw F1 as a true form of enjoyment or 'fun' like in Vettel's simple form. Lewis enjoyed racing because he could connect with his father and that he would pay a lot of attention to him during these years which is what he desired and needed as any child with a parent. He would fear failure in the sense that he believed his father would stop supporting him in general, he saw competition as a threat with his connection with his father rather than just a normal obstacle.

    It was quickly obvious that ever since Lewis won the WDC his mentality changed, he did what he set out with his 'goals', and yet the relationship with his father didn't change. I suspect the trust issues came into play and he started to push people away including his father and started to have an identity crisis in the process in retaliation of the conclusion. An identity crisis is when somebody hates who they become and then try to change it, which results in a more negative persona taking over which to me looks like did happen as he was struggling to find himself for a number of years with all the tatoos, diamond earrings and police stops for speeding.

    Yes he did desire more freedom when he was younger and this is where McLaren failed him, to allow him to become the desired person he wished to be and yes, to make stupid choices and learn from them. But sadly for Lewis he was making those choices at the age of 25-26 worldwide, rather than 17-19 before he entered F1. McLaren for me ignored the ticking timebomb that was bound to happen within Lewis after he entered F1, where as Mercedes is doing their job for them and slowly allowing Lewis become who he wants to be at a gentle rate which is good to see. Because you can clearly see other than age being a factor he is by far much more calmer when the rules are relaxed a bit more, Mercedes are getting the best from Lewis this way where as I don't think RBR would do the same.

    Can Lewis change it? probably not as he has been that guy for many years now and it would be very hard to adjust. I don't think RBR would be interested in adjusting the collective team mind just for 1 driver, rather that the 1 driver would have to become part of the collective team mind to be part of the team. Mercedes seem to allow Lewis to be a unique individual, RBR don't do that for me, just like McLaren and Ferrari.
  12. El_Bando

    El_Bando Can't remember, where was I?
    Forum Moderator

    Jan 26, 2011
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    <yikes> so Kimi and Hulk are both smoking behind the Pit Paddock!!
  13. BrightLampShade

    BrightLampShade Well-Known Member
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    Feb 14, 2011
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    Imagine if that was Vettel or Hamilton. Might as well just not visit any F1 forum for a month or two.....
  14. 51LV3R8RR04

    51LV3R8RR04 Well-Known Member

    May 28, 2013
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    Maybe, but it's still a long way to go until it's my time to be a expert in it of course, though it's influencing my perspective on myself and life in general already ;)
  15. El_Bando

    El_Bando Can't remember, where was I?
    Forum Moderator

    Jan 26, 2011
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    Will you be using it for Good or for Evil?
  16. 51LV3R8RR04

    51LV3R8RR04 Well-Known Member

    May 28, 2013
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    Evil wont give me a very long career in psychology, so I would prefer good. Though in some respects evil could come out of good work if proven correct in it's theory though ethical laws would help me prevent that.
  17. EternalMSC

    EternalMSC Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    Kimi smokes? who cares as long as he is fast. There are also rumours circulating that Minttu is pregnant.
  18. 51LV3R8RR04

    51LV3R8RR04 Well-Known Member

    May 28, 2013
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    Vettel 'has contract until 2017' - Lauda
    Light-hearted joking might have revealed a 2-year extension to Vettel's contract.

    Mar.4 (GMM) Sebastian Vettel may have quietly added another two years to his existing Red Bull contract.

    Last year, whilst already tied to the Austrian squad for 2014, it was announced that the German had extended his deal to also include the 2015 season.
    "Hopefully the relationship will go beyond 2015, which is already some way into the future," team boss Christian Horner said at the time.

    Now, despite the depth of Red Bull's early-2014 technical crisis, it appears that 26-year-old Vettel may indeed have stretched his tenure with the Milton Keynes based team even further.

    The news emerged as Austrians Dr Helmut Marko, the Red Bull director, and Mercedes' Niki Lauda light-heartedly discussed the future during Monday's Sport und Talk programme on Servus TV.

    Marko jokingly revealed that team chairman Lauda is keen to lure Vettel and car designer Adrian Newey to Mercedes.
    "Niki comes every day and asks if Newey and Sebastian will go," he said.

    Lauda replied: "But you always tell me that Newey and Sebastian have contracts until 2017."
    "Right," confirmed Marko. "So why do you keep coming every day?"

    Lauda beamed: "Breakfast!"

  19. EternalMSC

    EternalMSC Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    But I thought he wanted to win more titles.
  20. DHCanary

    DHCanary Very Well-Known Member
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    Jan 24, 2011
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    Might have been posted elsewhere, but Bernie apparently wants a street race around Baku, the capital of Azerbaijan, as early as next season.

    Not completely out of the blue, as sports car races have been held there in the last couple of years, but I suspect it's more Bernie trying to show he's still boss, than any serious proposal. Particularly if the track is as dull-looking as the one the sports cars used:

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