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Last Night

Discussion in 'Sunderland' started by Steven Royston O'Neill, Jun 16, 2011.

  1. Steven Royston O'Neill

    Steven Royston O'Neill Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    I know we are a little bored at present but we are in danger of killing this board by turning debate, fun and banter into childish abuse.

    I decided to log off last night because I closed a thread, got a few complaints about closing it so decided to leave it and see what happened. I was delighted to read a thread today complaining about it and I agree, abuse and threats are not on.

    Can I clear up this we hate badger theme, badgers role is the same as all mods, to make sure his teams board runs how the majority of the fans want it. Its no good saying why can Newcastle fans do this on our board but we cant do the same on theirs and to me its simple, if you dont like how the Newcastle board is run then stay off. Sunderland fans complaining about badger means little, its when Newcastle fans complain that I worry, same with all boards.

    Some of the comments last night, IMO, were unacceptable and will chase good posters away so I’m asking you to stop them and be more responsible, on both sides. I will close any thread that looks to be going the same way, I honestly believe its what the majority want.
  2. Sidthemackem

    Sidthemackem Newcastle United 0-1 Cambridge United
    Staff Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Agree entirely. It's completely wrong to start abusing people.

    If people wind you up (and there are a few who set out to do so) you just have to ignore them. Keep on the straight and level and it's them who end up looking like twats, even if they can't see it.
  3. PrisonBroken

    PrisonBroken Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Totally agree syd. I read this forum a lot but don't post too muchm Who wants to when you'll probably get abuse for an opinion or some so called wum hilariously pointing out that they support a different football club and have a lower opinion of your club than their own... These guys must be top flight writers with their clever use of expletives bordering on genius sometimes.
    Don't get me wrong I really enjoy this site and saw it as a great alternative to the bilge you get on rtg and I do love banter but hurling insults and threats does not count as banter to me sorry.
    Iknow you guys have a hard (and unpaid) job on, just hape you can make people see sense and use the freedom this site offers sensibly.

    2 peneth in
  4. Lever Malone

    Lever Malone Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    I think the best way to deal with some of the posters who come on here (and we all know who they are) is just to ignore them difficult though that might be. They'll soon get fed up if they aren't getting some kind of response. So the adage is correct, before you go jumping in count to ten. Although in some instances you may have to count to a lot more than ten.
  5. Steven Royston O'Neill

    Steven Royston O'Neill Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Problem is when we stsrt a thread with Badgersarsehole can we complain when they come on and have a go. If anyone and I do mean anyone has a problem with any mod they need to PM me and I will try and look at it impartialy, thats what happens on other boards.
  6. Commachio

    Commachio Rambo 2021

    Jan 25, 2011
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    maybe if someone see's something they feel unacceptable they can let us know. last night was hard trying to keep a track on everything.
  7. Bizarreknives

    Bizarreknives Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    Jan 25, 2011
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    I agree, its just childish behaviour and you can almost guarantee now, a good thread will turn into a slanging match, my dads bigger than your's. Grow up people.
  8. FlagFlyingHigh

    FlagFlyingHigh Active Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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    I don't post on here as often as some, I do reckon however it's unfair to tarnish all with the same brush.

    Without naming names, seems to me that you can count the number of people usually involved in these sorts of slagging matches on 2 hands.
  9. Steven Royston O'Neill

    Steven Royston O'Neill Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    I dont mean to tar anyone mate, case of if the cap fits. We all lose it at times and say things we regret bot we all should no when to log off.
  10. trouble_n_stripes

    trouble_n_stripes Active Member

    Jan 28, 2011
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    I think our very own Bill get's a little out of control on here and then the 'dominoe effect' occurs, I'm not worried about naming, just telling it like it is, even if you make the odd remark which is obviously 'tongue in cheek' and just harmless fun, you get a barrage of abuse!!

  11. Not_cricket

    Not_cricket Active Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    I personally would not get into a slanging match as it is unprofitable for all concerned besides one of my cousins is a Mag
  12. PrisonBroken

    PrisonBroken Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    No tarring mate blame on all sides. Yes there are some usual suspects but anyone can lose it. I just wish that the "winding up" would be just that an alternative point of view put across in a humours manner not you're gonna get you ****ing head kicked in.
  13. PrisonBroken

    PrisonBroken Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    My best man was a Mag an I will have nowt said against him he is a prince among men. He just supports a crap footie team.... should be treated with pity and sympathy not anger and hatred ;)
  14. mitchthemakem

    mitchthemakem Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Simple answer they keep to their boards we keep to ours
  15. Chappaz

    Chappaz Active Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    Or, just stop acting like children and both start using each others boards in constructive ways to talk about FOOTBALL.

    We're not animals which have to be separated and caged up man. Christ.
  16. mackemwelder

    mackemwelder Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    You're missing the point lads, it's not and us and them thread, it's about abuse in general.

    There were a few who in my opinion overstepped the mark, they'll probably wake up this morning with a sore head no doubt and realise what the rest of us already know, it was a childish argument that got out of hand.

    I must admit that I lost the plot with one of our own on here just last week, never went as far as making threats as it's not the way I am but never the less I lost it. It shouldn't be a them and us situation.

    The abusive nature of some of the recent threads needs to stop, if it doesn't then i'm sure our capable Mods will take the necessary actions and make it stop but TBH, they are grown men who should know better and not put the Mod's in that position anyway.
  17. Steven Royston O'Neill

    Steven Royston O'Neill Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Spot on welder, this is certainly not a us and them and I would hate the Newcastle fans not to be allowed on here, we do have some good debates and some good laughs. We could have a thread called baroom brawl and all those who want to fight could go on it and enjoy themselves, All I'm asking is that we all, Newcastle and Sunderland stop the abuse, its not needed. If you dont like the other side then just stay away from them its so simple I just cant see the problem.
  18. Disco

    Disco Guest

    Syd I think that's a cracking idea for a sticky thread. Let people who want to argue and name call go to a certain spot. Some people don't set out to get involved but get dragged in while reading. That way people could avoid the nastiness spilling over and making the forum look bad.
  19. Billy Death

    Billy Death Guest

    Badger's ownly a kid ffs, Haway man, lets get a grip.
  20. Commachio

    Commachio Rambo 2021

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Afternoon chunky, we're having a nice quiet day today...

    Chill, put some clash on, and type away, but no-ones argueing today......but can set a thread up and keep it all there is anyone wants...

    Iv'e got my punk playlist playing on you-tube playing now, and today is easy..

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