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Why do you think vettel gets booed?

Discussion in 'Formula 1' started by tribo32, Sep 28, 2013.


Why do you think vettel gets booed

  1. Multi-2,1 incident

  2. His personality

  3. His dominance

  4. Other

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  1. 51LV3R8RR04

    51LV3R8RR04 Well-Known Member

    May 28, 2013
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    I thought everybody was meant to have 'equal cars' this year since all the teams and "experts" kept saying the regulations had been exploited dry, Red Bull had run out of tricks to use and that Alonso was going to run away with the title this year because his car was so **** last year and 2012 was going to reveal Vettel once and for all how cheap of a triple world champion he is.

    So this proves 1 thing out of the 2 options here for this year alone: Vettel has crushed everybody with an equal car or the so called experts have no idea what they're talking about.

    The best thing is the media/experts would never admit to either one of them. <doh>
  2. 51LV3R8RR04

    51LV3R8RR04 Well-Known Member

    May 28, 2013
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    Sorry I should of highlighted the part which you hinted to me that Newey was very recognized among his peers probably more so than Vettel for example. But for example there's only 1 Adrian Newey in that quality and there are 4 others in Vettel's quality. So by that logic Newey is rarer to come by than Vettel and should be the more seeked out because he can get cars up to more podiums than what any driver could do by themselves.

    Newey might not be able to drive 2 great cars, but a great driver can't drive two average cars.
  3. El_Bando

    El_Bando Can't remember, where was I?
    Forum Moderator

    Jan 26, 2011
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    I think the '**** up' by Pirelli has seen to messing up this season
  4. Spursguru

    Spursguru Active Member

    Sep 23, 2011
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    The problem people have is that his victory style is really very dull. There is no snatching victory from the jaws of 2nd/3rd with constant over takes, quick wit etc.

    It's all layed out for him, best car gets him on pole.
    Best car gets him 2secs clear on lap 1.
    Talent alows him to manage his tires
    best team and team orders ensure that he is always best placed to capitalise on any mistakes/safety cars etc.

    It feels as though he isn't earning his wins, and that given the same machinery Alonso (in race) and Hamilton (in quali) would give him a fantastic battle.
    Everyone can sense this, but because of Red Bulls resources and Newies talent we are denied this.

    Therefor the anti vettel feeling is born of frustration, that we are back to one team dominating what would otherwise be a golden era for F1.

    I don't dislike the guy, but I dislike the mannor in which he is winning. If (and it's a big IF) he has to battle next year, pass people on the same strategy and same tires in an equal (or inferior car) and still does a good job of winning then I would change my opinion as people have suggested above.
  5. SgtBhaji

    SgtBhaji Well-Known Member

    Mar 31, 2011
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    Take anything they say with a pinch of salt rather than taking it as gospel. Like us, they're speculating a good portion of the time.

    There will never be equal cars in F1, there are just too many variables for cars to be equal. But,F1 is essentially a competition to build the best cars over a drivers competition, so that's to be expected.

    What's nice is when the advantage shifts depending on track types. Unfortunately RBR has about all of these covered and the there is very little different between circuits anymore anyway.
  6. Big Ern

    Big Ern Lord, Master, Guru & Emperor

    Jan 28, 2011
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    there will never be a level playing field in F1, like football it's now ruled totally by money, who has and who doesn't, and the richest teams just get richer and pull even further ahead of the field. Then you have the entrant fee, which Bernie needs for backhanders, which cripples the poorer teams. innovation is almost dead due to the restrictive nature of the rules, so there's even less chance of someone from midfield chalenging unless they have a massive automobile company behind them. Not even in the lower formulas where the cars almost identical is the playing field level. In fact I'd be hard pushed to find a level of Motorsport where it is.
  7. Spursguru

    Spursguru Active Member

    Sep 23, 2011
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    Further to this....why is inovation so limited? I wasn't around during the days or tyrell, skirts, turbos and fan cars etc.

    Was it dangerous? or did the best teams just out inovate the poorer teams?

    I can imagine the RB being even better if it were allowed all the things Newie could think of.
  8. nh-f1

    nh-f1 Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    I should think it wasnt much different to how sport is today. Team Lotus would have needed a lot of money to test out the ground effect system to see if it worked, and to make sure they were maximising its potential. I think that the only difference today is the FIA hold some innovations back so that one team doesnt have a massive advantage and runs away with the championship, to make it enjoyable for the fans.
  9. SgtBhaji

    SgtBhaji Well-Known Member

    Mar 31, 2011
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    I'm all for opening up the ruled... F1 needs true innovation again. This current template that teams have to design inside is way too restrictive.

    Opening up the rules doesn't mean only rich teams will succeed. It gives smaller teams a chance to think themselves to the front when they can't buy themselves there.
  10. Spursguru

    Spursguru Active Member

    Sep 23, 2011
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    Wasn't one of the reasons that new teams were allowed in because they were to only use CFD to design their cars?

    Do they still do this?

    Just thinking that maybe teams that adopt this cost effective method should be allowed to inovate in ways teams with wind tunnels, fizzy drink backing and Adrian Newie cannot..... <whistle>

  11. El_Bando

    El_Bando Can't remember, where was I?
    Forum Moderator

    Jan 26, 2011
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    Don't know about Caterham but I don't think Marrusia do anymore. They split with Nick Wirth who was heading the project as it wasn't working. They now use Mclarens facilities I believe.

    HRT didn't design anything they just bought a bath tub from dallara
  12. SgtBhaji

    SgtBhaji Well-Known Member

    Mar 31, 2011
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    I don't think it was any kind of requirement, but Virgin were touting it heavily.
  13. Paco Montoya

    Paco Montoya Active Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Virgin tried for at least 2010, maybe 2011 to only use CAD and CAM, but it was ****
  14. Spursguru

    Spursguru Active Member

    Sep 23, 2011
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    What is your sig about...the bit with certain parts of drivers names highlightes?

    I've been trying to work it out for ages and it's driving me crazy!
  15. El_Bando

    El_Bando Can't remember, where was I?
    Forum Moderator

    Jan 26, 2011
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    Its just in the car colours they drive in. I was being creative....
  16. Spursguru

    Spursguru Active Member

    Sep 23, 2011
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    Ahhhh. <doh>

    Thank you!
  17. tomcat606

    tomcat606 Member

    Apr 22, 2011
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    Murray Walker (ex-F1 commentator) about Sebastian Vettel:

    "I have never met anybody, with the possible exception of Michael Schumacher and now Sebastian Vettel, who devoted themselves to every aspect of their craft, the way Ayrton Senna did.

    "When the tyres changed from Bridgestone to Pirelli, Vettel was the only person who went to Pirelli in Italy to find out how they made the tyres, where they made the tyres, what sort of tyres they were. That's the sort of thing that Senna did and maybe to a lesser extent Schumacher did.

    "The three of them come from the same mould and they have the same characteristics, but Vettel has something that neither of the other two had and that's a very well developed sense of humour. And my blood boils when I hear people booing him; they should be shouting praises, clapping their hands. He's a very nice chap and certainly one of the most gigantically talented drivers we've ever seen."

    Sir Stirling Moss (former F1 driver):

    "For a man to be that much ahead every time, every race, whatever the circuit, whatever the conditions... he is just in a class of his own, as was (Juan Manuel) Fangio really. As was (Ayrton) Senna. I didn't have a problem with what Sebastian did in Malaysia (defying team orders to pass his team mate).

    "He's a racer, what's wrong with that? You're either a racer or you're a driver and there's a big bloody difference. Drivers are easy to find and racers aren't."

    Nice to read that.
  18. SgtBhaji

    SgtBhaji Well-Known Member

    Mar 31, 2011
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    Both very good quotes!

    However... I do think it is possible to admire Vettel's skill and still be entirely frustrated by it at the same time. That doesn't condone the booing and geering though.
  19. 51LV3R8RR04

    51LV3R8RR04 Well-Known Member

    May 28, 2013
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    Jesus was the last to suffer a terrible fate of lesser beings unable to explain his mighty powers. Vettel is that second coming of the son of God!
  20. A Matter Of Time

    A Matter Of Time Well-Known Member

    May 1, 2013
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    Some say that Vettel is an abysmal driver, I say not.

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