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Paolo Di Canio has TWO league games to save his job as Roberto Di Matteo waits

Discussion in 'Sunderland' started by C19RK73, Sep 22, 2013.

  1. C19RK73

    C19RK73 Red & White army!

    Jul 26, 2012
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    The Sunderland boss is under pressure after a 3-0 defeat at West Brom - and his position will be reviewed during the next international break
    Time to walk? Di Canio could be gone after the next two league games
    Paolo Di Canio admits he is fighting to save his job at Sunderland – with Roberto Di Matteo set to replace him, writes Dean Jones of the Sunday People.

    The Black Cats are bottom of the Premier League with just one point from five games after yesterday’s 3-0 thrashing at West Brom.

    Sunderland’s board will give the Italian the next two Premier League games – against Liverpool and Manchester United – and then review his position over the international break.

    Speaking after the game, Di Canio said: "I am the person responsible. They have to receive all the energy, and this time it was negative, but they stick with us and they are absolutely right.

    "We did very bad. Sometimes you can help the people to push out the anger. Maybe they can feel better.

    "I wanted to show them that I am never going to give up. I believe in what I'm doing, even if in this moment it is difficult for everybody to believe."
  2. Moorsleymountainman

    Moorsleymountainman Active Member

    Jan 29, 2011
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    Would love for PDC to turn it round. BUT if it's going to happen then what's the point in waiting to play Man U and Liverpool. Two sure fire defeats. (Heavy ones at that) If he does go then Di Matteo is the logical choice. very suprised he hasn't been snapped up.
  3. mackemwelder

    mackemwelder Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    I heard that he was waiting in the wings if PDC had turned the job down last season, apparently was at Seaham Hall on stand-by. Not sure how true that is but not too sure if he would even take the job now either.

    As Moorsley say, why wait? if Ellis is going thinking about sacking him, then the next two games won't make much difference. Saying that, we are Sunderland so just likely enough to get a result. Hope so, we need one.
  4. Moorsleymountainman

    Moorsleymountainman Active Member

    Jan 29, 2011
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    Be suprised if any manager would be in the area on 'stand by'. More so, one that won the champions league less than a year ago at the time. But he would be the one for me. Would he come?
  5. flandersmackem

    flandersmackem Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    I hope he does come..we need someone who knows what they are doing
  6. Cest Advocaat

    Cest Advocaat Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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    Very interesting comment a the end of that.

    "One day, if I receive the full support from the players, we will turn the corner."

    They are PDC's words not mine but further evidence IMO that there is a split camp at the club already and that can only spell big trouble.
  7. C19RK73

    C19RK73 Red & White army!

    Jul 26, 2012
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    Must admit that sentence has got the alarm bells ringing
  8. SAFC_ScattyMOO

    Jan 26, 2011
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    I love PDC. Love what he says and have approved of his methods. HOWEVER, there has always been a nagging doubt the back of my mind regarding his team selections. Last season he played James McClean on the right wing and AJ off the striker. It didn't work. He admitted it didn't work and then played the same for the next game. WHY?

    This season Cabral what's going on there? Now you can ignore these things if we are winning but we are not. Is it inexperience, man management or plain stupid I don't know. What I do know is I am worried.
  9. Cruyff's Turn

    Cruyff's Turn Well-Known Member

    May 16, 2011
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    As a sympathetic outsider (Norwich) Grab RDM if you have the chance.The PDC experiment has failed.
  10. Cest Advocaat

    Cest Advocaat Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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    PDC the man and the pundit is brilliant. PDC the EPL manager is a disaster (not waiting to happen but already happened) and to stick with him is folly now. Its a busted flush and everyone (inc the players and the man himself) know its just a matter of timing.

    Am I pleased we have reached the position of needing a new man at the helm. Of course not, I'm totally gutted but that's exactly where we are right now this morning and to delay the inevitable is to make it far harder for the next man to pick up what pieces are remaining.

    Liverpool and Utd are gone so leave well alone for those 2, then bring in Di Matteo who has the calming quality (as evidenced by the way he picked up the reigns of another mans squad and won the European Cup at Chelsea) who could fit the regime/structure that has been built here.

    I'd like to see RDM in for the Swansea game and maybe then the derby game will see a turnaround of fortunes. I repeat, our squad is far better than this and the reason we look so awful is down to one man. The current manager.

  11. mitchthemakem

    mitchthemakem Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    I blame De Fanti they are his players and obviously not good enough. di Canio wanted an English bulldog midfielder (Huddlestone) if we can,t compete with Hull for his signature we are doomed. I love Di Canio with his attitude towards working for success and getting rid of a few bad apples.
    The squad was small to start with and apart from Mignolet and Sess everyone was quite happy to let the likes of bramble and Killgannon go I feel we are a little stronger but not much and need to gel quickly our next run of home fixtures are not going to help.
    The one thing I am sick of is sacking a manager and starting all over again and I must admit after visits to Southampton and West Brom I am at the end of my tether.
  12. Poyet's Eleven

    Poyet's Eleven Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Source? I smell BS
  13. CyprusMackem

    CyprusMackem Active Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    As fans we often get carried away by the romance of it all. Most of us forgot that the end of last season Newcastle and Everton aside was pretty dire and the start of this one even worse.
    Every pundit I've heard has said PDC will fail. I didn't want to listen. Now the chatter is he's lost the dressing room and it's all me me me from the boss. His little on pitch antics yesterday tend to lend more weight to the rumours. What was he thinking??
    If PDC has lost the dressing room he has to go now. Look at Cloughie at the then mighty Leeds. Even the best team in the land can stop playing for the wrong boss.
  14. Cest Advocaat

    Cest Advocaat Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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    Discussed it on what the Sunday Supplement (where ever one of the journalists said we were relegation favourites).

    Now we can continue to discuss the facts that we are getting well beaten off very average teams now and the players look bemused and confused (did you see Westwood yesterday) and that the manager is just off his noggin (look at the end of the game), or we can just say there is a conspiracy against PDC in the press and pretend all is well and will get better (you may genuinely think this as well).

    I cant see beyond the next 2 games and desperately hope we have anew man at the helm by Swansea game. That way at least we have a chance to survive this season. Wait until much longer and it may be too late to rescue as the rot will have set in good and proper.

    Thats a personal decision for each individual to make.
  15. Tickler

    Tickler Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    Last year whilst we were looking for a new manager, he was in New York

    Had a mate send me the picture of him in a cafe
  16. Albert's Chip Shop

    Albert's Chip Shop Top Grafter
    Forum Moderator

    Jun 27, 2011
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    It's too early to fire him.
    He needs time.
  17. Vincemac

    Vincemac Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    We never expected instant success but his failure is evedent he must go now
  18. Cest Advocaat

    Cest Advocaat Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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    Spoken like a true mag Lol

    I bet your lot DO want PDC to stop here as well.
  19. Vincemac

    Vincemac Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    He's had enough time we expected a few point off the so called lower teams.we will get nowt off the top teams.he must go now
  20. Albert's Chip Shop

    Albert's Chip Shop Top Grafter
    Forum Moderator

    Jun 27, 2011
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    It's not about what other fans think Cest, it's about what your fans think and I think he needs to have another 2 months before any action is taken. The hire/fire mentality in football these days isn't too clever imho. If, after 2 months he's still struggling then a new chap can come in and change things in January.

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