Never Used barbed wire in my life don't know any Hunt Sab who has! Been on plenty of Demos for Animal Rights pickets that sort of thing don't agree with hurting any person so never support those that bomb individuals! As for Di Canio's political views I've already said that I've given him the benefit of the doubt so my views on him as a manager have **** all to do with politics and everything to do with football!
BTW ........ I think you might have meant 'behest' and not 'bequest' which is a totally different thing.
Wow, going to another thread to get help ........ now that's beyond pathetic by any standards. And your's are surprisingly low .....
Actually to be a hunt Sab has **** all to do with hurting innocent animals and the sad twats on their backs and more to do with laying false trails covering up trails and taking control of the/confusing hounds by horn blowing and the crack of the whip using citronella to mask scent. So yep been there done that got the badge,t-shirt and been beaten up by hunt supporters!
You wont be one of those that attack the police either then? And of course the saboteurs and environmentalists are all fully employed aren't they? They book their holidays to camp out for weeks on end or are given time off by their employers as their cause is so right. What does your politics have to say about benefits cheats digging holes burying themselves for weeks and trying to stop people going about their lawful business?
You'll probably find most environmentalists who dig tunnels etc aren't benefit cheats as they don't sign on or claim benefits and live of hand outs from supporters! As for me did it on days off holidays and in between jobs. You think your so ****ing smart when all you know is the bullshit the main stream media shovel feeds you! Research your facts before making **** claims!
You're allowed anywhere, it's an open forum ffs. Feel free to make yersel look a knob on any thread whatsoever .....
Smug, goodnight mate and keep your head down, I bet you a Mars Bar your banned when I wake up tomorrow, just like your pseudonym the other day.
Cheers mate ..... how will I live without the joy, enthusiasm, wit and intellect on here It's no loss tbh. The ****ers on here are not like the lads I've travelled with for the last 40 years. It's like a Swiss clinic with people queuing up to have themselves 'put down'. If they'd been on the coach I used to run to every Sunderland game they'd be standing on the hard shoulder in the rain by now
I know the environmentalists lie and twist facts to suit their argument. I know that the WHO which was an organisation started to help out poor and starving people worldwide is now a political organisation with an agenda. I know that the RSPCA started to help suffering animals is now a political organisation with an agenda. I know that to have hundreds of people camped out and chained to trees for months on end they sure aren't working or employed and your claim that they all live off handouts is bullshit. I know they are trying to stop people who ARE paying tax doing their jobs. Breaking the law because you think someone is wrong is just as bad as any other reason to break the law. If you have a problem with something use POLITICS not force. That is what we have politicians for to voice your voice for you. You know like fox hunting was banned by the government because the MP's voted for it.. Not because of anything you or one of those twats who tried to kill people did. IF your MP isn't doing something you believe in vote in someone else. That's democracy. Democracy is not YOU deciding what is right or wrong.
Everyone thinks they're Nelson Mandela these days ........ if they decide they're right, **** democracy.