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Come on Pont.

Discussion in 'Cardiff City' started by DaiJones, Aug 7, 2013.

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  1. DevonBluebird

    DevonBluebird Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    A. Begged to be a mod?

    Get a grip, brb asked who wanted it I said I'd give it a go. Cheeky twat.

    B. unlike most on here I don't really care who people support, I'm just here for a chat/laugh - I thought the rhetoric on this board and the conduct of some posters was childish and pathetic and other mods were buying into it - I don't need that **** with a baby on the way.

    C. Giving it large?

    After the total bullshit I've had to put up with from you lot? The ****ing cheek.

    D. I went AWOL because I had my first kid and frankly forgot all about it, my life is NOT about this board, though by the looks of it I'm in the minority.

    Not that I have to explain myself to you but I went over there because I thought it was ****ing hilarious that you lot get so wound up over them posting and thought it was funny that they were winding you up. It not about who I support, which needless to say is cardiff, but mutual respect and having a laugh.

    If some of the posters here had a look in the mirror I'm sure the **** would stop.

    If you lot weren't baiting ban traps all the time I would have considered staying on as it really shouldn't be a chore - but you've all made it into one so I quit.

    I don't know who the hell you think you are DJ but I think you need to wind your neck in.
  2. DevonBluebird

    DevonBluebird Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    Lets examine the evidence:

    You started this thread slagging me off - people are pissed off

    You start a "Ban Them" thread - people are pissed off

    You started another thread slagging off their boards dividends - people are pissed off

    There's a thread on SSN Capoue Latest where you HAVEN'T posted and everyone's getting along lovely.

  3. aberdude

    aberdude Well-Known Member

    Feb 11, 2012
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    this is very confusing lads
  4. Matthew Bound Still Lurks

    Matthew Bound Still Lurks Well-Known Member

    Jun 2, 2011
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    Not really. regardless of who you support sometimes it's just down to common decency & respect for individuals views and , which something (myself included ) have forgotten at times.
  5. aberdude

    aberdude Well-Known Member

    Feb 11, 2012
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    <doh>.........dave or pont I was hoping for but hey ho I get my answer from a jack>>>jesus fking Christ fk off mun(in a polite way).........this is totally out of character for dave and he`s been posting for some long years now.....so yes im fking confused because we don't normally get in house attacks like we all witnessed on your own forum bony..................................if there has ever been any slight falling outs on here, that was due mainly 2 me and my views(politics and war) but even tho I got strong views(not always correct) the guys let me have my blow out and didn't bite (mostly lol)

    what is going on here dudes...............is it that fact that our second sun is about 2 burn us 2 a crisp before we get 2 play our derby game
  6. It'sChicoTime

    It'sChicoTime Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2011
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    Pont, don't let him wind you up mate. Your better than that and you shouldn't need to answer to any one.

    Congratulations on the news of your baby, enjoy every minute of it buddy.
  7. swan_and_only

    swan_and_only Moderator
    Forum Moderator

    May 30, 2012
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    Top post!!!!! I totally agree!
  8. taffthefish

    taffthefish Well-Known Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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    Closing thread.
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