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Season Tickets...

Discussion in 'Gillingham' started by brb, Jul 22, 2013.

  1. brb

    brb Guest

    ready for collection from Wednesday...well mine is anyway <party>
  2. oldsparky

    oldsparky Member

    May 19, 2011
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    Mine too and of course the dreaded photocard!

    Greatly amused that you appear to need proof of identity to collect a ticket that includes Photo Id!:cheesy:

  3. brb

    brb Guest

    <laugh> hopefully they will let me collect my son's as well, they normally do.
  4. brb

    brb Guest

  5. Gills79

    Gills79 Member

    Apr 1, 2011
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    Not impressed with the arrogant tone of this statement. Looks like this is going to be completely non-negotiable. I think some direct action like a season ticket holder boycott of match day programmes, lottery tickets and catering is required.
  6. brb

    brb Guest

    Im up for any pre arranged protest
  7. BSG

    BSG Well-Known Member

    May 25, 2011
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    I have to say I think the situation has been misguided but the reaction on twitter is a little OTT
  8. grumpygit

    grumpygit les misérable

    Feb 13, 2011
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    As far as I can see you have 4 friends for a £5 tokens in the book, these can be used with the relevant ticket from the book to allow someone else to use your seat.

    Here comes the protest bit!
    if every season ticket holder got together with a mate (also a holder) and all swapped seats, the ticket office would go into meltdown.

    sorry' Ill get my coat.

  9. bristol407

    bristol407 Well-Known Member

    Apr 1, 2011
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    The principal at stake here is that you just do not change rules retrospectively when people have renewed on the basis of the rules existing at renewal time. Changing rules prior to sale for new customers is ok, people can take it or leave it, and quite a few people would leave it in my opinion.
    I doubt if many would demand a refund at this stage but I am certainly with brb in the proposal to buy no club merchandise until this proposal is abandoned. This has Scally written all over it and goes back to his bullying attitude from a few years back which i thought he had learned to control. It is important to stand up to bullies and the only way to stand up to Scally is to send him a financial signal such as a drop in programme sales. As for the lackey Paolo Kingston-Correia, it just shows what happens when you put a Spanish goalie triallist in charge of the ticket office.
  10. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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    Do we have any female muslim supporters who are season ticket holders ?
    They wear Burkas - perhaps in our protest we could say that we are Muslims and attend games with a Burka over our heads.
    (it's nearly as stupid as grumpygit's suggestion)

    So, as I see it, the club would probably not stop me from buying as many season tickets as I can afford - but I would not be permitted to let anyone else use any of them.
    Yet - I could buy as many match day tickets as I want ( afford ) and do what I like with them -
    The 'non-transferrable' rule for STH is discrimination against those who have paid in full - up front - and we know how many deals were given to non STH in a championship winning season ( because despite our success on the field, people still were not coming in proper numbers to support the team )
    Scally has not given much thought to the loyalty of the STH - his arrogance is breath taking ( sadly it is one of his more endearing characteristics - and this latest nonsense from him is what has alienated many from him )
    Has Scally not thought that the number of times that the 'actual' STH will not be able to attend will be very few. Why does he want to annoy us on those occasions. Does he not realise that the 'guest' will probably spend a few £ in merchandise/ programs/lottery tickets/refreshments etc. - it's not as if the club will lose anything in terms of finance.

  11. BSG

    BSG Well-Known Member

    May 25, 2011
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    Just thought, how many season ticket holders miss more than four games a season?
  12. GeminiSwiftgfc

    GeminiSwiftgfc Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    Jan 29, 2011
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    Right, time for me to disagree with the majority it seems. I am on the side of the club on this one.

    Personally I feel there is a major over reaction by many fans. Nothing the club is doing is unreasonable. How many people have a season ticket for say the train or bus? Can you let other people use them? No. Are the penalties far more severe if you do? Yes.

    As is the way with our "supporters" we seem to over react and critise every decision the club makes. Some of the posts on twitter are a disgrace. You don't like it ask for a refund. Don't renew next time. Fact of the matter is that tickets have never been transferable, just a difficult thing to enforce. Everybody has known about the photo I.d cards were needed so there should been no surprise that the club are tightening the rules. Why are the club doing this? I can only imagine that it's either because people have been abusing the season ticket facility by selling their tickets for matches and been making a profit? or that there new rules that they have to follow with regards to season ticket sales possibly? I don't know but I can't say that I disagree with it. I think all tickets at all matches should be registered to an individual and that individual should have to prove that ticket belongs to them. However I am aware that this will probably cause delays at the turnstiles.

    I haven't heard one argument against this decision that isn't purely a selfish and in most come across as simply juvenile.

    The whining about the shirt choice this season has been just as pathetic.

    The only recent critisms aimed at the club that I agree with are the ones about the lack of champions merchandising and our whole failure to embrace and celebrate what was achieved last season. That has been disappointing. But as far as the season tickets go. I really don't think that it is the issue that everybody is making it out to be.

    Now I await your wrath.
  13. Damo666

    Damo666 Member

    May 18, 2013
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    I'm with you. Some of the comments made have Ben laughable.
  14. brb

    brb Guest


    I bought my season ticket on the basis that my ticket is transferable. People can quote T&C's as they have done, however, what has been common practice?

    If this was employment law the employer would not have a leg to stand on, if action were taken against individuals who had a grievance as a result of common practice. Supporters have been constantly allowed through the turnstiles on ST's that have been transferred.

    My financial calculations for my ST and my son's this season was based on the transferable situation. My son can not make a game at the end of August, I knew that in advance, I did not know about the conditions being applied at that time.

    Why leave it until ST collection day to make a public announcement. Why was this such message not delivered on the deliverance of new prices, before season tickets were even purchased. Remembering the club constantly stating the huge demand. An ideal opportunity to put out the message.

    It is the principle of the thing and the way this announcement has been delivered untimely by the club.

    Yes, I have a choice of asking for a refund but I am a Gillingham supporter so why would I want a refund, it does not give the club the right to take advantage of its loyal supporters by handling the situation in this manner.

    I will be boycotting all club programme purchases for the forthcoming season in way of protest, this will tie in with any other actions I feel appropriate.

    If people remember I raised on here serious concerns about the ID card's as usual my voice bared fruit of the big brother implementation. I paid £700 for the loyalty of myself and son.

    IMO the club seriously needs to listen and NOW. I'm not going to rest on this topic.
  15. brb

    brb Guest

    Completely agree, I will be boycotting all programme purchases for the forthcoming season in way of protest.
  16. GeminiSwiftgfc

    GeminiSwiftgfc Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    Jan 29, 2011
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    We're certainly going to have to disagree on this one brb. When have the tickets ever actually been transferable? Just because you've done it in the past and not been pulled up on it doesn't make it right. Just because you may have gone over the speed limit in the past and not been caught doesn't mean you have the right to do so in future. The above argument is futile. You're son can't make a game at the end of August and you added into your calculations that you could give it away is, unfortunately, your mistake. The club have offered an alternative so that you can give your unused seat to have someone you know for a small additional cost. I honestly don't see a problem with that.

    You made an assumption and that assumption was wrong. You can't blame the club for that.
  17. brb

    brb Guest

    Completely the clubs fault. No one answers the question, why did the club leave it until today to make this announcement. This is not something new with transferable tickets, I can remember as a teenager getting in on someones ST in to the old Medway Stand on such a basis. I come back to common practice. I warned against the ID cards and this is nothing more than pure greed of the modern game. I never make any money on my tickets. I take the loss and give someone a day out at the club I love for free. This is surely to the clubs benefit. About time people stood up against the marketing departments of business, I will continue to do so. As I say this is about the untimely manner and the way this has been done. Hence in future there is every likelyhood that ST holders seats will be seen empty. the impact of that situation will be evident if we are to believe the clubs preseason messages about ST sales. I am led to believe this is not just about Gillingham FC either, other clubs are following suit, marketing across the entire business penny pinching from the working mans game.

    The Chairman needs to sort it.
  18. GeminiSwiftgfc

    GeminiSwiftgfc Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    Jan 29, 2011
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    What on earth did you think was going to happen when they announced you would need a photo I.D with your season ticket application? It was pretty obvious surely. Ticket + I.D = ticket can only be used by (and in conjunction with) corresponding I.D holder.

    Can't wait to see the reactions when some loses or goes to a game without their I.D, that will be all the clubs fault too because entry has been refused. Blah blah blah.

    There are benefits which go with knowing exactly who is in what seat. It makes identifying people who abuse players, officials and other fans far easier to identify for one. There are far more important things you can be putting your energies to than this.

    The club has done nothing wrong. This is sensible practice and should have come in years ago.
  19. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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    GeminiSwiftgfc I can accept some of what you say - but I am on the side of brb for the most part.
    I understand that photo I.D. can protect the interests of the ticket holder ( not just football season tickets .) If I was to lose my ST, I would still be able to prove my identity.
    On one occasion I forgot to bring my ST and ( without proof of ID) was able to purchase a replacement - and was reimbursed with the cost at a later date )
    I can understand that ID can help to prevent certain types of abuse of ST - such as an adult trying to use a child's ST.
    You can't be serious about expecting ALL matchday tickets being made 'personal' - I suppose you mean all AWAY tickets as well ? How about complimentary tickets ?
    I accept your point that ST have never been transferrable - just not enforced - but the analogy regarding speeding in a car is not the best - because, just because I own a car does not mean that I can't allow somebody else to drive it. My insurance company ( the Club ) would require that the driver has a full driving licence etc. This is NO guarantee that the driver will not break the law ( speeding ) / ( infringe ground regulations ) - but as the registered keeper of my car ( season ticket ) I can be identified and I am required by law to provide the Police with details of the user of my car..... this would not be unreasonable in the T & C of our season tickets.
    I would be very surprised if (m)any STH sell any unusable ticket - let alone for a profit- but perhaps I can understand that a token gesture by a friend is not outside the 'spirit' of the rules. My car insurance does not allow me to use it as a taxi - but if I take brb to an away game I am happy to accept his hospitality at the bar.
    I am with brb on this issue. I pay for two adult tickets. One is in the name ( & photo ) of one of my two sons. On a rare occasion my son is unable to attend due to work committments - so I give the ST to my other son ( no money involved .) What harm is there ? I have already paid for the tickets. I am not trying to use a childs ticket for an adult. The club is not losing any money. As the STH I am still identifiable and bound to provide details of identity of anyone with my ST.
    I cannot see anything wrong in the type of 'transfer' that I have suggested. You can quote rules for as long as you like - but they do need to be 'tweaked' to reflect a more reasonable situation - just as I have outlined.
    I will wait & see what happens this season - but I am already thinking that I will NOT be buying a second season ticket in future years - I am absolutely certain that it was NOT a financial advantage last season to buy a second ST due to all the deals that were available to non STH.

    Well done, Mr. Scally - the club wins its' first title in 49 years and you still manage to disenchant** the fans

    ** what I really mean is [NSFW]pissed off[/NSFW]
  20. GeminiSwiftgfc

    GeminiSwiftgfc Well-Known Member
    Forum Moderator

    Jan 29, 2011
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    In all honesty I doubt most of the kids that operate the turnstiles will continue to check for more than half an hour in to the opening game. It's way too much hassle for them. And 15 minutes before kick off when there is a huge queue of men who have had a few drinks........

    It won't last.

    Everybody is getting way too upset over nothing.

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