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New player on Monday

Discussion in 'Gillingham' started by vinney, Jun 29, 2013.

  1. Damo666

    Damo666 Member

    May 18, 2013
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    A backup keeper is extremely unlikely. We have a good selection to choose from in the pre season squad and unless they all look dire, I don't see the need to go shopping for a backup who will more than likely never be called in to action.

    Simeon would be a major coup but his wage demands would be tough to meet on top of having to pay Cody a decent sum of money. I'm really still not sold on Keds' finishin ability. Quite work ethic all you like, he's got to find the net more consistently.
  2. passit69

    passit69 Member

    Feb 17, 2013
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    I have a source that tell's me it is cody and bayo back for gills,if this is the case,what will happen to burton ?
  3. henrygills99

    henrygills99 Member

    Jun 7, 2012
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    I have also heard bayo but I also think that we are going to sign luke freeman.
  4. brb

    brb Guest

    I tend to not believe any sources unless they have a proven track record of being correct. Hence I am wondering who is your source?

    Cannot believe someone even questioned Darragh's account yesterday - lol - Good to see yet again yesterday thanks to PoshPete, Gills not606 announced the news of Jack's departure within moments, virtually minutes of the Posh Chairman's announcement.

    HOADIE_BOI Well-Known Member

    Mar 13, 2011
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    I have a feeling now that it will be Bayo that comes in. Now I hope this is not true as I would rather keep Burton than bring him Bayo as I don't think he would add to the team as we have Kedwell who is better IMO.
    Hopefully I am wrong as this is all getting to me as I keep thinking who it could be, just hope this is in the morning that we find out who we have and not like 5PM or 6PM.
  6. The Gills PegLeg

    The Gills PegLeg Up yer Harris

    Jun 25, 2012
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    KSN is notoriously unreliable. They originally made the comment that we would be signing two players tomorrow on the assumption we would be getting Sinclair from Peterborough. We've since had that confirmed that no swap is happening. Also Mad dog said on national television that we would be signing ONE player on monday NOT two. Cody will be the signing. Jackson and Bayo have only been mentioned by wishful people on twitter which then circulates further. Wish people would actually do their research before assumimg that rumours are true <doh>
  7. vinney

    vinney Well-Known Member

    Jun 9, 2011
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    Very well put, gillspegleg. Exactly what I think about KSN. Lazy journalism at its worse with them. They just troll the message boards and Twitter looking to see what is a likely story.
  8. brb

    brb Guest

    That's a pretty good summation of the situation.

    The MadDog comment started the rounds first I believe with then some how a second player getting thrown into the mix. OldPoshPete then came on here (not606)and said about the Jack Payne deal, which certainly caught me by surprise at the time and took me a few minutes to verify. By that time somehow Sinclair was supposedly part of the deal, it seemed a strange one to add but because it was shown as coming from Posh fans on twitter it made it slightly believable, it would be like us making out Burton is going to Posh! The problem was because everything rolled so quickly it then becomes difficult to instantly verify. Same discussion I had on twitter today, when people say wait until it's official but apart from Darragh, nothing was announced on the O/S and the first media report appeared to follow from KSN, yes maybe questions of reliability maybe but they were one of the first links to find along with the Peterborough Telegraph from the Posh side. I believe our O/S did not announce the deal until sometime around 2pm today, unless I missed an earlier link, don't think so, this some 22hrs after Darragh's tweet. Thoughts need to be given by our club at the pace of the social media web, if Darragh can manage to announce to fans 22hrs ago a deal why can't we as a club be more proactive in the social media area. We all want the news instantly and the O/S has in fact come very low down on my own personal list for keeping the fans updated.

    Slightly straying from topic but quite often I have tweeted questions to the Gills twitter account about season tickets and various other stuff, which just needs clarity and answers are never forthcoming. It tends to get used more for promoting than answering supporters queries in my own personal experience.

    I thought there was talk and a vote a long while back of our Chairman having a twitter account. I have never heard anymore on it since.

    ps. just to verify the exact publication time of the Jack Payne story on the O/S:
    13:30 30th June 2013
  9. hullgills

    hullgills Member

    Jun 5, 2012
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    Peterborough announced the Payne move at 17.47 on 30th June 2013 sounds like their site is worse than ours.
  10. brb

    brb Guest

    Which clarifies the point about official sources.

  11. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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    I will be disappointed if it's not McDonald - especially when Brandy left Walsall on a free transfer.

    I still think that we need a covering fullback - but I don't expect to see any signings in that department - other than loans ( if and when needed )
  12. vinney

    vinney Well-Known Member

    Jun 9, 2011
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    On a similar theme BRB about the OS being slow to react . They put an article on there introducing the young players we would be seeing on Saturday. Unfortunately they didn't put in on there until Sunday. How poor is that?
  13. The Gills PegLeg

    The Gills PegLeg Up yer Harris

    Jun 25, 2012
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    I would like another out-and-out winger to give competition to Weston and Whelpdale. I know Allen can play on either wing and Dack has been played there but I think Allen is very much like Spiller in that his best position was through the middle. Dack is better off playing just behind the strikers to add an extra attacking threat.

    HOADIE_BOI Well-Known Member

    Mar 13, 2011
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    I think the striker is the most important and now that Payne has gone we need to bring in another midfielder however we don't need a central midfielder as we have many who can play there so we could bring in another wide player, but the striker is the most important at the moment.
    I said a few days ago, unless we sell any of our midfielders then we don't need anymore but now Payne has gone we need another one.
  15. The Gills PegLeg

    The Gills PegLeg Up yer Harris

    Jun 25, 2012
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    So what you are saying is Hoadie is that we need a midfielder but we don't need a midfielder? Make up your mind son <laugh>

    HOADIE_BOI Well-Known Member

    Mar 13, 2011
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    Bit early for me.
    Anyway what I was meant to say that before Payne left I did not think that we needed another midfielder however now he has gone we do need another one.
    I don't think that we need a central midfielder as we have a lot that play in that position, so we don't need to get someone like Payne as we have Linganzi and Gregory who play the holding position and also Dack, Allen, Lee (Unless he leaves, if he does then someone else will be needed as a central midfield back up) and also Linganzi who can play the advanced role so this means that we could bring in a wide midfielder.
    I think that firstly we need to sort out who we have upfront as we are light upfront with only Kedwell and German signed up as well as Birchall who may not have a future. I think it is important that we give Burton a new contract and then hopefully sign Cody McDonald or someone like him.
  17. oldsparky

    oldsparky Member

    May 19, 2011
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    Back after a week away - what time are we expecting this announcment? are you in the car park Hoadie?


    HOADIE_BOI Well-Known Member

    Mar 13, 2011
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    NO time has been given yet, but I am thinking more like 1. If not 1 then around 5.
  19. The Gills PegLeg

    The Gills PegLeg Up yer Harris

    Jun 25, 2012
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    Hoadie go and have a wander down in a little bit. If its a 1 o'clock announcement then they should all be turning up soon and getting ready for the press and that. You're the closest we've got to an inside so go and do some detective work! :bandit:
  20. oldsparky

    oldsparky Member

    May 19, 2011
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    He says he's waiting for parcels! - poor excuse! Get down there Hoadie!!


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