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The (Sir) Alwaysright Gordon Road Stand Thread

Discussion in 'Gillingham' started by brb, Nov 16, 2012.

  1. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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    brb - like I said, I'm not into collecting housepoints - that's for children. I appreciate that Lord duckhunter was goading P_L ( the 19 year old moderator ) - but when I came to the defence of P_L he didn't like one small part of my post and took a childish reaction. - perhaps he couldn't understand grown up reasoning ! His subsequent posts then featured some appalling language ( see No.70 as an example ) - the sort of stuff that imho turns people away from these forums - the same language ( since deleted ) that another moderator used in your Wycombe prediction thread a couple of days ago.
    I know that you'll say that it is up to individual choice as to what goes on in ther forums - but if some of the moderators act so poorly it is hardly any surprise that other forums are so dead - unlike this site that is so beautifully moderated.:emoticon-0139-bow:
  2. brb

    brb Guest

    It just goes to show the great variance in the site. If you stray outside of the Gills board, you will find a different level of behaviour, tolerance and moderating, whether that be childish or mature. I have a simple rule that the mods on the varied boards are aware, I only intervene if a mod brings it to my attention, in other words I do not go looking for or at problems otherwise, accept for spambots & general spammers. After all this is not my site. I believe this used to be a Scottish Football site well before we came along and those tolerances were already preconceived to a certain degree within the site owners own levels (I assume). The Gills board is just a new extension within that, creating new rules acceptable to all ages (hence your moment with Ron). Sometimes I hate the titles under our names such as supermod or moderator, it just gives a misconception of what I am about. Which is first and foremost I am a Gills fan and as long has the members are coming here, I'm here. I offer my time voluntary but I also remember that the site owner offers us a large platform at no cost.
  3. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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    As a Christmas treat my sons took me to see Barcelona a couple of weeks ago. ( missed the York game ) I have stated that it was magic to see Messi score 4 goals. The football was superb ( no hoofball )
    This weekend I will be going to Bradford. My travel costs ( including the £ 30 coach fare ) will be a lot more than the cheap flight that I could get to Barcelona this Sunday - but that would discount the extra cost of a matchday ticket - making the whole package about the same in terms of cost.
    Never thought I'd see the day when it would be as economical to see one of the world's best team as it is to go to a Gills game.
  4. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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    O K - you'll know by now that I went to Bradford. ( I'm gloating at seeing 10 away leagues victories - so far - in one season )
    Whilst it was good to see Messi score 4, it did not compare with the feeling I got when McDonald rounded the Bradford keeper to score the winner.

    You can take me out of Gillingham - but you can't take the Gillingham out of me.
  5. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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    O K - so the packaging is wrong, and we're getting ripped off regarding the price - but
    Are we overreacting about the horse content in our 'meat' products ? ( which is being referred to as 'contaminated '! ) The main problem for me is that the price of burgers should be a lot cheaper if made with horse meat. Lets be honest - how many of us actually study the content details on packaging ? - not too many I would guess.
    If you go to Asia etc you might be eating dog or other 'exotic' products ( it all tastes like chicken )- so stick it into a bit of sauce and you won't really be able to tell significant difference.
  6. brb

    brb Guest

    alwaysright - I DO generally read ingredient labelling, mainly because there are some ingredients that I dislike and a particular one I have an allergy too. But you are right in what you say how many people do actually study the labelling, to all those thinking of converting to being Vegetarians/Vegans out there I hope you continue to enjoy your sweet confectionery - lol.

    More serriously though, I think there is a bigger issue here that has been overlooked and one I have not seen mentioned by the media or government.

    Certain manufacturers and products mentioned although available to all are generally aimed at a particular consumer. Those on low incomes are more likely in my view to purchase some of the products mentioned in place of fresh ingredients.

    So while successive governments via media sources continually propaganda the health of the nation, it appears once again to fall favourably in the advantage of the haves against the have nots.

    I've never knowingly eaten horse meat and never knowingly would. However, like any relationship between alzheimer's and drinking water along with cancer related foods, I'm sure there are a lot of unknown truths about our consumptions. This is probably only the tip of an iceberg lettuce.

    The simplest solution is to make your own but give it a few weeks and everything will return to normal and people will return to their processed products, while some people may feel they have no other affordable option.
  7. brb

    brb Guest

    Looks like your words have been heard <laugh> Call for lamb products to be tested for horse meat now. This includes your late night boozed up hunger for the meat on a stick in your high street.
  8. brb

    brb Guest

    Something I have always said when the health police and government (or are they the same thing) started on alcohol and smoking and to the people that supported those moves. It will not stop there!

    Now there is calls for tax and restrictions on junk food and fizzy drinks, where will it all end? Ironically all in the same weeks as the horse meat scandal and they want us to take them seriously.

    I suggest people tell them to stick their health politics where the sun don't shine, I for one intend on dying eating, drinking and smoking what I choose. We don't all want to be a certain ideal weight, genetically modified Europeans. Is there not a word that slips my mind for having an ideal government controlled race and I don't mean healthy.
  9. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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    Gills will win on Saturday because of it !

    I've noticed that Gills tend to win their next home game after I have experienced roundabout rage - usually on my journey to the ground from the M2 to the A2 - and the several roundabouts along the route.
    Roundabout rage has been in short supply this season -hence our home form - but don't worry - I've just had some - so the omens are good for the Plymouth match
    What do I mean about roundabout rage ? It's my reaction ( much to the amusement of my passengers ) when

    1. Drivers fail to indicate that they are going to turn left into the junction - at which I am 'giving way' for them to carry on around the roundabout. It seems that 11 drivers out of 10 are guilty of this one !

    2. Drivers in front of me ( usually on a single track road ) - who Stop at the roundabout - when there is nothing coming from their right that is in the same postcode area !

    3. Drivers who cut me up. If I am turning right I will use the middle section of the roundabout. The idiot who is on my nearside and going 'ahead' has a habit of cutting across my lane because he/she is too bloody lazy to turn the steering wheel to remain within the parameters of the inside lane.

    I have to concede that I could cheerfully shoot some people <grr>

    And don't get me started on about users of mobility scooters - they are NOT cars ! and should not be on the road - or just as bad -
    on the path whilst pulling along their dog on a lead !
  10. Old Timer in Cyprus

    Old Timer in Cyprus Active Member

    Jun 8, 2011
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    hello Alwaysright
    enjoyed your piece about bad behaviour at roundabouts, I know the area well. On your two visits to Cyprus
    did you hire a car and drive around the towns at all? I live in a small town on the eastern side of the island called Paranormal,
    sorry Paralimni,and we only have six roundabouts.They have all appeared in the last five to ten years, so anyone over thirty
    never had any experience or tuition regarding the use of the aforesaid. It shows! Roundabouts are generally regarded here as
    part of the way ahead ( albeit with a bit of a kink), therefore there is no need to stop or signal when entering. Drivers already
    on the circle should adjust their positionto accomodate new arrivals. Lane procedure is unheard of. Peeps actually park on the
    nearest roundabout to my home as it is handy for the Hellenic Bank.
    Other normalities include backing out on to main roads causing on coming traffic to slow or stop, and regarding
    red traffic lights as advisary only. At first I found this all rather off putting, but now I have acclimatised I park my car on the steps
    of the bank! At least they drive on the left God bless 'em (sometimes!)
    I reckon you could work up enough road rage here Alwaysright to get the Gills to the Premier.

  11. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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    Old Timer in Cyprus On my first visit to Cyprus I hired a car - but not so the second time - we decided that the local mini bus shuttle service was more fun - One Turkish Lira for however far you went! My wife & I visited friends ( and their friends ) in Kyrenia on the northern coast. The driving up there was a little more civilised than what you describe - although we did visit the Greek side of the Island where the traffic seemed a bit more hectic.
    I do have a particular dislike of motorists who cannot use a roundabout - nearly as much as I hate a linesman who cannot keep up with the last man. I don't know if you watched Spurs v Arsenal yesterday - it was a joy to see a linesman in the right place to make the correct decision regarding the Spurs goalscorers being onside. - Oh that we could have them at Priestfield - where ( on the Gordon Road side - where I sit ) I have to suffer the junior of the two linesmen - I refuse to call them assistant referees.
  12. grumpygit

    grumpygit les misérable

    Feb 13, 2011
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    You forgot one.... 4. the person who thinks a roundabout is a junction, give way to traffic "ON THE ROUNDABOUT" to your right, this does not include the idiots on the approach road who think they have every right to cover the last 50 yards at 60 MPH and expect everyone else to give way.
  13. Old Timer in Cyprus

    Old Timer in Cyprus Active Member

    Jun 8, 2011
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    Hiya Alwaysright
    Yes, stick to the bus....a lot less fuss!
    I like Kyrenia, we sometimes go up for the weekend and stay at The Ship on the Lapta Road.Very good value.
    In 2009 we watched the Gill's Play Off final with Shrewsbury in Ship bar together with our friends from Rainham
    who were out holidaying with us.
    'Linesmen' play a bigger part in matches than they get credit for. Remember the 1966 World Cup
    Final controvesy. I watched that 'once in a lifetime game' in the bar at Newton Abbot Race Track, but that as they
    say, is another story!
  14. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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    Old Timer in Cyprus When you go to Kyrenia do you travel via the border control ? I presume that bribery & corruption still prevails.
    I've said before that the rubbish dumped at the side of the roads spoil a beautiful countryside.
    The first time we went to Cyprus we tried to hire a car at Larnaca airport. When the hire company heard that we were staying in a hotel in the Turkish sector they asked for insurance deposit equal to the cost of a new car (£8000) - we took a taxi to Kyrenia - although finding a driver willing to take us proved difficult. The first one we asked spat on the floor at the mention of Kyrenia.

    Regarding the linesman at the Shrewsbury play-off final - gave us a corner that never was - from which we scored.... and yes, I do remember the 1966 World cup final - as well as our only time as champions of the league ( my first season )
  15. Old Timer in Cyprus

    Old Timer in Cyprus Active Member

    Jun 8, 2011
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    hello Alwaysright
    we cross at Ayios Nikolaos by the British Army Base, a couple of kilometres from Famagusta. Ease of crossing
    is much better these days thanks to heads being banged together by UN and EU. ( You still need seperate car ins. tho' and
    individual visas.) I know a scouser caslled 'Bloody Alan' who takes an open top red bus over everyday in season for a tour of
    Famagusta and periphary of Ghost Town (Varosha ). Watch out for speed cameras up there! (not used much here in the south )

    On the subject of refs and 'linesmen', have you ever hear a kid say they want to be one when they grow up ?
  16. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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    Had more roundabout rage today. The car in front, at the roundabout was going so slow I'm surprised that the hearse behind me didn't try to overtake. also whilst logging on I heard the Last Waltz being played on the radio - all good omens for a thumping good win ( 1-0 ) on Saturday.
  17. BSG

    BSG Well-Known Member

    May 25, 2011
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    You almost got those straws Always, keeping clutching :D
  18. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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    O K whilst we're clutching at straws - just heard The Liquidator in an advert in the Man Utd v R.Madrid game.
  19. alwaysright

    alwaysright @ Very Angry Camel

    Jul 4, 2011
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    What a week for roundabout rage !
    Today got stuck behind a van that broke down on a roundabout........... Lonnnnng queue.
    Then - was directly behind another van ( going around a roundabout ) when a car transporter decided to pull out of the junction on our left -
    I just managed to swerve past them as the wreckage came to rest.
    This surely means it looks good for 2 goals against Plymouth.
  20. Old Timer in Cyprus

    Old Timer in Cyprus Active Member

    Jun 8, 2011
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    Be careful out there Alwaysright! I need you in person at saturday's match so you can post your report on here afterwards.
    Do they have Sky Sports channel at the Alexandra Hospital?

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