It's a football forum, you halfwit. It's for people to debate, not **** each other off whilst they scream how wonderful we are
Is there a reason why we got obliterated at the start and has it improved, anybody post some sense here as I;ve missed the kick-off?
Wombat Erik theres a difference between having a different opinion and just calling people c*nts. Grow a pair and have a proper debate instead of acting like a thirteen year old keyboard warrior.
As I said in the Bolton questionairre thread, I didnt predict a score as you cant in this league. It seems we've gone into this over-confident, and underestimated Bolton.
As I said in the Bolton questionairre thread, I didnt predict a score as you cant in this league. It seems we've gone into this over-confident, and underestimated Bolton.
Exactly, defensive show. We weren't cutting their defence to bits all game, in fact we didn't carve them open once, we had 90% of the ball and only 8 shots ourselves. Great defending meant we kept winning the ball back off them straight away and limited them to 1 shot. Dominating and having the ball all game but only having 8 shots suggests we are ****e going forward.
Hey kids can you stop arguing I need to know whats going on, be much appreciated? Are they playing better now and why did they start so badly?
Yeah I know, but someone who is that full of s**t shouldn't be allowed to post on here. It's not like he makes insightful comments or interesting debates, it's pure BS.
u dont give up 3 goals in 10 minuets unless you weren't mentally ready for the game. these things happen from time to time
When people say, "It's only one game", "We'll bounce back", "You can't win every game", it's a poor ****ing excuse. Promotion pushing teams should have attitudes to go out and win every game, fans should have the same expectations and attitudes.
I blocked him like a month ago for all his racist nonsense. I just wish it would block him when people reply with a quote which it doesnt do.
I am sure that TWF and Bullshitman will be really ****ing chuffed that you have classed yourself with them. you arent even human. heh