#FreeSantos trending on Twitter xD I hope the Sun is over exaggerating here. They will probably take his licence away, fine him and give him a driving ban but can't imagine jail. He isn't an England player though, so there could be trouble.
We'd probably go out and sign a new LB. Hopefully, it'd be someone good one like M'Bengue, and then he can displace Gibbs, and our defence will be a lot better.
If you read the article it seems even there source has said the speed isn't known. So the 130mph bit is to make it sound dramatic. If he was going over 100mph then if i remember rightly thats an auto-matic driving ban - if it was under 100 it's just points on the license unless it was dangerous driving. Speeding can't result in prison time. Not stopping for the police is more serious. I very much doubt it was a "car chase" in the way the sun would like you to read into it. It would be all over the news everywhere if he had been on a high speed dangerous car chase. If there is truth however in him not stopping for the police, even if its just that he kept driving and wasn't dangerous he may face more of a punishment. I can't see him doing any prison time for it. I bet he goes "oh, im new to the country and got scared of the police and didn't know what to do, and then realised and stopped, and im really sorry and heres £100k to show how sorry i am". But really, i'm sure the sun are making a mountain out of a mole hill. (I do know a few brazilians though and they like there fast cars )
My cousin went ot jail for speeding, but then again it was in the USA. I don't know if the rules are different in England.
The rules are very different in the UK. In the US you can get prison time for having no insurance or just a fine depending on the state, then there are states where you don't have your license taken the first time your caught drink driving! It varies state to state and the law is pretty different when it comes to punishments compared to the UK.
However, you most certainly can be sent to prison for what Santos was arrested for: dangerous driving. It's much more serious than merely speeding. However, the mercy is that he didn't hit anyone. If he had, he'd be going straight to prison. Usually for a custodial sentence without a death or accident, there would have to be other factors, such as a repeat offence, driving without a license or not stopping for the police... Oh dear. That said, I'd be very surprised if Andre ends up doing porridge. A decent legal team and a plea might clear it up, one would hope.
Anything over 100mph = Reckless driving = Jail & Vehicle impounded + Fine No insurance = Heavy fine / License revoked for 3 to 6/mo. This seems to be the norm in most States in the U.S.
i'd believe the BBC over the sun anyday: An Arsenal footballer was arrested on suspicion of dangerous driving the day before the Premier League season kicked off, police have said. Brazilian defender Andre Santos, 29, was held after officers spotted a car being driven erratically by a driver who failed to stop on Friday morning. Santos was arrested near the north London club's training ground in London Colney, Hertfordshire. Santos, who was on the bench for Arsenal's first game, was later bailed. A Metropolitan Police spokesman said: "Shortly after 9.30am on Friday August 17, a 29-year-old man was arrested on suspicion of dangerous driving and failing to stop for police on the A1, near to Junction 22 of the M25. "Officers' attention was drawn to the vehicle due to the manner of its driving. "The man has been bailed to return at a date in mid-September to a North London police station." Santos was not breathalysed, police added. says nothing about speed, just he was stopped after failing to stop. probably just get a large fine and driving ban for a few months or a year or so.
'Dangerous driving can take a multiplicity of forms and crucially, can be constituted by speeding alone where the speed in question is grossly in excess of the speed limit.' http://www.roadtrafficexpert.com/dangerous-driving.html
He shouldn't go to prison for 130mph cop chase? what are you on! anyone but a footballer would go down for at least a year for that. 130mph is obscene
Dangerous driving (which can be for speeds well over speedlimits ie 90mph past a school) comes with criminal charges
130mph is not that obscene.... I've been in a car going 120ph down the m6 and we where not the only car going at that speed (it was the middle of the night and the roads where very clear). Also - there is no evidence of the speed being travleed - the 130mph was made up by the sun and not reported by the BBC. Even the suns source said the police would have to use there on-board cameras and other techniques to figure out the speed he was going. Also the whole "cop chase" thing sounds like media nonsense to me. They are making it out like he was swerving in and out of cars being chased by the police at 130mph, causing a dangerous incident. Whereas i bet it's more likely he was going pretty fast and didn't stop when the police first spooted him as they where so far behind him! I'd put money on this being a non-story and him getting a driving ban and a fine.
Yes, it's the Sun, so obviously it could be complete ****e. But if it's true, that he was driving 130mph during the day and failed to stop for police then he could quite easily go to prison, probably 6 months with 6 suspended
Must ensure that I never take your legal advise. For speeding alone, there is no chance of a custodial sentence. However, because the alleged speed was £130mph, then he can be done for dangerous driving. With that there is a small chance of a prison sentence of up to 2 years crown court or 6 months magistrates court. However, this is highly unlikely as no-one was hurt and as far as we know this is a first offense.