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AC Milan vs Arsenal: Match Thread

Discussion in 'Arsenal' started by Sanj, Feb 12, 2012.


    PISKIE Wurzel Gummidge

    Jan 24, 2011
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    On the bench at Milan - do you think he'd want to come to Arsenal ?
  2. Kyle?

    Kyle? New Member

    May 17, 2011
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    Italian football is back on the rise again. Milan look good, Napoli look good, Juventus look good, Inter look decent etc.
  3. Kyle?

    Kyle? New Member

    May 17, 2011
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    There were a load of rumours linking him to us. he'd be a quality replacement for van persie if he were to leave (and after tonight, who could blame him if he does?)
  4. CaDaVeR85

    CaDaVeR85 New Member

    Oct 25, 2011
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    ... okay, I can see were you're coming from. But still. You can understand the frustration like any gooner.

    There are no excuses for tonight. It was a horrid performance from all involved. I don't want to argue with a fellow gooner. It's all pretty trivial now. Let's all just hope things get better from now.

    Although, to be honest, as things have been going over the last few years, I REALLY don't see things improving until we actually fall out of top four. Which Is not the direction the Board should be taking. They need to be more PROACTIVE in what is happening. They just don't seem to give two ****s until the money starts slipping away. We, as fans, shouldn't have to deal with that as supporters of THE ARSENAL. We're better than that. But we're being taken for mugs here.

    I dunno. I just wish there was a bit more to be cheerful about. And I do realise HUNDREDS of teams would die to be in the position we are in. i.e. near/top four etc. But the fact is, we WILL fall out of the top four, if not this season, next. It's inevitable at this point. Something needs to improve, and FAST.
  5. Arsenal4life

    Arsenal4life Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2012
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    Italian football got knocked for 6 by the bribing scandal. Imagine if Man utd and chelsea had just got kicked out of the league and arsenal got banned from the cl for 1 season. It would of crippled the premier league. Now those clubs are coming back to strength and not surprising italian football is returning. UNlike the spainish league they have 6-7 "big" clubs who have quality teams. Kind of like the premier league in the respect that its very competetive.

    I dont blame wengers tactics tonight. Sure we were awful but the facts are that wenger can only use what he has got. He didnt want to sell cesc or nasri. His hand was forced. Obv wenger is to blame for alot but he is still a clas manager. Just maybe his time at arsenal needs to end.

    The problem tonight was simple: they have far better players than we do. Thats it.

    I know we see our players through rose tinted glasses alot of the time but if we look at it in the cold light of day then their team is player for player a mile above ours. Heck its probably above man u and citys.

    Thiago is remarkable for them. He is probably the best centre half in the game. Abate is top class. Van Bommel can get a job done in there. Boeteng is fantastic and Ibra is obviously an exceptional football player.

    RVP is quality. But apart from him we dont really have anyone that you could be sure was capable of competiting with the top teams in the world. Milan have 7-8 guys who you know wont look out of place in any company.

    Maybe we just need to realise that arsenal are no longer going for titles. No longer are we a threat in the cl. Not really. Maybe we just have to settle for trying to compete in the premier league and get into the top 4 before maybe kicking on again in a few years.
  6. Sanj

    Sanj Well-Known Member

    Jun 1, 2011
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    Kos has a knee injury according to Wenger. Hope its nothing serious, he is our best defender by far at the moment.
  7. Kyle?

    Kyle? New Member

    May 17, 2011
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    Yeah, i know he's missing the scumderland game, but it doesn't say how long they expect him to be out. As long as we don't have to use squillaci, i'll be happy.
  8. TheOXOCube:5pur2

    TheOXOCube:5pur2 Pride of North London

    Jan 29, 2011
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    This is as defeatist as it gets
    Our team could have beaten Milan but Wenger got the tatics disastarously wrong and it bit us in the ass
  9. TheOXOCube:5pur2

    TheOXOCube:5pur2 Pride of North London

    Jan 29, 2011
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    Hell Coq would be a better CB than DJIDIOT
  10. robin_van_ fiberglass

    robin_van_ fiberglass Active Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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    <laugh> After tonight? He's not going anywhere any time soon probably because his girlfriend is Berlusconi's daughter.

  11. Bobby Pires

    Bobby Pires Well-Known Member

    May 22, 2011
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    Worst performance of the season. I have no hope for this team after that showing.
  12. Agreed.

    Some players are good - like Arteta, benayoun, Walcott.. - but just not good enough for a top side.
    Othe players are just abysmal - Ramsey, Djourou, Squillaci, Chamakh, Denilson, Vela... - they should never have been anywhere near an Arsenal shirt.

    Major surgery is needed - and Wenger wont do it.

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