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No shame on merseyside

Discussion in 'Manchester City' started by Paulpowersleftfoot, Feb 11, 2012.

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  1. Paulpowersleftfoot

    Paulpowersleftfoot Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2011
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    Dalglish & Suarez,I find them utterly contemptible and the scousers who are only too willing to back this ignorant pair up really ought to be ashamed.
    If I had been his manager I would have subbed the little bigot immediately and sent him straight down the tunnel
    The owners really must be wondering what they've taken on,gone from a great club to a disgrace in a matter of weeks
  2. Alan

    Alan Well-Known Member

    May 18, 2011
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    You can say that again <ok> <applause>
  3. Ivor Biggun

    Ivor Biggun Member

    Sep 28, 2011
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    Great article.

    Finally someone highlights LFC's shameful handling of the situation and how pathetic Kenny is.
  4. Gazautd

    Gazautd Active Member

    Jun 15, 2011
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    Good article from the Guardian.Unfortunately Dalglish has handled the whole affair so amateurishly he'll find it hard to back down now. This could've been concluded weeks ago.
  5. Paulpowersleftfoot

    Paulpowersleftfoot Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2011
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    They somehow think it's just a utd/Liverpool thing without realising every other teams supporters are disgusted with them.As much as I always want utd to lose,I was quite glad the bigoted little **** didn't end the day on the winning side
  6. pompeymeowth

    pompeymeowth Prepare for trouble x
    Staff Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    My wife is Brazilian and Negro is the correct word there, Nego is used too, by close friends, like the way Americans call each other "brother". Black (Preto) is the (very) taboo word.

    Where the Suarez arguement falls down though as far as I'm concerned, is why he had to point out to Evra that he was a "Negro" something something.

    The English version would be A Black something something. That has to be racist.

    If he'd just called him a something something, well it's not nice but at least it's not racist.

    I just don't see how this language thing can be used as an excuse. He called him a rude name, emphasising it with a reference to ethnicity. It's racist!
  7. Christiansmith

    Christiansmith Well-Known Member

    Aug 30, 2011
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    This whole episode has really tainted Dalglish's reputation. He is now seen to be an old old spineless and cowardly buffoon.
  8. Badgers Assemble

    Badgers Assemble Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Dogleash can't turn his back on him now after sticking by him for the whole saga <ok>
  9. Alan

    Alan Well-Known Member

    May 18, 2011
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    True but apparently Suarez told Kenny, he would shake Evra's hand. Deep down, Kenny will be the one most let down by Suarez's actions today. He will deny it but Kenny has to take a certain amount of blame for this saga.
  10. Zingy

    Zingy #ziggywould

    Jan 31, 2011
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    I am not going to admit what I agree or disagree with what has been said so far on this thread. But so far I have made it clear that I am not one of Suarez's biggest fans as an LFC supporter. Because this is an issue between LFC and MUFC it makes it a hell of a lot harder to distinguish what arguments stands between loyalty and logic. I feel Suarez has let LFC (and Ajax) down with non footballing issues and has not done enough for the club to acclaim the heroic status he receives.
    But as I have mentioned..the whole issue lies upon the fixture of LFC and Utd and both sides are never going to agree 100% on what has happened which is why I refuse to be drawn into any argument on the subject.

  11. RobofLeeds

    RobofLeeds New Member

    Feb 13, 2011
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    Here here
  12. diawl-coch

    diawl-coch New Member

    Jun 5, 2011
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    "Outraged by everything, ashamed of nothing."

    6 words, say it all about LFC.
  13. TuckersLaw

    TuckersLaw Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    I see Suarez, Dalglish and Liverpool have been roundly slaughtered from all angles in the press today.

    Observer: Liverpool's Kenny Dalglish plays dumb to leave his dignity in tatters
    Daniel Taylor: 'Kenny Dalglish tried to stare down the (post-match interview) questions before coming up with a response that was so outlandishly flawed it made you wonder where he was storing all the qualities which we once associated with him? What Suarez did was callous, premeditated and dimwitted to the point that, if Liverpool had any sense, they would have condemned it on the spot and at least salvaged a semblance of dignity. Instead, they reverted to their default setting whenever Suarez comes under scrutiny: this half-baked conspiracy that everyone is against them and that the only way to combat this is to go on the attack themselves. Outraged by everything, ashamed of nothing.'

    Mail on Sunday: Dalglish is reduced to a scowling, sneering bar-room bully
    Patrick Collins: 'Undoubtedly, (Suarez) has been encouraged in his idiocy by attitudes struck by manager Kenny Dalglish. Throughout this depressing saga, Dalglish has promoted a sense of paranoia, a feeling that the club have been hard done-by, ill-used, savagely put-upon. He has conjured the notion of a vast conspiracy directed at Liverpool, without ever explaining the logic or the motives behind such a movement. At its most crass, it was the T-shirt worn to support Suarez, a gesture so tasteless that a football manager of even modest intelligence might have rejected it out of hand. Dalglish wore his daft little shirt as if it were a badge of martyrdom, utterly unaware of the ridiculous figure he was cutting.'

    Sunday Telegraph: Dalglish walks alone in defence of striker
    Henry Winter: 'For those of us gathered here at Old Trafford yesterday for the latest outbreak of hostilities between Manchester United and Liverpool, Suárez&#8217;s behaviour was embarrassing to behold. The fires of enmity always burn between these ancient rivals but Suárez inflamed the mood further by refusing to shake the hand of Patrice Evra. Those tuning in across the planet were presented with the picture of Suárez offending further an opponent he had racially abused. For a club that prides itself on its renown around the world, those pictures were a PR disaster.'

    Sunday Times: Shaming of football
    Jonathan Norcroft: 'When the dust settled, the bile subsided and the straitjackets were put away, Manchester United were left top of the Premier League. Recently, covering English football has felt like sending bulletins live from the asylum. Yet if you looked hard enough, past the handshake, the stupid fan chants, the stewards separating warring players and, hardest of all, beyond the loathsome Luis Suarez, there was a game of football here. United won it, and deservedly, and are leaders for the first time since October 1 to exert pressure on Manchester City before today&#8217;s clash with Aston Villa.'

    Sunday Mirror: Sinner... not a saint
    Anthony Clavane: 'Luis Suarez might have put the ball into the United net at Old Trafford, but his PR own goal will have a lasting effect on his career in England &#8211; and quite possibly destabilise Liverpool&#8217;s season. What on Earth was he thinking of? Kenny Dalglish indicated earlier in the week that Suarez would shake Evra&#8217;s hand. In refusing to do so, he let himself down, let Dalglish down and let the Kop fans down. The Sunday Mirror doesn&#8217;t always agree with Sir Alex Ferguson, but on this occasion he was spot on (in calling Suarez 'a disgrace').'

    Independent on Sunday: Rooney rises above acrimony to settle score
    Steve Tongue: 'There have now been 184 meetings between the two most successful clubs in English football history and it is difficult to believe that any other has been surrounded by quite the acrimony of yesterday's. In the Sixties and Seventies the players would kick or fight each other and supporters would do likewise, but here the backdrop was unique. From the moment that police confiscated every copy of a Manchester United fanzine, through Luis Suarez shockingly snubbing a handshake from Patrice Evra, then a fracas breaking out in the tunnel at half-time and Sir Alex Ferguson declaring the Uruguayan should never play for Liverpool again, it was an extraordinary day all round.'

    Sunday Express: Football the loser on a day of shame
    John Richardson: 'We had the good, Rooney&#8217;s goals, the bad, Liverpool&#8217;s failure to impose themselves until too late, and the ugly, the Luis Suarez-Patrice Evra affair which seems to be running longer than The Mousetrap. Just when a tiresome saga which has shamed football was ready to be finally put to bed, oafish behaviour from Suarez reignited the feud. A week of promises that the potential tinderbox situation would be dampened down obviously fell on deaf ears as far as the controversial Uruguayan was concerned.'

    The People: Kick him out
    Dave Kidd: 'Dalglish will doubtless carry on sneering at outside criticism of his continued insistence that Luis Suarez should never have been banned. But Liverpool's chippy manager knows full well that any such us-against-the-world rhetoric will go down beautifully with most of the Anfield faithful. Dalglish was appointed, not so much because of (owner John W.) Henry's independent will, but by an unstoppable tide of public opinion. The Scot is a canny old politician. And he knows his constituency.'
  14. Christiansmith

    Christiansmith Well-Known Member

    Aug 30, 2011
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    They cannot wait to criticise him now. Ayres and Dalglish have both condemned him as basically an unreliable liar. Who promised and then reneged on that promise

    YNWA? Ha ha ha they cannot wait to dump on him now.
  15. BringBackfootie

    BringBackfootie New Member

    Mar 7, 2011
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    Guardian.. proven to print complete bullshit, I guess you got all your info on the Racism thing from that site too too, no wonder you leak bile from your arse,
  16. BringBackfootie

    BringBackfootie New Member

    Mar 7, 2011
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    All of a sudden we care what the press say.. bit of a turn around there
  17. Christiansmith

    Christiansmith Well-Known Member

    Aug 30, 2011
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    You bet? Dalglish the buffoon has now cut Suarez adrift by criticising his own player for lying and not keeping his promise to shake hands. He made Suarez believe he was right all along. Why would Suarez keep up his tedious position?

    What a sight now! every one at the club is falling over themselves to criticise Suarez. you'll never walk alone? What a sorry joke! Suarez has been made to shoulder the blame alone when Dalglish as manager is as much if not more to blame.
  18. BringBackBenítez

    Feb 9, 2012
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    I am absolutely disgusted with the way the club and certain individuals have gone about all of this.
    Suárez needs to leave while we still might be able to steal £15 million off Anzhi.
  19. topdawg

    topdawg Member

    Jan 30, 2012
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    suarez and dalgleish only apologised when the americans kicked their arses. the american moved after criticism in the states and standard chartered (shirt sponsor, big in far east) complained.

    sadly, LFC, Suarez, Dalgleish, Ayre, Commolli, Henry, their fans don't care about dignity, fair play etc. they are only bothered about filthy luca
  20. One of the lads

    One of the lads Well-Known Member

    Feb 6, 2012
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    On reflection, Liverpool's reaction to this whole saga is no surprise. The club and fans are quite experienced at playing the victim. Dalglish has proven himself to be a bitter man and as a serial quitter I doubt he'll be at Liverpool next season. Suarez certainly won't be.
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