That's berra than yesterday . . . . the first Hughie and a juicy that obviously belonged at the end, Hughies 1, 3 & 5 before a tap-in for a pretty one
Birdie 3 for me opening word helped again and a bogey 5 for Mrs W. ME YOOGG GGOGG GGGGG MRS W OYYYO GGGOO GGGOO GGGOO GGGGG
Late today. Had to take herself to Gateshead International Stadium unfortumately for nothing more exciting than an antiques fair. But I suppose if doing it late gives such a good result I might leave it late more often. Wordle 1,366 2/6*
Almost embarrassed to report a 2. Given those 2 greens and the yellow not much else it could have been. I think with a less lucky start I might have been in trouble. That's how it goes.
3 today and tried a word I am sure we have had before but it worked. Or maybe I am remembering wrong who knows these days. Wordle 1,367 3/6 ⬜⬜ ⬜