Go donate to the weird noncey vicar or Brand, you deluded ****. You lap up whatever ****e your 'alternative' thinkers throw at you. Just happens that they align with russian ****e. What a ****ing coincidence. You gullible prick. How are your iverctimin enemas going?
Low IQ fully vaxtardated laughing at people that knew the shots are ineffective officially & dangerous unofficially. Yeah Putin again
I'm not getting COVID shots anymore. Not because I'm a vaxtard dinlow, it's because they bloody hurt.
Brilliant mate, can tell youre rattled with the smiley retort. Everycunt thinks you're a mong. Even your invisible wife and tranny kids. You are everything that is wrong with both humanity and the country, a ******ed, gullible lickspittle, gobbling down hard on stinking leftist cock munching propaganda. If Owen Jones told you darkies were the reason your life is ****e, you'd put on your pointed hood and burn them on a cross. Zero common sense, zero self-awareness and zero IQ. .
That means it was working, and now you're not only at risk of a severe outcome from covid, but also you're spreading it to the vulnerable you horrible murdering bitch. That's what @Joby said in 2020 ^^^ (also QuarterBufoon)
Yes dear. Your views are just parroting whatever pro-gullible noncesense you get from twatter/Facebook. 5G causes etc...Vaccines cause etc...Don't use oils etc... You're a copy and paste *****tard. Twatter is swarming with ****s like you, too stupid too see through the bs you're spoonfed every day, thinking your sooper smartz because you don't believe what the 'normies' think. When are the 15min cities kicking in? And the rest of your 'predictions'? That mongey frog bs doesn't match up to what you said 2 years ago. 'aNyTiMe nOw'!!!!!! Derpfuckingtastic
I don't believe the 15 minute city pish but if I did I wouldn't expect it to happen in a fortnight It'd be gradual, like putting a listening device in your home and calling it Alexa
You're in the top 10 most gullible ****s on the internet, very surprised you're not in that gang yet.
"Parroting" I stood alone in early March 2020 amongst my friends and family as the tyrannical Tories, cheerleaded on by you and the other spastics, knowingly wrecked our civil liberties, our economy, and our kids education, to slow the spread of a virus that only kills ****s who were already nearly dead. Vaccines, covid ones, cause death, hence why AZ was banned - you know, the one you "parroted" was safe and effective because the Tories told you it was, along with the rest of the evil uni-party scumbags. You are a ****ebag bastard. Limp-wristed, weak, & easily manipulated, tardtard. "Govern harder, guys"
He'll just falsely attribute something, someone else said, to you, then continue to bring it up 5 years later, because he's a spent force. He's literally wrong about everything, always on the liars side. I said to @simon that he's that much of a simp for media propaganda, that he must be a 77th brigadier. @simon assured me that he's just a messed up ket-head who just wants to be kind (unless you have a different opinion then you should KYSASAP or be executed)
Starmer giving Zelenskyy more money he stole from old ****s & disabled ****s has done the trick. Pootin just surrendered & Ukrainians have won the war , let's get back in the EUROPEAN UNION & invite another few million asylum seekers in to do the jobs the disgusting white English can't or won't do . I'm off to get my latest covid booster to stick it to the far right & Russell Brand. Derp
Keep on slurping your unemployable turnip-IQ buddy, just coz you both got 'brain'washed by the same pish the Coast guy and Russell ****ing Brand believed.