Trunp paid Ukrainian hookers to piss on him then got the Russians to fill up multiple laptops of fake crimes on Hunter's laptop. No wonder Joe pardoned his entire family with people like Pootin about
I want more tax payers money sent to Zelenskyy to launder & British boys fed into the meat grinder of war , because I'm not a Pootin puppet . Also auditing government spending is racist Derp
Every ****ing thing they touch. Breaking: The truth comes out that the latest £4.4bn to be gifted to Ukraine. Starmer and hapless communist 'Rachel from accounts' have lied yet again. Reports confirm that this eye-watering sum will NOT come from Russian assets frozen in Kiev, but the British taxpayer. A plethora of international laws and regulations, which Starmer always quotes for keeping hordes of illegals, is now blockading any attempts to steal this money from the Russians. According to common interpretations of international law as set out by UNGA resolutions Russia “must bear the legal consequences of all of its internationally wrongful acts, including making reparation for the injury, including any damage, caused by such acts” and third party states are able to take “countermeasures” to enforce a “breach of obligations owed to the international community as a whole.” Stranger things have been argued in international law courts… Sources suggest the proposal to move to seize Russian assets have hit Lord Hermer’s desk – and he is blocking.The Attorney General’s Office has declined to comment on that one…
It's clearly not a good thing from many angles, but at least it shows Starmer what he should be doing with his shower of ****wits.
Strong arming Pootin into stopping Russia bombarding Ukraine to dust is exactly what you would expect a Pootin puppet to do . America is literally owned by Russia
It's a good job Europe are keeping the peace, by sending 120 fighter jets, because Putin told them they're not allowed to put their troops on the ground in Ukraine. Putin’s worst nightmare could become a reality
Think this is just a token punishment to look unbiased The US kicked Russia out of the world 3 years ago Trump wants Russia on his side or at least neutral when taking on China
A trade war. Everything he is doing is being done to weaken China and BRICS Massive spending cuts and tarrifs do suggest he fears de-dollarization and getting Russia onside puts a stop to that happening