Putin is unhinged and doesnt care about the loss of life, he will only be appeased never happy, what he wants he cant have ( reformed soviet union ) and thats why he will always be a risk to humanity as long as he is breathing. I have never trusted Zelensky either, he looks off his face and constantly appearing in Khakis as though he is fighting on the front line is bizarre behaviour. I do admire him for standing up to Trump mind but he must know his time is almost up, the tide has turned with the USA appearing to distance themselves from him, he must feel exposed now and I think its just a matter of time before he steps down, he knows he cant continue without the might of the USA behind him. Putin cant take NATO on, the west dont want to take Russia on and are nervous about Ukraine becoming part of NATO due to how Russia will react. Its stalemate with neither side willing to make the next move, Trump has seen an opportunity to make billions on the mineral deal and custard pied Europe, all about the dollar. Loss of life means nothing to these tyrants, just mere pawns in their wargames. By the time they figure out where the money Zelensky syphoned off went he will probably be dead anyway.
So charity funding slashed, defence funding increased. I wonder if Europe really do get their acts together and form a proper alliance with UK and France at the head of it !
We had some kind of control over Europe, now we have none … … as I said earlier, what we gave Europe was just as important as what we took out. It also gave us more clout with the USA, as they would come through us to talk to Europe … … we threw that away and now look a little lost and isolated. We’re just not the big hitters we thought we were.
Not sure why Putin can’t take NATO on? As soon as NATO is called into action it will fall apart. The Americans can’t be trusted to back up any country attacked by Russia, NATO or not, and there’s countries in NATO like Türkiye, Romania and Hungary that are friendly with Russia and would more than likely fall on their side if a world war or even a European war were to break out. Remove the USA assistance to Ukraine and Russia would have steamrolled them a long time ago. With the help of their allies, Türkiye, Hungary, Iran and all the countries surrounding Russia themselves… That’s without China getting involved… I don’t think Putin will give a **** what the French and UK can muster up. Who would this European Army answer to?
Nice to see that Trump is getting on with the UK and doesn’t seem so heavy with us as he does with mainland Europe.
When we had the Empire we controlled half the planet. I’m sure there was an assumption that we could leave Europe and return to those days. The talk about going back to the good old British passport, Imperial measures and trading with ‘The Commonwealth’ fooled people into thinking we’d go back to the good old days of the Empire. In reality those days were absolutely shyte for working people and was just the wealthy and landed gentry using a massive military to protect their ‘overseas investments’. I remember my Grandad telling me how they’d roll out a map of the Empire, during school assembly, they’d all have to salute then sing God save the Queen … … some went to school with no shoes and half of them had rickets.
What doesn’t make sense is why a man in his 60’s has a picture of a girl when she was a teenager, as his avatar. Hopefully the authorities are aware. You creep.
We are heading back to the upper and lower class. Anyone who's watched Gary's Economics on YouTube can see it's the end game. Rule Britannia.
Trump has pulled a master stroke.... I want 50% of your precious minerals No way I want 50% of future precious minerals Deal
Idiot Trump's just been shown on BBC news threatening and belittling Zelenski in an interview . . . . what a psychotic & dangerously dictatorial twat he is. What he's saying is absolutely shocking, and extremely dangerous for the whole world
Tr*mp is a your typical bully, anyone who DARES to stand up to him just gets shouted. yet the magrats supporters will say his correct
So, Ukraine just signed over it’s minersls to the Orange Moron and now he ( in not so many words) tells Zelenskyy he’s on his own because of his attitude in the White House FFS