As much as I like and want Nunez to succeed, he simply isn’t going to. We need a replacement, Gyokeres or Isak are the main candidates
Every sub is making villa a little better given the time of game. Our subs have made us worse but we had to make them Finally here is diaz. But **** me. Just shoot yourself salah. You might get a corner.
Well. City are losing 3-0 and being crap in doing it, 1 shot and nothing on target. Maybe they’re saving themselves for Sunday but I don’t think so.
Why is nunez trying to mark between two cms and not just pressing up for us and letting more intelligent players work.
Lucky to get the draw but at least we have not lost. We played with 10 for 30mins there. Nunez shouldn't play if that's all he can do. I'd rather watch chiesa not be able to run on the left and diaz struggle in the middle than watch that show. Villa.just got stronger and each sub made us weaker and weaker. Zero midfield by the end.
Nunez laughing with martinez at the end. Thats me done. I don't want to see him again. I'll take diaz struggling to do anything in the middle.