She had some friends round for drinks, I kept kids out of way and made this for them. Managed to have some stuff leftover so had a small plate for myself.
Six egg omelette, six rashers of turkey bacon, bit of cheese and onion. No pics so as to not offend Sucky.
Not sure that's the best. Broccoli is lovely, bit not when it's a bit over done and mushy. Needs to have a bite and still be in a tree. Could be wrong though!
I understand the skeptical thinking on this one but it's genuinely nice. Healthy eating is the main reason but I do like it.
I thought it looked nice, but i've been living on fruit, salad and veg the last couple of days, so anything looks nice at the mo
Ah I see, that's fair enough mate, I'm fourth day in now, I'm coping fine but it's bloody hard. Went to the supermarket and it's all fruit, veg and salad stuff now. Oh and one Sucky might not appreciate, trying not to put crisps in my lettuce sandwich. #bantz