Who knows if they did wait. Maybe they tried to come forward and were silenced. It's better not to presume too much about the mindset of victimised people, hard to know what you'd do until you're in that spot. Al Fayed was a despicable **** while he was alive and he's a despicable **** dead.
Pretty much what I would’ve said. He was a very rich man and very influential I would’ve thought. One thing I’ve learned as a cop (although I wouldn’t have to be one to learn it) is that laws are only applicable to the masses.
Some men of certain culture have little or no respect for women. Fayed needed to meet my Auntie Elsie and her neighbour,Joan, early in his life. Would have shaped him differently,I'm sure.
Lack of respect for women isn't exclusive to any one culture unfortunately. I completely get what you're saying, Islam has some real ****ing issues in this area. But of all the rich men to have been cancelled or convicted for being rancid little creeps recently, not many of them were Muslim. Excessive wealth and power is where I would lay the blame, no religion/ethnicity/nationality. Money and power is pervasive.
Yes,agree with your point. However,wealth and power is vested in only a very few....the cultures I mention exist amongst very many who have none of those.
Because, as sad as this sounds, when we report something like this, nothing ever gets done about it. it gets thrown out because not enough proof or they believe the man. famous or not, the women in these cases arent believed, or the officials beleive that the woman has woken up ashamed and wants to revenge.
I can only comment on where I work now but the allegations are taken seriously. That’s not to say they always have been because I know they weren’t. There is a famous clip on YouTube where Thames Valley Police got it spectacularly wrong. Are you saying this a female btw?
The thing is Al Fayed was a rich and powerful man. He could afford the best lawyers, use pressure like "suggesting" possible threats to jobs/ financial penalties etc. to people who went against him. Look at the "cash for questions" candle, amongst others. He used the media to put out an impression of him the opposite, a bit like Saville and Rolf Harris. He wasn't against using a bit of what the KGB used to call "kompromat" to keep people in line and use as a weapon against them when he needed it. The whole Dodi-and-Diana thing was just him manipulating a situation to his possible advantage. The only thing that could check him were other people with power, money and influence. And even then, plenty of those might have their own skeletons in the cupboard, so the nay not want risk overplaying their hand. Up against that an ordinary prole, like us, would largely be squashed. Either made to look like a gold digging liar, financially ruined through legal fees and/or loss of employment, or health wrecked through worry. It's no wonder most kept quiet until now.
If it was my missus he attacked when she was younger he would still be wearing the nail scars down both sides of his face and she wouldn’t have been bothered what job he had given her. Makes me wonder what these women are after now?
have you all forgotten jimmy saville? a well liked man when alive but it turned out he was a terrible man, those that eventually came forward told how they were basically threatened to keep quiet so only spoke after his death...it does happen with those in wealth. also seems most have forgot how that 'investigation' went flat when it (apparently) reached the house of lords and royalty, so they made do with grabbing a few 'names' and locking them up.
I know for a fact he abused his power over female graduate trainees, excited for their opportunity. A former girlfriend worked there, I used to stay with her in the accommodation on weekends. They were housed, if they accepted personal invitations were housed in better places, if they declined asked to leave and lost the place and job. Obviously don’t know the details around what went on but it left a bitter taste for her, who thought he was creepy and lost her job because she didn’t join him. She’s no fool but did nothing about him if that answers the question. This is a powerful, well connected, wealthy man abusing them and not unlike other similar scenarios. Probably given too much detail but won’t give any more for obvious reasons.
Thing is, Fayed (I won't give him the 'Al' prefix as that bestows an aristocracy on him that he wasn't entitled to) was an ordinary prole. He came from nothing. I'd argue that the same traits that lead him to becoming a billionaire are the same traits that caused him to abuse/assault people and 'successfully' get away with it- i.e. ruthlessness, selfishness, a lack of morals, a lack of empathy, no scruples, and a big fat dollop of psychopathy. The money certainly helped him get away with it but its not the cause of his offending. Sadly it seems that bad people can be successful. But not all successful people are bad.
Firstly, because there's no longer any threat. Secondly, some didn't wait but he wasn't properly investigated. Thirdly, unless you've been in such a position it's impossible to truly understand it.
Can I just ask you this have you ever had to text a parent to say what you are wearing on a night out? text a friend/parent /partner you are in a taxi coming home? go in groups to the toliet or to someone to wait for a taxi home? carry keys in your hand as weapon? have 999 ready to go on your phone? text the group of friends that you made it home safely after a night out? this is what I have to do, as woman, this is our struggle, Something happens its always us that gets scrutinised, what were you wearing did you lead him on. etc shes lyingm she wanted it to happen its never taken seriously or serious enough most cases dont make it to court. some of these women did go to the authourites but "not enough" evidence - the evidence that was destroyed by his team,