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British Politics spam thread

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by HRH Custard VC, Apr 12, 2022.

  1. DMD

    DMD Eh?
    Forum Moderator

    Jan 25, 2011
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  2. DMD

    DMD Eh?
    Forum Moderator

    Jan 25, 2011
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    It'll just be more blood on the lefties hands.

    "Somebody who told me -- somebody who knows about these things -- said any rightwing, ‘Far Right’ protestors landing up in jail can expect a very ‘cold’ reception in jail from what he says are Asian gangs inside prison who are looking out for them."

    A clip is circulating this evening of Sky News crime correspondent, Martin Brunt, at the height of the civil unrest after the Southport stabbings, stating that those imprisoned for attending or posting about anti-immigration protests online will be jumped, even murdered, by Muslim inmates

    This would be irresponsible for a journalist to say; except we know it is likely true British prisons are filled with foreign criminals and Islamic fanatics Ministry of Justice statistics show Muslim gangs make up 18 percent of the prison population -- with one in five being white converts

    We already saw how Muslims took to the streets, incensed by Keir Starmer's speeches, and believing lies about EDL acid attacks spread by Nick Lowles and Labour MP Josh Fenton-Glynn

    Will the guards be doing all they can to keep those sentenced for social media posts segregated from violent Muslim offenders? Or will the justice system look the other way, as another "deterrent" to discourage their political opponents from talking about the costs and crimes of immigration?

    Another example of a two-tier justice system in action

    Sources https://telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/03/19/one-five-muslim-prisoners-white-islamic-gangs-conversions/

    HRH Custard VC likes this.
  3. Toby

    Toby GC's Life Coach

    Jan 31, 2011
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    The rioters got much less? Should brown people get longer sentences than white people?
  4. A.L.D.O 4.1

    A.L.D.O 4.1 1 of the top defendants in Europe

    Apr 16, 2013
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    I was kid in the 80s when my auld Da was on strike for 12 weeks with ISTC. I remember my Maw having to get tick from the local butchers for weeks on end because all my Da had was strike pay and had 6 kids to feed.

    My Ma took a job as a cleaner in the local primary school to make some money to help out. She eventually became the janitor of that school about 15 years later.

    So when all those cùnts who moan about workers striking because they think they are lazy bastards or greedy cùnts talk their pìsh I know from experience that strike action is the last thing any union member wants to do. It's a last resort situation.

    And for all those champagne socialists who luvvie up a Labour party who don't back workers taking industrial action, you've what's made the Labour Party wrong.

    All types of wrong tbh.
  5. Ponders Revisited

    Ponders Revisited Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2011
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    I don't care about colour. You seem to have this on the brain.

    If you assault a police officer, you go down for a long time. If it's on film, you've got the scum bang to rights.
  6. A.L.D.O 4.1

    A.L.D.O 4.1 1 of the top defendants in Europe

    Apr 16, 2013
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    Yes it did.

    Hope this helps you fùcking tard.
    DMD likes this.
  7. DMD

    DMD Eh?
    Forum Moderator

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Ok Keith, the voters have consistently had control of the borders as one of the key issues, and you want to be seen as authoritarian wielding your legal whip, mainly because you are so limited it's ll you have, so fill yer boots, instead of the boats.

  8. A.L.D.O 4.1

    A.L.D.O 4.1 1 of the top defendants in Europe

    Apr 16, 2013
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    Deary me!

    It's not a matter of if those people are guilty. Of course they are guilty, they pled guilty.

    It's a matter of, does the punishment fit the crime?

    Does a 51 year old grandfather who has zero previous convictions deserve 18 months in prison for attending a protest and singing you're not English anymore at police officers?

    Does a mother of 3 young kids without any previous deserve 3 years in prison for rolling a wheelie bin towards a police line ?

    Does a fùcking idiot without any previous deserve 2 years inside for posting fùcking idiotic shìt on twitter?

    There has been no new laws introduced to deal with the shìt that's been happening.

    That hasn't stopped the .Gov.UK telling the judiciary how to deal with the shìt that's been happening.

    Make an example, keep them in tow.

    It's an age old story.

    Know you're fùcking place scum!
  9. DMD

    DMD Eh?
    Forum Moderator

    Jan 25, 2011
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    The judges throwing the book at them, have pretty much all let proven sex offenders walk out the courts. Unlike the rioters, those were not filmed for the media.
    Diego likes this.
  10. A.L.D.O 4.1

    A.L.D.O 4.1 1 of the top defendants in Europe

    Apr 16, 2013
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    Good old Blighty eh, the cradle of justice.

    It's never been so and never will be so.
    Diego and DMD like this.

  11. Black Caviar

    Black Caviar 1 of the top judges in Europe

    Jun 12, 2012
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    prison is a better life than the average wage slaves anyway, it not even a punishment, its an upgrade on "free" society
  12. pompeymeowth

    pompeymeowth Prepare for trouble x
    Staff Member

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Can't do the time, don't do the crime.
    Toby likes this.
  13. Diego

    Diego Lone Ranger

    Jun 29, 2011
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    Just a quick point to the masses.
    The Government calling the recent unrest "Far Right" riots are using this against the opposition and hoping to score points. it's bullshit.

    These "riots" were not politically motivated at all and it would have made **** all difference which party was in power, the vast majority of those crowds were incensed after being pushed over the edge by yet another assault on little girls enjoying a dance class and a bubble finally burst.
    Yes it was wrong to end up smashing things up and throwing stuff at the police but at least it caught the attention of the Government .
    If there had been a peaceful march of one million people there would have been a couple of photos in the next days papers then it would have been forgotten by most.
    The Government calling them "far right" riots is an attempt at point scoring off peoples fears and a refusal to accept the real cause of them.
    Makemstine Roger and DMD like this.
  14. Diego

    Diego Lone Ranger

    Jun 29, 2011
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    If you get 3 years for setting fire to a bin (classed as anti social behaviour round here) how long do you think should be handed out for breaking a police womans nose and flooring two others (all evidenced on many cameras from many angles) and should it be fast tracked as in happened saturday court monday?
  15. DMD

    DMD Eh?
    Forum Moderator

    Jan 25, 2011
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    The Unite the Kingdom events in London were diverse and peaceful events attended by tens of thousands of people. My suspicions are that it terrified Starmer that people saw that the nasty, racist far right was a total myth. The follow up, locally organised events then became targets for organised groups of agitators that had little difficulty revving up the ****wits on the fringe.

    HopeNotHate and the SWP then spread more (very obvious) fake news about further events, which they bussed people and banners to. Just have a look at the placards at each event, some of which had dates on that showed they'd been very recently made, so were clearly linked to the fake news, and only the lefties attended.

    Nick Lowles also spread fake news about acid attacks that caused muslims to attack innocent white people for simply being white. Neither he, nor many of the clearly racist rioters have even been investigated.

    Just look at these far right racists frothing. No wonder the left were so afraid.

    Last edited: Aug 20, 2024
    Makemstine Roger and Diego like this.
  16. brb

    brb CR250

    Nov 20, 2013
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    I thought the claims were that the riots were organised by the far-right, which is slightly different to calling individuals involved far-right, but could be deemed as far-right thuggery as it was organised or hijacked by far right groups.

    Maybe to detach it from political left and right, we could just call it domestic terrorism, which I assume would carry an even longer sentence so I assume those involved wouldn't want to be tarred with that brush either.

    The UK's Terrorism Act 2000 defines terrorism as the use or threat of action that: involves serious violence against a person, involves serious damage to property, and endangers a person's life.

    As this article suggests, it may not apply to all cases but it certainly must apply to some...

  17. DMD

    DMD Eh?
    Forum Moderator

    Jan 25, 2011
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    There's an awful lot of misinformation being pushed by the media about the events.

    There is no organised far right in the UK, they're just a bogeyman invented by the governments and continued by Starmer and pushed by the mainstream media. The event organisers made a big play of the message being for peace and unity, and the events were very diverse, with people from all political persuasion and creeds.

    The people rioting were largely the local scrotes taking advantage of the situation. Going to prison will not bother most of them in the slightest.

    Conversely, the agitators were largely the same people that get bussed in to many events and they have been organised for decades. I know this from first hand experience where solicitors are on call and fines paid on behalf of anyone convicted.

    The left v right is misdirection to take the focus away from the governments failures at the border, and the problems they generate including the issues with grooming gangs.
    Makemstine Roger and Diego like this.
  18. Diego

    Diego Lone Ranger

    Jun 29, 2011
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    Or you could just call it what it was, a protest march that decended into a riot?
    Makemstine Roger and DMD like this.
  19. Toby

    Toby GC's Life Coach

    Jan 31, 2011
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    Writing social media posts saying 'Kill all muslims' and 'burn down the hotels with asylum seekers' during a riot is a ****ish thing to do. It's normal that you deserve repercussions for doing it.

    Going round town setting fire to hotels full of innocent human beings, attacking mosques and looting deserves punishment too.

    Crying about it and reading headlines instead of understanding the sentencing is low-IQ behaviour. All these 'all he did was shout at police' excuses are from people that haven't spent 2 minutes looking into why they got a small sentence.

    I challenge any one of you to find me one example of an unfar punishment. Just one. One simple example. Apparently there are loads?
  20. DMD

    DMD Eh?
    Forum Moderator

    Jan 25, 2011
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    For those that follow events deeply or have an open mind, no explanation is necessary, for those that simply follow a sub editors headline, no explanation is possible, largely because they refuse to see it anyway.

    The same people reveling in the sentencing, are silent about calls for death and destruction from other groups even though those groups have a history of following through on the threats. It means those that are silent are racists.
    Makemstine Roger and Diego like this.

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