It’s literally his job to promote his player. I don’t think premier league scouts are going to see that and think “crikey he looks good”
Agree with you, Harte is doing his job by representing his player. We all expect Clarke to move at some stage, it's up to the club to get the best deal possible and Harte to get the best deal for his player
I get he is doing his job it just pisses me off, literally every transfer window he tries to put him in the shop window and he has done it for so long I refuse to believe he has Clarke's interests at heart. The lad is under contract and appears to be happy here. If he doesn't get sold I fully expect sound bites from Harte after the window has closed saying he is happy and under contract. Then he will do the exact same in December. I could be wrong, it could also mean that Clarke is open to a move. I know if I was happy and my agent was doing this i'd be far from happy.
I get what you are saying but Harte's job is to get the best deal possible for his players. As supporters we notice when these things happen with one of our players, but this will be happening all over the country. Clarke is being extremely professional by making no comment and by turning out a couple of exceptional performances. However if he gets a better offer that the club accept he will be away. It's business and also part of our model, a players loyalty rest with himself and his family.
No! He has an agent,as all these players do,to try to get him the best deal,whether or not he's open to a move as you suggest. He's not going to sack his agent because he doesn't want to look at the opportunity of a move.
If he was 100% happy and there was no way he was going to move his agent would be there to get the best deal from SAFC and wouldn't be mentioning every few months how he needs to move on. I mean I suppose that gets hom the best deal from SAFC. I don't think he will over to any club just cause it's more money or premier league but I don't think there is much chance he isn't open to a move!
Hemir and Mayenda would benefit massively, having someone like Mendy at the club. The poor lads have no one to learn off since they joined
Harte knows he has a gem here.He will use every opportunity he has to present JC and use that for the benefit of his client and himself. Of course he will try to get the best money for Jack and himself both from us and anyone else who's interested. However,the player needs to be happy with his prospects and ambitions. Does anyone seriously believe that a move to Leeds would give Jack any more chances at the future than if he stayed with us?
Get us a proper striker or two / some other goals and keep our key players and I think we’re in with a shout tbh.
For me if he went to Leeds it'll be a step backwards, he's left them once already when he was a youngun and he's a more mature player now. He knows he can get a better PL club to go to. Leeds won't be back in the prem for a long time
No chance, Leeds and us are about even. But he is a Leeds lad, not saying he is pushing for that move either. I think he has asked Harte to look for a premier league move. I wouldn't be surprised if the brief from Jack was a mid-table prem team and not down South which doesn't really leave him with many options so we are now seeing championship teams named. Reckon he will look at them and think **** it I'll stay (I hope!!)